Multivariate Regression Example -- Timm -- pg 314

data timm;
input apt ppvt rpmt n s ns na ss;
49 48  8  1  2  6 12 16
47 76 13  5 14 14 30 27
11 40 13  0 10 21 16 16
 9 52  9  0  2  5 17  8
69 63 15  2  7 11 26 17
35 82 14  2 15 21 34 25
 6 71 21  0  1 20 23 18
 8 68  8  0  0 10 19 14
49 74 11  0  0  7 16 13
 8 70 15  3  2 21 26 25
47 70 15  8 16 15 35 24
 6 61 11  5  4  7 15 14
14 54 12  1 12 13 27 21
30 55 13  2  1 12 20 17
 4 54 10  3 12 20 26 22
24 40 14  0  2  5 14  8
19 66 13  7 12 21 35 27
45 54 10  0  6  6 14 16
22 64 14 12  8 19 27 26
16 47 16  3  9 15 18 10
32 48 16  0  7  9 14 18
37 52 14  4  6 20 26 26
47 74 19  4  9 14 23 23
 5 57 12  0  2  4 11  8
 6 57 10  0  1 16 15 17
60 80 11  3  8 18 28 21
58 78 13  1 18 19 34 23
 6 70 16  2 11  9 23 11
16 47 14  0 10  7 12  8
45 94 19  8 10 28 32 32
 9 63 11  2 12  5 25 14
69 76 16  7 11 18 29 21
35 59 11  2  5 10 23 24
19 55  8  0  1 14 19 12
58 74 14  1  0 10 18 18
58 71 17  6  4 23 31 26
79 54 14  0  6  6 15 14
proc reg;
 model apt ppvt rpmt = n s ns na ss;


Model: MODEL1
Dependent Variable: APT

                           Analysis of Variance

                           Sum of         Mean
  Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

  Model            5   3653.77324    730.75465        1.626       0.1824
  Error           31  13929.52406    449.33949
  C Total         36  17583.29730

      Root MSE      21.19763     R-square       0.2078
      Dep Mean      31.27027     Adj R-sq       0.0800
      C.V.          67.78844

                            Parameter Estimates

                    Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
   Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|

   INTERCEP   1      4.151060   13.79833728         0.301        0.7655
   N          1     -0.608872    1.67108493        -0.364        0.7181
   S          1     -0.050156    0.94150677        -0.053        0.9579
   NS         1     -1.732395    0.91046153        -1.903        0.0664
   NA         1      0.494565    1.03689999         0.477        0.6367
   SS         1      2.247721    1.10096010         2.042        0.0498


Dependent Variable: PPVT

                           Analysis of Variance

                           Sum of         Mean
  Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

  Model            5   2883.67590    576.73518        6.467       0.0003
  Error           31   2764.75653     89.18569
  C Total         36   5648.43243

      Root MSE       9.44382     R-square       0.5105
      Dep Mean      62.64865     Adj R-sq       0.4316
      C.V.          15.07426


                            Parameter Estimates

                    Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
   Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|

   INTERCEP   1     33.005769    6.14733759         5.369        0.0001
   N          1     -0.080567    0.74448994        -0.108        0.9145
   S          1     -0.721050    0.41945344        -1.719        0.0956
   NS         1     -0.298303    0.40562238        -0.735        0.4676
   NA         1      1.470418    0.46195235         3.183        0.0033
   SS         1      0.323965    0.49049195         0.660        0.5138


Dependent Variable: RPMT

                           Analysis of Variance

                           Sum of         Mean
  Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F

  Model            5     76.52860     15.30572        1.769       0.1486
  Error           31    268.28221      8.65426
  C Total         36    344.81081

      Root MSE       2.94181     R-square       0.2219
      Dep Mean      13.24324     Adj R-sq       0.0965
      C.V.          22.21369


                            Parameter Estimates

                    Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
   Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|

   INTERCEP   1     11.173378    1.91493727         5.835        0.0001
   N          1      0.210995    0.23191365         0.910        0.3699
   S          1      0.064567    0.13066258         0.494        0.6247
   NS         1      0.213584    0.12635412         1.690        0.1010
   NA         1     -0.037318    0.14390128        -0.259        0.7971
   SS         1     -0.052143    0.15279156        -0.341        0.7352


Multivariate Test:

               Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations

                          S=3    M=0.5    N=13.5

Statistic                    Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda             0.34316907     2.5381        15  80.45763  0.0039
Pillai's Trace            0.82528864     2.3529        15        93  0.0066
Hotelling-Lawley Trace    1.44875712     2.6722        15        83  0.0023
Roy's Greatest Root       1.05511542     6.5417         5        31  0.0003

       NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.