Principal Components Example -- Harman -- pg 164
Same data as Assignment 10
Based on 172 9 to 12 year old children

y1 sociability
y2 sorrow
y3 tenderness
y4 joy
y5 wonder
y6 disgust
y6 anger
y8 fear


data emofac (type=corr);
input _name_ $ y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8;
y1 1.00 0.83 0.81 0.80 0.71 0.54 0.53 0.24
y2 0.83 1.00 0.87 0.62 0.59 0.58 0.44 0.45
y3 0.81 0.87 1.00 0.63 0.37 0.30 0.12 0.33
y4 0.80 0.62 0.63 1.00 0.49 0.30 0.28 0.29
y5 0.71 0.59 0.37 0.49 1.00 0.34 0.55 0.19
y6 0.54 0.58 0.30 0.30 0.34 1.00 0.32 0.21
y7 0.53 0.44 0.12 0.28 0.55 0.32 1.00 0.10
y8 0.24 0.45 0.33 0.29 0.19 0.21 0.10 1.00
proc factor method=prin rotate=varimax rotate=promax;
  var y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8;

Initial Factor Method: Principal Components

                   Prior Communality Estimates: ONE

      Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix:  Total = 8  Average = 1

                              1           2           3           4
       Eigenvalue        4.4178      1.1362      0.8436      0.7236
       Difference        3.2816      0.2926      0.1200      0.2976
       Proportion        0.5522      0.1420      0.1054      0.0905
       Cumulative        0.5522      0.6942      0.7997      0.8901

                              5           6           7           8
       Eigenvalue        0.4261      0.3887      0.0842     -0.0201
       Difference        0.0374      0.3044      0.1044
       Proportion        0.0533      0.0486      0.0105     -0.0025
       Cumulative        0.9434      0.9920      1.0025      1.0000

           2 factors will be retained by the MINEIGEN criterion.

Initial Factor Method: Principal Components

                              Factor Pattern

                                FACTOR1    FACTOR2
                       Y1       0.96033*   0.06262  sociability
                       Y2       0.93312*  -0.14613  sorrow
                       Y3       0.80106*  -0.44173  tenderness
                       Y4       0.78012*  -0.16374  joy
                       Y5       0.73055*   0.40061  wonder
                       Y6       0.59903*   0.16011  disgust
                       Y7       0.54723*   0.68577* anger
                       Y8       0.42726   -0.48224  fear

                     Variance explained by each factor

                              FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                             4.417774  1.136176

Initial Factor Method: Principal Components

               Final Communality Estimates: Total = 5.553950

                         Y1        Y2        Y3        Y4
                   0.926151  0.892059  0.836820  0.635396

                         Y5        Y6        Y7        Y8
                   0.694193  0.384476  0.769743  0.415112

Prerotation Method: Varimax

                     Orthogonal Transformation Matrix

                                     1         2
                           1      0.72833   0.68523
                           2     -0.68523   0.72833

Prerotation Method: Varimax

                          Rotated Factor Pattern

                                FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                       Y1       0.65652*   0.70365* sociability
                       Y2       0.77975*   0.53297* sorrow
                       Y3       0.88612*   0.22718  tenderness
                       Y4       0.68038*   0.41530  joy
                       Y5       0.25757    0.79237* wonder
                       Y6       0.32659    0.52708* disgust
                       Y7      -0.07134    0.87444* anger
                       Y8       0.64163*  -0.05846  fear

                     Variance explained by each factor

                              FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                             2.876948  2.677002

Prerotation Method: Varimax

               Final Communality Estimates: Total = 5.553950

                         Y1        Y2        Y3        Y4
                   0.926151  0.892059  0.836820  0.635396

                         Y5        Y6        Y7        Y8
                   0.694193  0.384476  0.769743  0.415112

Rotation Method: Promax

               Target Matrix for Procrustean Transformation

                                  FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                       Y1         0.32145   0.39480
                       Y2         0.56971   0.18148
                       Y3         0.92027   0.01547
                       Y4         0.62962   0.14284
                       Y5         0.02991   0.86873
                       Y6         0.14794   0.62038
                       Y7        -0.00054   1.00000
                       Y8         1.00000  -0.00075

Rotation Method: Promax

                     Procrustean Transformation Matrix

                                     1         2
                           1      1.04462  -0.29739
                           2     -0.24943   1.05127

                 Normalized Oblique Transformation Matrix

                                     1         2
                           1      0.62939   0.52835
                           2     -0.95752   1.01677

Rotation Method: Promax

                         Inter-factor Correlations

                                  FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                       FACTOR1    1.00000   0.48824
                       FACTOR2    0.48824   1.00000

Rotation Method: Promax

                  Rotated Factor Pattern (Std Reg Coefs)

                                  FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                       Y1         0.54446*   0.57106* sociability
                       Y2         0.72722*   0.34443  sorrow
                       Y3         0.92715*  -0.02591  tenderness
                       Y4         0.64778*   0.24569  joy
                       Y5         0.07620    0.79332* wonder
                       Y6         0.22372    0.47929  disgust
                       Y7        -0.31221    0.98640* anger
                       Y8         0.73067*  -0.26459  fear

Rotation Method: Promax

                        Reference Axis Correlations

                                  FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                       FACTOR1    1.00000  -0.48824
                       FACTOR2   -0.48824   1.00000

Rotation Method: Promax

              Reference Structure (Semipartial Correlations)

                                  FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                       Y1         0.47516    0.49837* sociability
                       Y2         0.63465*   0.30059  sorrow
                       Y3         0.80913*  -0.02261  tenderness
                       Y4         0.56533*   0.21442  joy
                       Y5         0.06650    0.69234* wonder
                       Y6         0.19525    0.41828  disgust  
                       Y7        -0.27247    0.86084* anger
                       Y8         0.63767*  -0.23091  fear

        Variance explained by each factor eliminating other factors

                              FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                             2.126251  1.833875

Rotation Method: Promax

                      Factor Structure (Correlations)

                                  FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                       Y1         0.82327*   0.83689* sociability
                       Y2         0.89538*   0.69948* sorrow
                       Y3         0.91450*   0.42676  tenderness
                       Y4         0.76774*   0.56196* joy
                       Y5         0.46353    0.83052* wonder
                       Y6         0.45773    0.58852* disgust
                       Y7         0.16938    0.83397* anger
                       Y8         0.60149*   0.09215  fear

         Variance explained by each factor ignoring other factors

                              FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                             3.720075  3.427699

Rotation Method: Promax

               Final Communality Estimates: Total = 5.553950

                         Y1        Y2        Y3        Y4
                   0.926151  0.892059  0.836820  0.635396

                         Y5        Y6        Y7        Y8
                   0.694193  0.384476  0.769743  0.415112