data oneway;
input group y1 y2 y3 x1 x2;
1 19.6 5.15 9.5  1  1
1 15.4 5.75 9.1  1  1
1 22.3 4.35 3.3  1  1
1 24.3 7.55 5.0  1  1
1 22.5 8.50 6.0   1  1
1 20.5 10.25 5.0  1  1
1 14.1 5.95 18.8  1  1
1 13.0 6.30 16.5  1  1
1 14.1 5.45 8.9  1  1
1 16.7 3.75 6.0  1  1
1 16.8 5.10 7.4  1  1
2 17.1 9.00 7.5 -1  1
2 15.7 5.30 8.5 -1  1
2 14.9 9.85 6.0 -1  1
2 19.7 3.60 2.9 -1  1
2 17.2 4.05 0.2 -1  1
2 16.0 4.40 2.6 -1  1
2 12.8 7.15 7.0 -1  1
2 13.6 7.25 3.2 -1  1
2 14.2 5.30 6.2 -1  1
2 13.1 3.10 5.5 -1  1
2 16.5 2.40 6.6 -1  1
3 16.0 4.55 2.9  0 -2
3 12.5 2.65 0.7  0 -2
3 18.5 6.50 5.3  0 -2
3 19.2 4.85 8.3  0 -2
3 12.0 8.75 9.0  0 -2
3 13.0 5.20 10.3  0 -2
3 11.9 4.75 8.5  0 -2
3 12.0 5.85 9.5  0 -2
3 19.8 2.85 2.3  0 -2
3 16.5 6.55 3.3  0 -2
3 17.4 6.60 1.9  0 -2
proc reg; 
model y1 y2 y3 = x1 x2;
                              The SAS System                        

Model: MODEL1
Dependent Variable: Y1

                           Analysis of Variance

                           Sum of         Mean
  Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
  Model            2     52.92424     26.46212        2.701       0.0835
  Error           30    293.96545      9.79885
  C Total         32    346.88970

      Root MSE       3.13031     R-square       0.1526
      Dep Mean      16.33030     Adj R-sq       0.0961
      C.V.          19.16873

                            Parameter Estimate

                    Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
   Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
   INTERCEP   1     16.330303    0.54491724        29.968        0.0001
   X1         1      1.295455    0.66738460         1.941        0.0617
   X2         1      0.492424    0.38531468         1.278        0.2111


Dependent Variable: Y2

                           Analysis of Variance

                           Sum of         Mean
  Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
  Model            2      3.97515      1.98758        0.472       0.6282
  Error           30    126.28727      4.20958
  C Total         32    130.26242

      Root MSE       2.05173     R-square       0.0305
      Dep Mean       5.71515     Adj R-sq      -0.0341
      C.V.          35.89975

                            Parameter Estimates

                    Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
   Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
   INTERCEP   1      5.715152    0.35715949        16.002        0.0001
   X1         1      0.304545    0.43742925         0.696        0.4917
   X2         1      0.171212    0.25254990         0.678        0.5030


Dependent Variable: Y3

                           Analysis of Variance

                           Sum of         Mean
  Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
  Model            2     81.82970     40.91485        2.879       0.0718
  Error           30    426.37091     14.21236
  C Total         32    508.20061

      Root MSE       3.76993     R-square       0.1610
      Dep Mean       6.47576     Adj R-sq       0.1051
      C.V.          58.21603

                            Parameter Estimates

                    Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
   Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
   INTERCEP   1      6.475758    0.65626038         9.868        0.0001
   X1         1      1.786364    0.80375153         2.223        0.0339
   X2         1      0.419697    0.46404616         0.904        0.3730


Multivariate Test:

               Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations

                            S=2    M=0    N=13

Statistic                    Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
Wilks' Lambda             0.52578837     3.5382         6        56  0.0049
Pillai's Trace            0.47667015     3.0248         6        58  0.0122
Hotelling-Lawley Trace    0.89723004     4.0375         6        54  0.0021
Roy's Greatest Root       0.89198797     8.6226         3        29  0.0003

       NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.
               NOTE: F Statistic for Wilks' Lambda is exact.