Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis Example -- Harman -- pg 

y1 total population
y2 median school years
y3 total employment
y4 misc. profess services
y5 median value house


data socfac (type=corr);
input _name_ $ y1 y2 y3 y4 y5;
y1 1.00000 0.00975 0.97245 0.43887 0.02241
y2 0.00975 1.00000 0.15428 0.69141 0.86307
y3 0.97245 0.15428 1.00000 0.51472 0.12193
y4 0.43887 0.69141 0.51472 1.00000 0.77765
y5 0.02241 0.86307 0.12193 0.77765 1.00000
proc factor method=ml priors=smc heywood rotate=varimax rotate=promax;
  title 'ML Factor Analysis Example';

                        ML Factor Analysis Example                      

Initial Factor Method: Maximum Likelihood

                   Prior Communality Estimates: SMC

                    Y1        Y2        Y3        Y4        Y5
              0.968593  0.822273  0.969182  0.785718  0.847008

    Preliminary Eigenvalues:  Total = 76.1173815  Average = 15.2234763

                        1           2           3           4           5
 Eigenvalue       63.7028     13.0539      0.3275     -0.3473     -0.6195
 Difference       50.6489     12.7263      0.6748      0.2722
 Proportion        0.8369      0.1715      0.0043     -0.0046     -0.0081
 Cumulative        0.8369      1.0084      1.0127      1.0081      1.0000

          2 factors will be retained by the PROPORTION criterion.

Iter Criterion    Ridge   Change   Communalities
  1    0.34305    0.000  0.04710   1.00000 0.80672 0.95058 0.79348 0.89411
  2    0.30713    0.000  0.03069   1.00000 0.80821 0.96024 0.81047 0.92480
  3    0.30670    0.000  0.00629   1.00000 0.81149 0.95949 0.81676 0.92023
  4    0.30665    0.000  0.00218   1.00000 0.80985 0.95963 0.81498 0.92241
  5    0.30665    0.000  0.00071   1.00000 0.81019 0.95956 0.81569 0.92187

                     Convergence criterion satisfied.

Initial Factor Method: Maximum Likelihood

     Significance tests based on 10000 observations:

        Test of H0: No common factors.
             vs HA: At least one common factor.

        Chi-square = 63803.130   df = 10   Prob>chi**2 = 0.0001

        Test of H0: 2 Factors are sufficient.
             vs HA: More factors are needed.

        Chi-square = 3065.006   df = 1   Prob>chi**2 = 0.0001

     Chi-square without Bartlett's correction = 3066.1812237
     Akaike's Information Criterion = 3064.1812237
     Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion = 3056.9708833
     Tucker and Lewis's Reliability Coefficient = 0.5196965955

Initial Factor Method: Maximum Likelihood

                      Squared Canonical Correlations

                              FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                             1.000000  0.951887

          Eigenvalues of the Weighted Reduced Correlation Matrix:
                  Total = 19.7845481  Average = 4.94613703

                        1           2           3           4           5
 Eigenvalue         .         19.7845      0.5431     -0.0398     -0.5033
 Difference         .         19.2414      0.5829      0.4636
 Proportion         .          1.0000      0.0275     -0.0020     -0.0254
 Cumulative         .          1.0000      1.0275      1.0254      1.0000

Initial Factor Method: Maximum Likelihood

                              Factor Pattern

                                  FACTOR1    FACTOR2
                       Y1         1.00000*   0.00000   total population
                       Y2         0.00975    0.90003*  median school years
                       Y3         0.97245*   0.11797   total employment
                       Y4         0.43887    0.78930*  misc. profess services
                       Y5         0.02241    0.95989*  median value house

                     Variance explained by each factor

                                   FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                      Weighted   24.435550 19.784547
                      Unweighted  2.138863  2.368350

Initial Factor Method: Maximum Likelihood

             Final Communality Estimates and Variable Weights
      Total Communality: Weighted = 44.220097   Unweighted = 4.507214

                          Y1        Y2        Y3        Y4        Y5
      Communality   1.000000  0.810150  0.959576  0.815599  0.921888
      Weight         .        5.268444 24.727338  5.425519 12.798798

Prerotation Method: Varimax

                     Orthogonal Transformation Matrix

                                     1         2
                           1      0.02133   0.99977
                           2      0.99977  -0.02133

                          Rotated Factor Pattern

                                  FACTOR1    FACTOR2
                       Y1         0.02133    0.99977*  total population
                       Y2         0.90003*  -0.00945   median school years
                       Y3         0.13869    0.96971*  total employment
                       Y4         0.79848*   0.42193   misc. profess services
                       Y5         0.96015*   0.00193   median value house

Prerotation Method: Varimax

                     Variance explained by each factor

                                   FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                      Weighted   20.001570 24.218527
                      Unweighted  2.389209  2.118004

             Final Communality Estimates and Variable Weights
      Total Communality: Weighted = 44.220097   Unweighted = 4.507214

                          Y1        Y2        Y3        Y4        Y5
      Communality   1.000000  0.810150  0.959576  0.815599  0.921888
      Weight         .        5.268444 24.727338  5.425519 12.798798

Rotation Method: Promax

               Target Matrix for Procrustean Transformation

                                  FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                       Y1         0.00001   1.00000
                       Y2         0.99984  -0.00000
                       Y3         0.00284   0.97075
                       Y4         0.69117   0.10205
                       Y5         1.00000   0.00000

                     Procrustean Transformation Matrix

                                     1         2

                           1      1.03022  -0.09567
                           2     -0.10099   0.95877

Rotation Method: Promax

                 Normalized Oblique Transformation Matrix

                                     1         2

                           1     -0.07781   1.01233
                           2      1.01678  -0.12288

                         Inter-factor Correlations

                                  FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                       FACTOR1    1.00000   0.19589
                       FACTOR2    0.19589   1.00000

Rotation Method: Promax

                  Rotated Factor Pattern (Std Reg Coefs)

                                  FACTOR1    FACTOR2
                       Y1        -0.07781    1.01233*  total population
                       Y2         0.91438*  -0.10072   median school years
                       Y3         0.04428    0.96994*  total employment
                       Y4         0.76840*   0.34729   misc. profess services
                       Y5         0.97426*  -0.09526   median value house

                        Reference Axis Correlations

                                  FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                       FACTOR1    1.00000  -0.19589
                       FACTOR2   -0.19589   1.00000

Rotation Method: Promax

              Reference Structure (Semipartial Correlations)

                                  FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                       Y1        -0.07630   0.99271
                       Y2         0.89666  -0.09877
                       Y3         0.04343   0.95115
                       Y4         0.75351   0.34056
                       Y5         0.95538  -0.09342

        Variance explained by each factor eliminating other factors

                                   FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                      Weighted   19.045100 23.162829
                      Unweighted  2.292243  2.024633

Rotation Method: Promax

                      Factor Structure (Correlations)

                                  FACTOR1    FACTOR2
                       Y1         0.12050    0.99708*  total population
                       Y2         0.89465*   0.07840   median school years
                       Y3         0.23429    0.97862*  total employment
                       Y4         0.83643*   0.49782   misc. profess services
                       Y5         0.95559*   0.09559   median value house

         Variance explained by each factor ignoring other factors

                                   FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                      Weighted   21.057268 25.174997
                      Unweighted  2.482581  2.214971

Rotation Method: Promax

             Final Communality Estimates and Variable Weights
      Total Communality: Weighted = 44.220097   Unweighted = 4.507214

                          Y1        Y2        Y3        Y4        Y5
      Communality   1.000000  0.810150  0.959576  0.815599  0.921888
      Weight         .        5.268444 24.727338  5.425519 12.798798