/*Hotellings T2 data from Morrison - pg 154*/
/*These data are the same as Assignment #3*/
data hotel;
input y1 y2 y3 group;
1.21 .61 .70 1
 .92 .43 .71 1
 .80 .35 .71 1
 .85 .48 .68 1
 .98 .42 .71 1
1.15 .52 .72 1
1.10 .50 .75 1
1.02 .53 .70 1
1.18 .45 .70 1
1.09 .40 .69 1
1.40 .50 .71 2
1.17 .39 .69 2
1.23 .44 .70 2
1.19 .37 .72 2
1.38 .42 .71 2
1.17 .45 .70 2
1.31 .41 .70 2
1.30 .47 .67 2
1.22 .29 .68 2
1.00 .30 .70 2
1.12 .27 .72 2
1.09 .35 .73 2
proc glm; class group;
 model y1 y2 y3 = group;
 manova h=group;

Hotelling's T2 Example 1


                      General Linear Models Procedure
                          Class Level Information

                         Class    Levels    Values

                         GROUP         2    1 2

                  Number of observations in data set = 22


Dependent Variable: Y1
                                   Sum of          Mean
Source                  DF        Squares        Square  F Value    Pr > F

Model                    1     0.18668182    0.18668182    11.27    0.0031

Error                   20     0.33130000    0.01656500

Corrected Total         21     0.51798182

                  R-Square           C.V.      Root MSE            Y1 Mean

                  0.360402       11.38068       0.12871            1.13091


Dependent Variable: Y1

Source                  DF      Type I SS   Mean Square  F Value    Pr > F

GROUP                    1     0.18668182    0.18668182    11.27    0.0031

Source                  DF    Type III SS   Mean Square  F Value    Pr > F

GROUP                    1     0.18668182    0.18668182    11.27    0.0031



Dependent Variable: Y2
                                   Sum of          Mean
Source                  DF        Squares        Square  F Value    Pr > F

Model                    1     0.03549333    0.03549333     6.40    0.0199

Error                   20     0.11085667    0.00554283

Corrected Total         21     0.14635000

                  R-Square           C.V.      Root MSE            Y2 Mean

                  0.242524       17.51770       0.07445            0.42500


Dependent Variable: Y2

Source                  DF      Type I SS   Mean Square  F Value    Pr > F

GROUP                    1     0.03549333    0.03549333     6.40    0.0199

Source                  DF    Type III SS   Mean Square  F Value    Pr > F

GROUP                    1     0.03549333    0.03549333     6.40    0.0199


Dependent Variable: Y3
                                   Sum of          Mean
Source                  DF        Squares        Square  F Value    Pr > F

Model                    1     0.00011045    0.00011045     0.34    0.5645

Error                   20     0.00643500    0.00032175

Corrected Total         21     0.00654545

                  R-Square           C.V.      Root MSE            Y3 Mean

                  0.016875       2.545952       0.01794            0.70455

Dependent Variable: Y3

Source                  DF      Type I SS   Mean Square  F Value    Pr > F

GROUP                    1     0.00011045    0.00011045     0.34    0.5645

Source                  DF    Type III SS   Mean Square  F Value    Pr > F

GROUP                    1     0.00011045    0.00011045     0.34    0.5645


                      General Linear Models Procedure
                     Multivariate Analysis of Variance

         Characteristic Roots and Vectors of: E Inverse * H, where
       H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for GROUP   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

Characteristic  Percent        Characteristic Vector  V'EV=1
                                    Y1             Y2              Y3
2.61710531    100.00           -2.15110857     3.53381589      2.14703155

0.00000000      0.00            0.21179716    -0.20293819     12.34507152

0.00000000      0.00            0.81860064     1.87736923      0.00000000


                      General Linear Models Procedure
                     Multivariate Analysis of Variance

             Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
                 the Hypothesis of no Overall GROUP Effect
       H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for GROUP   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                            S=1    M=0.5    N=8

Statistic                    Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F

Wilks' Lambda             0.27646417    15.7026         3        18  0.0001
Pillai's Trace            0.72353583    15.7026         3        18  0.0001
Hotelling-Lawley Trace    2.61710531    15.7026         3        18  0.0001
Roy's Greatest Root       2.61710531    15.7026         3        18  0.0001