Factor Analysis Example -- Harman -- pg 14
12 census tracts

y1 total population
y2 median school years
y3 total employment
y4 misc. profess services
y5 median value house


data socfac (type=corr);
input _name_ $ y1 y2 y3 y4 y5;
y1 1.00000 0.00975 0.97245 0.43887 0.02241
y2 0.00975 1.00000 0.15428 0.69141 0.86307
y3 0.97245 0.15428 1.00000 0.51472 0.12193
y4 0.43887 0.69141 0.51472 1.00000 0.77765
y5 0.02241 0.86307 0.12193 0.77765 1.00000
proc factor method=prin priors=smc rotate=varimax rotate=promax;
  title 'Factor Analysis Example';

                          Factor Analysis Example                       

Initial Factor Method: Principal Factors

                   Prior Communality Estimates: SMC

                    Y1        Y2        Y3        Y4        Y5
              0.968593  0.822273  0.969182  0.785718  0.847008

              Eigenvalues of the Reduced Correlation Matrix:
                   Total = 4.3927727  Average = 0.87855454

                        1           2           3           4           5
 Eigenvalue        2.7343      1.7161      0.0395     -0.0245     -0.0726
 Difference        1.0182      1.6765      0.0641      0.0481
 Proportion        0.6225      0.3907      0.0090     -0.0056     -0.0165
 Cumulative        0.6225      1.0131      1.0221      1.0165      1.0000

          2 factors will be retained by the PROPORTION criterion.

Initial Factor Method: Principal Factors

                              Factor Pattern
                                  FACTOR1    FACTOR2
                       Y1         0.62533*   0.76621*  total population
                       Y2         0.71369*  -0.55516*  median school years
                       Y3         0.71448*   0.67935*  total employment
                       Y4         0.87899*  -0.15847   misc. profess services
                       Y5         0.74215*  -0.57806*  median value house

                     Variance explained by each factor

                              FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                             2.734294  1.716066

Initial Factor Method: Principal Factors

               Final Communality Estimates: Total = 4.450360

                    Y1        Y2        Y3        Y4        Y5
              0.978115  0.817560  0.972001  0.797741  0.884943

Prerotation Method: Varimax

                     Orthogonal Transformation Matrix

                                     1         2
                           1      0.78894   0.61446
                           2     -0.61446   0.78894

                          Rotated Factor Pattern

                                  FACTOR1    FACTOR2
                       Y1         0.02254    0.98874*  total population
                       Y2         0.90419*   0.00055   median school years
                       Y3         0.14625    0.97499*  total employment
                       Y4         0.79085*   0.41509   misc. profess services
                       Y5         0.94071*  -0.00004   median value house

Prerotation Method: Varimax

                     Variance explained by each factor

                              FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                             2.349845  2.100515

               Final Communality Estimates: Total = 4.450360

                    Y1        Y2        Y3        Y4        Y5
              0.978115  0.817560  0.972001  0.797741  0.884943

Rotation Method: Promax

               Target Matrix for Procrustean Transformation

                                  FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                       Y1         0.00001   1.00000
                       Y2         1.00000   0.00000
                       Y3         0.00326   0.96793
                       Y4         0.69421   0.10045
                       Y5         1.00000  -0.00000

                     Procrustean Transformation Matrix

                                     1         2
                           1      1.04117  -0.09865
                           2     -0.10572   0.96303

Rotation Method: Promax

                 Normalized Oblique Transformation Matrix

                                     1         2
                           1      0.73803   0.54203
                           2     -0.70555   0.86527

                         Inter-factor Correlations

                                  FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                       FACTOR1    1.00000   0.20188
                       FACTOR2    0.20188   1.00000

Rotation Method: Promax

                  Rotated Factor Pattern (Std Reg Coefs)

                                  FACTOR1    FACTOR2
                       Y1        -0.07908    1.00193*  total population
                       Y2         0.91842*  -0.09352   median school years
                       Y3         0.04799    0.97509*  total employment
                       Y4         0.76053*   0.33932   misc. profess services
                       Y5         0.95558*  -0.09792   median value house

                        Reference Axis Correlations

                                  FACTOR1   FACTOR2

                       FACTOR1    1.00000  -0.20188
                       FACTOR2   -0.20188   1.00000

Rotation Method: Promax

              Reference Structure (Semipartial Correlations)

                                  FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                       Y1        -0.07746   0.98129
                       Y2         0.89951  -0.09160
                       Y3         0.04700   0.95501
                       Y4         0.74487   0.33233
                       Y5         0.93591  -0.09590

        Variance explained by each factor eliminating other factors

                              FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                             2.248078  2.003022

Rotation Method: Promax

                      Factor Structure (Correlations)

                                  FACTOR1    FACTOR2
                       Y1         0.12319    0.98596*  total population
                       Y2         0.89954*   0.09189   median school years
                       Y3         0.24485    0.98478*  total employment
                       Y4         0.82903*   0.49286   misc. profess services
                       Y5         0.93581*   0.09500   median value house

         Variance explained by each factor ignoring other factors

                              FACTOR1   FACTOR2
                             2.447338  2.202282

Rotation Method: Promax

               Final Communality Estimates: Total = 4.450360

                    Y1        Y2        Y3        Y4        Y5
              0.978115  0.817560  0.972001  0.797741  0.884943