->   /GROUPS=group(1 3)
->   /VARIABLES=y1 y2 y3

This DISCRIMINANT analysis requires 656 bytes of memory.

 - - - - - - - -   D I S C R I M I N A N T   A N A L Y S I S   - - - - - - - -

On groups defined by GROUP

            59 (Unweighted) cases were processed.
            26 of these were excluded from the analysis.
                0 had missing or out-of-range group codes.
               26 had both.
            33 (Unweighted) cases will be used in the analysis.

Number of cases by group

                Number of cases
  GROUP     Unweighted     Weighted  Label
         1          11         11.0
         2          11         11.0
         3          11         11.0
     Total          33         33.0

Pooled within-groups covariance matrix with 30 degrees of freedom

                      Y1             Y2             Y3
 Y1              9.7988
 Y2               .2184         4.2096
 Y3             -6.9259         1.1395        14.2124

Total convariance matrix with 32 degrees of freedom

                      Y1             Y2             Y3
 Y1              10.8403
 Y2                .6498         4.0707
 Y3              -4.4758         1.5905        15.8813

 - - - - - - - -   D I S C R I M I N A N T   A N A L Y S I S   - - - - - - - -

On groups defined by GROUP

                       Canonical Discriminant Functions

                 Pct of   Cum  Canonical  After  Wilks'
 Fcn Eigenvalue Variance  Pct     Corr      Fcn  Lambda  Chi-square  df  Sig
                                        :    0 .525788     18.643     6  .0048
  1*     .8920   99.42   99.42    .6866 :    1 .994785       .152     2  .9270
  2*     .0052     .58  100.00    .0722 :

   * Marks the 2 canonical discriminant functions remaining in the analysis.

Standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients

             Func  1    Func  2
Y1           1.09906     .24735
Y2           -.02092     .77416
Y3           1.10988    -.54112

Structure matrix:

Pooled within-groups correlations between discriminating variables
                                  and canonical discriminant functions

             Func  1    Func  2
Y1            .44697     .59125*
Y2            .17996     .70285*
Y3            .46178    -.57223*

* denotes largest absolute correlation between each variable and any
discriminant function.

Unstandardized canonical discriminant function coefficients

                  Func  1         Func  2
Y1               .3511026        .0790174
Y2              -.0101965        .3773194
Y3               .2944047       -.1435349
(Constant)     -7.5818304      -2.5173191

Classification results -

                      No. of    Predicted Group Membership
   Actual Group        Cases          1          2          3
--------------------  ------   --------   --------   --------
Group       1             11          9          0          2
                                   81.8%        .0%      18.2%
Group       2             11          2          5          4
                                   18.2%      45.5%      36.4%
Group       3             11          2          5          4
                                   18.2%      45.5%      36.4%

Percent of "grouped" cases correctly classified:  54.55%
Classification processing summary

        59 (Unweighted) cases were processed.
         0 cases were excluded for missing or out-of-range group codes.
        26 cases had at least one missing discriminating variable.
        33 (Unweighted) cases were used for printed output.

Preceding task required 5.00 seconds elapsed.