Multivariate Analysis

Hypothesis Testing: k-Sample Problem

Determinant of Covariance Matrix

|Σ| = det(Σ)

  • Can be considered as the area of parallelogram (2-dimensions)
  • or as the volume of parallelopiped (3-dimensions)
  • or as the generalization of the concept of variance

  • Parallelopiped
    (n.) A solid, the faces of which are six parallelograms, the opposite pairs being parallel, and equal to each other.

    Test Vector

  • Consider the case in which multivariate observations represent the performance of individuals on separate tests.

  • Thus, each point (element) represents a test, while its coordinates are the scores earned by n individuals.

  • Each such vector is called a test vector.

  • Each point is a vector from the origin to the point. Scores are in deviation score form.

    Length of a Vector

  • The length of a test vector is

    |x| = sqrt( Σx2)

    By the Pythagorean Theorem:


    The correlation between any two vectors is

    where θ is the angle between the two vectors.

    Covariance Matrix

    The sample covariance matrix,

    where each xij is the deviation score of the ith person on the jth test.


    The determinant of the covariance matrix is

    Area = base * height

    K Groups

    Consider k groups with matrices X1, X2, ..., Xk each with p variables.

    Wilks' Lambda

    Where W is the pooled within Deviation SSCP derived separately from each Xi

    W = S1 + S2 + ... + Sk

    T is the total Deviation SSCP computed from X.

    Using covariance matrices:

    Univariate Case

    When p = 1,

    It must be the case that

    Thus in the univariate case Λ and F are inversely related. This relation also holds in the multivariate case as well.

    F Approximation

    An F approximation for Λ is

    with df = p(k-1) and ms - p(k-1)/2 + 1, where

    Special Note Concerning s

    If either the numerator or the deminator of s = 0, then set s = 1.

    Exact F

  • When k = 2 or 3 the F is exact.

  • When p = 1 or 2 the F is exact.

    Three Group Example

    Employees in three job categories (c1 Passenger Agents; c2 Mechanics; c3 Operations Control) of an airline company were administered an activity preference questionnaire consisting of three bipolar scales: y1 outdoor-indoor preferences; y2 convivial-solitary preferences; y3 conservative-liberal preferences.

    Given matrices W and T, test the hypothesis that the three group centroids are significantly diffenent from one another.

    Stata Matrix Program

    scalar k = 3
    scalar n1 = 85     
    scalar n2 = 93     
    scalar n3 = 66
    matrix w = (3967.8301, 351.6142, 76.6342 \   ///
                351.6142, 4406.2517, 235.4365 \  ///
                 76.6342, 235.4365, 2683.3164)
    matrix t = (5540.5742, -421.4364, 350.2556 \ ///
                -421.4364, 7295.571, -1170.559 \ ///       
                 350.2556, -1170.559, 3374.9232)    
    scalar p = rowsof(w)
    scalar dw = det(w)   
    scalar dt = det(t)
    scalar lambda = dw/dt
    display "lambda = " lambda
    scalar n = n1+n2+n3   
    scalar c = (n-p-2)/p
    scalar f = (1-sqrt(lambda))/sqrt(lambda)*c
    display "F = " f
    scalar df1 = 2*p  
    scalar df2 = 2*(n-p-2)  
    display  "df1 = " df1 "    df2 = " df2
    Stata Example

    Example with significant multivariate but no significant univariates.

    Plot of Means

    input group y1 y2 y3
    1 19.6 5.15 9.5
    1 15.4 5.75 9.1
    1 22.3 4.35 3.3
    1 24.3 7.55 5.0
    1 22.5 8.50 6.0
    1 20.5 10.25 5.0
    1 14.1 5.95 18.8
    1 13.0 6.30 16.5
    1 14.1 5.45 8.9
    1 16.7 3.75 6.0
    1 16.8 5.10 7.4
    2 17.1 9.00 7.5
    2 15.7 5.30 8.5
    2 14.9 9.85 6.0
    2 19.7 3.60 2.9
    2 17.2 4.05 0.2
    2 16.0 4.40 2.6
    2 12.8 7.15 7.0
    2 13.6 7.25 3.2
    2 14.2 5.30 6.2
    2 13.1 3.10 5.5
    2 16.5 2.40 6.6
    3 16.0 4.55 2.9
    3 12.5 2.65 0.7
    3 18.5 6.50 5.3
    3 19.2 4.85 8.3
    3 12.0 8.75 9.0
    3 13.0 5.20 10.3
    3 11.9 4.75 8.5
    3 12.0 5.85 9.5
    3 19.8 2.85 2.3
    3 16.5 6.55 3.3
    3 17.4 6.60 1.9
    tabstat y1 y2 y3, by(group) stat(n mean sd var) col(stat)
    Summary for variables: y1 y2 y3
         by categories of: group 
       group |         N      mean        sd  variance
           1 |        11  18.11818  3.903797  15.23963
             |        11  6.190909  1.899713  3.608909
             |        11  8.681818  4.863089  23.64963
           2 |        11  15.52727  2.075616  4.308182
             |        11  5.581818  2.434263  5.925637
             |        11  5.109091  2.531187  6.406909
           3 |        11  15.34545  3.138268  9.848727
             |        11  5.372727  1.759029  3.094182
             |        11  5.636364  3.546907  12.58055
       Total |        33   16.3303  3.292461   10.8403
             |        33  5.715152  2.017598  4.070701
             |        33  6.475758  3.985131  15.88127
    manova y1 y2 y3 = group
                               Number of obs =      33
                               W = Wilks' lambda      L = Lawley-Hotelling trace
                               P = Pillai's trace     R = Roy's largest root
                      Source |  Statistic     df   F(df1,    df2) =   F   Prob>F
                       group | W   0.5258      2     6.0    56.0     3.54 0.0049 e
                             | P   0.4767            6.0    58.0     3.02 0.0122 a
                             | L   0.8972            6.0    54.0     4.04 0.0021 a
                             | R   0.8920            3.0    29.0     8.62 0.0003 u
                    Residual |                30
                       Total |                32
                               e = exact, a = approximate, u = upper bound on F

    Univariate Analyses for Comparisons

    anova y1 group
                               Number of obs =      33     R-squared     =  0.1526
                               Root MSE      = 3.13031     Adj R-squared =  0.0961
                      Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                       Model |  52.9242378     2  26.4621189       2.70     0.0835
                       group |  52.9242378     2  26.4621189       2.70     0.0835
                    Residual |  293.965442    30  9.79884808   
                       Total |   346.88968    32  10.8403025   
    anova y2 group
                               Number of obs =      33     R-squared     =  0.0305
                               Root MSE      = 2.05173     Adj R-squared = -0.0341
                      Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                       Model |  3.97515121     2   1.9875756       0.47     0.6282
                       group |  3.97515121     2   1.9875756       0.47     0.6282
                    Residual |  126.287277    30  4.20957589   
                       Total |  130.262428    32  4.07070087   
    anova y3 group
                               Number of obs =      33     R-squared     =  0.1610
                               Root MSE      = 3.76993     Adj R-squared =  0.1051
                      Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                       Model |  81.8296936     2  40.9148468       2.88     0.0718
                       group |  81.8296936     2  40.9148468       2.88     0.0718
                    Residual |  426.370896    30  14.2123632   
                       Total |   508.20059    32  15.8812684 

    Multivariate Post-hoc Comparisons

    manovatest, showorder
     Order of columns in the design matrix
          1: _cons
          2: (group==1)
          3: (group==2)
          4: (group==3)
    mat d1 = (0,1,-1,0)
    mat d2 = (0,1,0,-1)
    mat d3 = (0,0,1,-1)
    manovatest, test(d1)
     Test constraint
     (1)    group[1] - group[2] = 0
                               W = Wilks' lambda      L = Lawley-Hotelling trace
                               P = Pillai's trace     R = Roy's largest root
                      Source |  Statistic     df   F(df1,    df2) =   F   Prob>F
                  manovatest | W   0.5875      1     3.0    28.0     6.55 0.0017 e
                             | P   0.4125            3.0    28.0     6.55 0.0017 e
                             | L   0.7020            3.0    28.0     6.55 0.0017 e
                             | R   0.7020            3.0    28.0     6.55 0.0017 e
                    Residual |                30
                               e = exact, a = approximate, u = upper bound on F
    manovatest, test(d2)
     Test constraint
     (1)    group[1] - group[3] = 0
                               W = Wilks' lambda      L = Lawley-Hotelling trace
                               P = Pillai's trace     R = Roy's largest root
                      Source |  Statistic     df   F(df1,    df2) =   F   Prob>F
                  manovatest | W   0.6109      1     3.0    28.0     5.95 0.0029 e
                             | P   0.3891            3.0    28.0     5.95 0.0029 e
                             | L   0.6370            3.0    28.0     5.95 0.0029 e
                             | R   0.6370            3.0    28.0     5.95 0.0029 e
                    Residual |                30
                               e = exact, a = approximate, u = upper bound on F
    manovatest, test(d3)
     Test constraint
     (1)    group[2] - group[3] = 0
                               W = Wilks' lambda      L = Lawley-Hotelling trace
                               P = Pillai's trace     R = Roy's largest root
                      Source |  Statistic     df   F(df1,    df2) =   F   Prob>F
                  manovatest | W   0.9932      1     3.0    28.0     0.06 0.9785 e
                             | P   0.0068            3.0    28.0     0.06 0.9785 e
                             | L   0.0068            3.0    28.0     0.06 0.9785 e
                             | R   0.0068            3.0    28.0     0.06 0.9785 e
                    Residual |                30
                               e = exact, a = approximate, u = upper bound on F
    To control for the conceptual error rate, you can divide the p-values by the number of comparisons for a Bonferroni adjustment.

    Multivariate Strength of Association

    Given a sufficiently large sample almost any difference can be statistically significant.

    In the univariate case the correlation ratio measures strength of association,

    is a direct multivariate generalization of the correlation ratio. Unfortunately, it tends to be positively biased, grossly overestimating the strength of association.

    A better estimate of strength of association is

    which is also positively biased, leading to a corrected version.

    which is nearly unbiased.

    In the example above:

    Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

    simulci y1 y2 y3, by(group) cv(.325)  /* findit simulci */
    s=2  m=0  n=13 cv= .325
    group variable:   group
                                        pairwise simultaneous
    comparison           difference      confidence intervals
    dv: y1
    group 1 vs group 2        2.591*        0.212         4.970
    group 1 vs group 3        2.773*        0.393         5.152
    group 2 vs group 3        0.182        -2.198         2.561
    dv: y2
    group 1 vs group 2        0.609        -0.950         2.169
    group 1 vs group 3        0.818        -0.741         2.378
    group 2 vs group 3        0.209        -1.350         1.769
    dv: y3
    group 1 vs group 2        3.573*        0.707         6.438
    group 1 vs group 3        3.045*        0.180         5.911
    group 2 vs group 3       -0.527        -3.393         2.338
    Where cv is the critical value taken from the Heck charts (see Morrison, 2005 or charts). Where,
    s = min(k-1, p) = 2,
    m = (|k-p-1|-1)/2 = 0 and
    n = (N-k-p-1)/2 = 13

    Why can't I just do a bunch of univariate anovas instead of a manova?

    The answer is you can. Its not the correct analysis but you could do it. There are a couple of problems with running a separate univariate anovas. One is the the analyses are not independent of one another because the response variables are, most likely, correlated with one another. Therefore, an analysis with one response variable is not independent with one done a different one, that is, the analyses do not necessarily provide different or unique information.

    Manova uses information from each of the response variables taking into account their correlated nature. This is one reason why multivariate tests are more powerful than their univariate counterparts, they have more information to work with.

    But, even if the response variables were completely independent of one another, a multivariate test would be preferred because problems with the conceptual error rate. When response variables are independent and each anova is tested at α, the the probability of making at least one Type I error in n anovas is 1 - (1 - α)n.

    The table below gives the probability of making at least one type I error for four different numbers of anovas:

     n    probability
     3      .1426
     5      .2262
    10      .4013
    15      .5367
    Conceptual Error Rates
    And once you factor in any post-hoc comparisons in each anova, you have to watch out for problems with the conceptual error rate, in particular the probability that at least one test is significant by chance alone.

    Multivariate Course Page

    Phil Ender, 23oct07, 17jul07, 25oct05, 20may02, 29jan98