Multivariate Analysis
Principal Components Analysis

In principal components analysis we attempt to explain the total variability of p correlated variables through the use of p orthogonal principal components. The components themselves are merely weighted linear combinations of the original variables.

The first principal component can be expressed as follows,

The aj1 are scaled such that a1'a1 = 1. Y1 accounts for the maximum variablity of the p variables of any linear combination. The variance of Y1 is λ1.

Next, principal component Y2 is formed such that its variance, λ2 is the maximum amount of the remaining variance and that it is orthogonal to the first principal component. That is, a1'a2 = 0.

One continues to extract components until some stopping criteria is encountered or until p components are formed. It is possible to compute principal components from either the covariance matrix or correlation matrix of the p variables. If the variables are scaled in a similar manner than many researchers prefer to use the covariance matrix. When the variables are scaled very different from one another than using the correlation matrix is preferred. A common stopping criteria when using the correlation matrix is to stop when the variance of a component is less than one.

The weights used to create the principal components are the eigenvectors of the characteristic equation,

Where S is the covariance matrix and R is the correlation matrix. The λi are the eigenvalues, the variances of the components.

The eigenvalues are obtained by solving |S - λiI| = 0 for λi.

Consider the folllowing correlation matrix:

matrix list r
symmetric r[2,2]
    c1  c2
r1   1
r2  .7   1
matrix symeigen a l = r
/* eigenvalues */
matrix list l

     e1   e2
r1  1.7   .3
matrix list a
/* eigenvectors */
symmetric a[2,2]
            e1          e2
r1   .70710678   .70710678
r2   .70710678  -.70710678
The equation for the eigenvalues can be expressed as solving for the determinant of

and setting it to zero, which reduces to

Using the quadratic equation

yields the two roots of 1.7 and .3. These roots are the eigenvalues also know as the characteristic values or characteristic roots. Once you have obtained the eigenvalues you use them to obtain a solution for the eigenvectors.

It is possible to interpret the eigenvectors directly but most researchers also look at the correlations between the components and the variables. These correlations are known as the component loadings.

Principal Components Analysis Example

The following example uses data for five socio-economic variables for 12 different locations. The variables are total population, median schooling, total employed, misc. professional services, and median housing value. The data are from Harman (1976).


pca pop medsch employ profser medhouse, means

 Variable |         Mean    Std. Dev.          Min          Max
      pop |     6241.667     3439.994         1000         9900
   medsch |     11.44167     1.786545          8.3         13.7
   employ |     2333.333     1241.212          400         4000
  profser |     120.8333     114.9275           10          390
 medhouse |        17000     6367.531         9000        25000

            (principal components; 5 components retained)
Component    Eigenvalue     Difference    Proportion    Cumulative
     1        2.87331         1.07665      0.5747         0.5747
     2        1.79666         1.58182      0.3593         0.9340
     3        0.21484         0.11490      0.0430         0.9770
     4        0.09993         0.08468      0.0200         0.9969
     5        0.01526               .      0.0031         1.0000

 Variable |      1          2          3          4          5    
      pop |   0.34273    0.60163    0.05952    0.20403    0.68950  
   medsch |   0.45251   -0.40641    0.68882   -0.35357    0.17486  
   employ |   0.39669    0.54167    0.24796    0.02294   -0.69801  
  profser |   0.55006   -0.07782   -0.66408   -0.50039   -0.00012  
 medhouse |   0.46674   -0.41643   -0.13965    0.76318   -0.08243 

Next we will use data from the high school and beyond survey.

pca read write math science

            (principal components; 4 components retained)
Component    Eigenvalue     Difference    Proportion    Cumulative
     1        2.85491         2.41937      0.7137         0.7137
     2        0.43554         0.06172      0.1089         0.8226
     3        0.37382         0.03810      0.0935         0.9161
     4        0.33573               .      0.0839         1.0000

    Variable |      1          2          3          4
        read |   0.50714   -0.22100   -0.54927    0.62632
       write |   0.48572    0.82012    0.27120    0.13393
        math |   0.51124   -0.05078   -0.38296   -0.76772
     science |   0.49550   -0.52535    0.69145    0.01980
pca read write math science, cov

            (principal components; 4 components retained)
Component    Eigenvalue     Difference    Proportion    Cumulative
     1      272.11643       231.66023      0.7147         0.7147
     2       40.45620         3.10970      0.1063         0.8209
     3       37.34649         6.50385      0.0981         0.9190
     4       30.84264               .      0.0810         1.0000

    Variable |      1          2          3          4
        read |   0.54030   -0.19508   -0.73149   -0.36734
       write |   0.46626    0.79436    0.27230   -0.27829
        math |   0.48540    0.05035   -0.09084    0.86810
     science |   0.50504   -0.57306    0.61848   -0.18444
predict cs1 cs2
            (based on unrotated principal components)
            (2 scorings not used)

               Scoring Coefficients
    Variable |      1          2
        read |   0.54030   -0.19508
       write |   0.46626    0.79436
        math |   0.48540    0.05035
     science |   0.50504   -0.57306
corr cs1 cs2

             |      cs1      cs2
         cs1 |   1.0000
         cs2 |   0.0000   1.0000
regress socst read write math science

      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     200
-------------+------------------------------           F(  4,   195) =   44.49
       Model |  10944.2858     4  2736.07144           Prob > F      =  0.0000
    Residual |  11991.9092   195  61.4969704           R-squared     =  0.4772
-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.4664
       Total |   22936.195   199  115.257261           Root MSE      =   7.842

       socst |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
        read |    .380752   .0800116     4.76   0.000     .2229529    .5385511
       write |   .3751806   .0803521     4.67   0.000     .2167099    .5336512
        math |   .1322237   .0889155     1.49   0.139    -.0431359    .3075833
     science |  -.0279416   .0793993    -0.35   0.725    -.1845333      .12865
       _cons |   7.206027   3.611316     2.00   0.047     .0837748    14.32828
/* regression using  principal component scores */
regress socst cs1 cs2

      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =     200
-------------+------------------------------           F(  2,   197) =   83.68
       Model |  10535.0947     2  5267.54734           Prob > F      =  0.0000
    Residual |  12401.1003   197  62.9497478           R-squared     =  0.4593
-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.4538
       Total |   22936.195   199  115.257261           Root MSE      =  7.9341

       socst |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         cs1 |   .4307223   .0340952    12.63   0.000     .3634839    .4979607
         cs2 |   .2464224   .0884256     2.79   0.006     .0720402    .4208047
       _cons |   6.214682   3.632656     1.71   0.089    -.9492029    13.37857
/* anova using principal component scores */
anova cs1 prog

                           Number of obs =     200     R-squared     =  0.2154
                           Root MSE      = 14.6861     Adj R-squared =  0.2074

                  Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                   Model |  11661.6631     2  5830.83154      27.03     0.0000
                    prog |  11661.6631     2  5830.83154      27.03     0.0000
                Residual |  42489.5075   197  215.682779   
                   Total |  54151.1706   199  272.116435 

Multivariate Course Page

Phil Ender, 15oct05, 25may02; 29jan98