Multivariate Analysis

Multivariate Normal Distribution

Univariate Standard Normal Distribution

Generalized Univariate Normal Distribution

Bivariate Normal Distribution

If X1 & X2 are uncorrelated

Matrix Genearalization of Bivariate Normal Distribution

Population Centroid

Also known as the population mean value vector.

Deviation Score Vector

Covariance Matrix

Quadratic Form

It is distributed as a chi-square
variate with 2 degrees of freedom.

Bivariate Normal Distribution

Example 1: ρ = 0.00

Example 2: ρ = 0.3

Example 3: ρ = 0.6

Example 4: ρ = 0.9

SAS Generated Examples

Example 1: ρ = 0.0

Example 2: ρ = 0.3

Example 3: ρ = 0.6

Example 4: ρ = 0.9

Multivariate Normal Distribution

Theorem 1

Given a p-variate normal population N(μ, Σ) with density function

f(X1,X2, ... , Xp) = (2π)-1|Σ|-1/2 exp(-χ2/2) = 1/(2π · sqrt(|Σ|)) exp(-χ2/2)

the quantity χ2 = X´Σ-1X in the exponent is a chi-square variate with p degrees of freedom.

Regions Enclosing Specified Percentages of a Multivariate Normal Population


The ellipse below represents a 90% isodensity ellipse from the quadratic form:

x'Σ-1x, where x' = [X1-15, X2-20]


Points with Q values less than or equal to 4.605 (df = 2) fall inside or on the 90% isodensity ellipse. Those with Q values less than or equal to 5.991 fall inside or on the 95% isodensity ellipse.

Sampling Distribution of Sample Centroids

Some texts refer to sample centroids and sample mean value vectors.

Theorem 2

This is the multivariate extension of the central limit theorem.

Sample centroids (sample mean value vectors), , based on independent random samples of size n from a population N(μ, Σ) have a sampling distribution N(μ, (1/n)·Σ)

This parallels the univariate case in which sample means, , based on independent random samples of size n from a population N(μ, σ2) have a sampling distribution N(μ, (1/n)·σ2)

Multivariate Normal Outliers

If we are dealing with univariate distributions there are many tools we can use to identify outliers. One of the easier tools is a simple boxplot.

The situation is not as easy for multivariate distributions. Classical outlier detection methods are powerful when the data contain only one outlier but get bogged down when more than one outlier are present. A method developed by Hadi attempts to overcome these concerns by using a measure of distance from an observation to a cluster of points. A base cluster of r points is selected and then the cluster is continually redefined by taking the r+1 points "closest" as a new cluster. The procedure continues until some stopping rule is encountered.

We will demonstrate the use of the Hadi method using the hadimvo procedure found in a earlier version of Stata. Note: The hadimvo command can still be used in the lastest versions of Stata but it is no longer documented in the printed manuals.

use, clear

summarize crime murder pctmetro pcths poverty

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
       crime |        51    612.8431    441.1003         82       2922
      murder |        51    8.727451    10.71758        1.6       78.5
    pctmetro |        51     67.3902    21.95713         24        100
       pcths |        51    76.22353    5.592087       64.3       86.6
     poverty |        51    14.25882    4.584242          8       26.4

hadimvo crime murder pctmetro pcths poverty, gen(out)

Beginning number of observations:            51
              Initially accepted:             6
             Expand to (n+k+1)/2:            28
                Expand,  p = .05:            50
              Outliers remaining:             1
list if out, clean

       sid   state   crime   murder   pctmetro   pctwhite   pcths   poverty   single   out  
 51.    51      dc    2922     78.5        100       31.8    73.1      26.4     22.1     1  

summarize crime murder pctmetro pcths poverty if ~out

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
       crime |        50      566.66    295.8773         82       1206
      murder |        50       7.332    3.984021        1.6       20.3
    pctmetro |        50      66.738     21.6753         24        100
       pcths |        50      76.286    5.630855       64.3       86.6
     poverty |        50      14.016    4.286684          8       26.4
use, clear

drop if missing(grea) | missing(greq) | missing(grev)

(82 observations deleted)

hadimvo grea greq grev, gen(out)

Beginning number of observations:           747
              Initially accepted:             4
             Expand to (n+k+1)/2:           375
                Expand,  p = .05:           745
              Outliers remaining:             2

list grea greq grev if out, clean

       grea   greq   grev  
746.    250    720    520  
747.    200    670    600  
Of course, once identified, one must decide what to do with the outliers. Simple deletion of outliers is usually not the best solution. Outliers may be providing important information on low probability occurances. Having many outliers may be an indicator that the data do not come from a multivariate normal distribution.

Multivariate Course Page

Phil Ender, 21Sep05, 29Jan98