According to Webster
In the beginning...
Consider two sets of variables:
Construct the linear combinations:
Such that rzw is a maximum.
The XY Matrix
Consider a matrix XY made up of p Y's and q X's.
Partitioning the Covariance Matrix
Let S be the XY covariance matrix, thus,
Thus, the sum of squared deviation scores can be obtained without transforming the raw scores.
Choose u and v such that
Now let
Let μi2 = eigenvalues of A
Let u = eigenvectors of A
Next let
A & B will have the same eigenvalues.
Let v = eigenvectors of B.
Computing v
Canonical Correlation
Eigenvalues of A are canonical correlations squared, therefore
Computational Notes
Matrix A is not symmetric so we will need to go through some additional steps in order to get the eigenvalues and eigenvectors using the symeigen command.
1) C = Syx*Sxx-1*Sxy 2) F = cholesky(Syy-1) 3) D = F'*C*F 4) symeigen W L = D /* L has eigenvalues of A */ 5) U = F*W /* U has eigenvectors of A */
Remember the elements of L are μi2
Different Eigenvalues
Each canonical correlation has an eigenvalue related to Wilks' Lambda.
Tests of Significance
Wilks' Lambdas
Compute m = n -3/2 - (p+q)/2 once.
The following are repeated with one being subtracted from p and q until either is equal to one. Thus,
First time p=3 q=5 Second time p=2 q=4 Third time p=1 q=3
df1 = pq
df2 = ms - pq/2 + 1
Rao's F Approximation
with df1 and df2 degrees of freedom.
Canonical Redundancy Coefficients
A measure of association between two sets of variables.
This measure is asymmetric:
R2x.y is the redundancy of set X given set Y
R2y.x is the redundancy of set Y given set X.
Canonical Redundancy Note
Rc2 is an estimate of the shared variance of two linear combinations of variables and not of the variance of the variables themselves. Thus, even when Rc2 is high, the redundancy of Y, X, or both may be very low.
Although it is always possible to compute both R2x.y and R2y.x, it is not always the case that both redundancy measures are meaningful. For example, when the Y variables are true dependent variables, R2y.x is useful while R2x.y does not make sense.
Each is a weighted sum of the squared canonical correlations, proportional to the aggregate variance of the variables in the set accounted for by successive canonical variates of that set.
What Canonical Correlation Analysis Does...
Questions concerning the number and nature of mutually independent relations (dimensions) between two sets of variables.
Questions concerning the degree of overlap or redundancy between two sets of variables.
Not Very Well
Questions concerning the similarity between two within-set correlation or covariance matrices.
Stata Example
Stata has completely rewritten their canonical correlation procedure in Stata 9.
use, clear canon (apt ppvt rpmt) (n s ns na ss), test(1 2 3) Linear combinations for canonical correlations Number of obs = 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- u1 | apt | .0032264 .0082904 0.39 0.699 -.0135873 .02004 ppvt | .0762248 .0152914 4.98 0.000 .0452124 .1072372 rpmt | .0141323 .0588196 0.24 0.811 -.1051594 .1334239 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- v1 | n | -.0071509 .082705 -0.09 0.932 -.1748843 .1605826 s | -.0756585 .0465969 -1.62 0.113 -.1701612 .0188443 ns | -.0353218 .0450604 -0.78 0.438 -.1267084 .0560649 na | .1579155 .051318 3.08 0.004 .0538377 .2619933 ss | .0435563 .0544885 0.80 0.429 -.0669515 .154064 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- u2 | apt | -.033176 .0151245 -2.19 0.035 -.06385 -.002502 ppvt | -.0016715 .0278969 -0.06 0.953 -.058249 .054906 rpmt | .2756473 .1073075 2.57 0.014 .0580176 .493277 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- v2 | n | .1599911 .1508828 1.06 0.296 -.1460134 .4659955 s | .042124 .0850089 0.50 0.623 -.1302821 .2145302 ns | .2381605 .0822059 2.90 0.006 .0714393 .4048817 na | -.0594188 .093622 -0.63 0.530 -.2492931 .1304555 ss | -.1823911 .099406 -1.83 0.075 -.3839959 .0192137 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- u3 | apt | .0358057 .030764 1.16 0.252 -.0265865 .0981979 ppvt | -.0482553 .0567435 -0.85 0.401 -.1633363 .0668258 rpmt | .2104353 .2182681 0.96 0.341 -.232233 .6531035 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- v3 | n | .0992871 .3069021 0.32 0.748 -.5231393 .7217135 s | .1746239 .1729119 1.01 0.319 -.1760577 .5253054 ns | -.0100806 .1672103 -0.06 0.952 -.3491988 .3290376 na | -.2290303 .1904313 -1.20 0.237 -.6152428 .1571822 ss | .2019493 .2021962 1.00 0.325 -.2081236 .6120222 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Standard errors estimated conditionally) Canonical correlations: 0.7165 0.4906 0.2668 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tests of significance of all canonical correlations Statistic df1 df2 F Prob>F Wilks' lambda .343169 15 80.4576 2.5381 0.0039 a Pillai's trace .825289 15 93 2.3529 0.0066 a Lawley-Hotelling trace 1.44876 15 83 2.6722 0.0023 a Roy's largest root 1.05512 5 31 6.5417 0.0003 u ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test of significance of canonical correlations 1-3 Statistic df1 df2 F Prob>F Wilks' lambda .343169 15 80.4576 2.5381 0.0039 a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test of significance of canonical correlations 2-3 Statistic df1 df2 F Prob>F Wilks' lambda .705252 8 60 1.4308 0.2025 e ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test of significance of canonical correlation 3 Statistic df1 df2 F Prob>F Wilks' lambda .92883 3 31 0.7918 0.5078 e ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- e = exact, a = approximate, u = upper bound on F canon, stdcoef Canonical correlation analysis Number of obs = 37 Standardized coefficients for the first variable set | 1 2 3 -------------+------------------------------ apt | 0.0713 -0.7332 0.7913 ppvt | 0.9548 -0.0209 -0.6044 rpmt | 0.0437 0.8531 0.6513 -------------------------------------------- Standardized coefficients for the second variable set | 1 2 3 -------------+------------------------------ n | -0.0211 0.4719 0.2928 s | -0.3835 0.2135 0.8850 ns | -0.2244 1.5132 -0.0640 na | 1.1438 -0.4304 -1.6589 ss | 0.2774 -1.1618 1.2864 -------------------------------------------- Canonical correlations: 0.7165 0.4906 0.2668 estat correlations Correlations for variable list 1 | apt ppvt rpmt -------------+------------------------------ apt | 1.0000 ppvt | 0.3703 1.0000 rpmt | 0.2114 0.3548 1.0000 -------------------------------------------- Correlations for variable list 2 | n s ns na ss -------------+-------------------------------------------------- n | 1.0000 s | 0.4007 1.0000 ns | 0.5370 0.3523 1.0000 na | 0.6481 0.6478 0.7136 1.0000 ss | 0.6704 0.4252 0.7695 0.7951 1.0000 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations between variable lists 1 and 2 | apt ppvt rpmt -------------+------------------------------ n | 0.1860 0.4444 0.3504 s | 0.1609 0.2682 0.2386 ns | 0.0685 0.4692 0.4388 na | 0.2617 0.6720 0.3390 ss | 0.3341 0.5876 0.3404 -------------------------------------------- estat loadings Canonical loadings for variable list 1 | 1 2 3 -------------+------------------------------ apt | 0.4341 -0.5606 0.7052 ppvt | 0.9967 0.0102 -0.0803 rpmt | 0.3976 0.6906 0.6041 -------------------------------------------- Canonical loadings for variable list 2 | 1 2 3 -------------+------------------------------ n | 0.6320 0.3122 0.4004 s | 0.3879 0.1630 0.4521 ns | 0.6588 0.6406 0.2112 na | 0.9422 0.1697 0.0814 ss | 0.8371 0.0675 0.4906 -------------------------------------------- Correlation between variable list 1 and canonical variates from list 2 | 1 2 3 -------------+------------------------------ apt | 0.3111 -0.2750 0.1881 ppvt | 0.7142 0.0050 -0.0214 rpmt | 0.2849 0.3388 0.1612 -------------------------------------------- Correlation between variable list 2 and canonical variates from list 1 | 1 2 3 -------------+------------------------------ n | 0.4529 0.1532 0.1068 s | 0.2780 0.0800 0.1206 ns | 0.4721 0.3143 0.0563 na | 0.6751 0.0833 0.0217 ss | 0.5998 0.0331 0.1309 -------------------------------------------- canred 1 /* findit canred */ Canonical redundancy analysis for canonical correlation 1 Canonical correlation coefficient 0.7165 Squared canonical correlation coefficient 0.5134 own opposite Proportion of standardized variance variate variate of u variables with ... 0.4467 0.2293 of v variables with ... 0.5145 0.2641 canred 2 /* findit canred */ Canonical redundancy analysis for canonical correlation 2 Canonical correlation coefficient 0.4906 Squared canonical correlation coefficient 0.2407 own opposite Proportion of standardized variance variate variate of u variables with ... 0.2638 0.0635 of v variables with ... 0.1136 0.0273
Multivariate Course Page
Phil Ender, 2may05, 29Jan98