Multivariate Analysis
Multidimensional Scaling

Multidimensional scaling is a collection of statistical techniques for exploring similarities and dissimilarities in data. Multidimensional scaling takes item-item similarities and assigns each to a location in a low-dimensional space. In this respect it is similar to other data reduction techniques, such as, factor analysis.

There are several variaites of multidimensional scaling; classical MDS, modern metric MDS, and modern nonmetric MDS.

As of Stata 10 there is support for classical MDS, modern metric MDS and nonmetric MDS. Whereas, Stata 9 only supported classical metric multidimensional scaling for dissimilarity between observations. For the purposes of this introductory unit, we will demonstrate multidimensional scaling using classical MDS.

Simple Example

This simple example uses airline distances between 10 US cities as the disimilarities.
/* enter distance matrix */

#delimit ;
matrix d = (
#delimit cr

global names atl chi den hou la mi ny sf sea dc
matrix rownames d = $names
matrix colnames d = $names
matrix list d

symmetric d[10,10]
      atl   chi   den   hou    la    mi    ny    sf   sea    dc
atl     0
chi   587     0
den  1212   920     0
hou   701   940   879     0
 la  1936  1745   831  1374     0
 mi   604  1188  1726   968  2339     0
 ny   748   713  1631  1420  2451  1092     0
 sf  2139  1858   949  1645   347  2594  2571     0
sea  2182  1737  1021  1891   959  2734  2408   678     0
 dc   543   597  1494  1220  2300   923   205  2442  2329     0

mdsmat d, names($names)

Classical metric multidimensional scaling
    dissimilarity matrix: d

                                              Number of obs        =        10
    Eigenvalues > 0      =         6          Mardia fit measure 1 =    0.9954
    Retained dimensions  =         2          Mardia fit measure 2 =    1.0000

                 |                   abs(eigenvalue)          (eigenvalue)^2
      Dimension  |  Eigenvalue      Percent    Cumul.       Percent    Cumul.
              1  |   9582144.3        84.64     84.64         96.99     96.99
              2  |   1686820.2        14.90     99.54          3.01    100.00
              3  |   8157.2984         0.07     99.61          0.00    100.00
              4  |   1432.8699         0.01     99.63          0.00    100.00
              5  |   508.66869         0.00     99.63          0.00    100.00
              6  |   25.143486         0.00     99.63          0.00    100.00

mdsconfig, autoaspect ynegate

estat config

Approximating configuration in 2-dimensional Euclidean space

        Category |         dim1          dim2 
             atl |     718.7594      142.9943 
             chi |     382.0558     -340.8396 
             den |    -481.6023      -25.2850 
             hou |     161.4663      572.7699 
              la |   -1203.7380      390.1003 
              mi |    1133.5271      581.9073 
              ny |    1072.2357     -519.0242 
              sf |   -1420.6033      112.5892 
             sea |   -1341.7225     -579.7393 
              dc |     979.6220     -335.4728 
The next two examples are taken from the Stata manual.

Euclidean Distances Example

This dataset consists of eight variables with nutrition data on 25 breakfast cereals.
use, clear


Contains data from
  obs:            25                          Cereal Nutrition
 vars:             9                          24 Feb 2005 17:19
 size:         1,150 (99.9% of memory free)   (_dta has notes)
              storage  display     value
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
brand           str25  %25s                   Cereal Brand
calories        int    %9.0g                  Calories (Cal/oz)
protein         byte   %9.0g                  Protein (g)
fat             byte   %9.0g                  Fat (g)
Na              int    %9.0g                  Na (mg)
fiber           float  %9.0g                  Fiber (g)
carbs           float  %9.0g                  Carbs (g)
sugar           byte   %9.0g                  Sugar (g)
K               int    %9.0g                  K (mg)

summarize calories-K

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
    calories |        25       109.6    21.30728         50        160
     protein |        25        2.68    1.314027          1          6
         fat |        25         .92    .7593857          0          2
          Na |        25       195.8    71.32204          0        320
       fiber |        25         1.7    2.056494          0          9
       carbs |        25        15.3    4.028544          7         22
       sugar |        25         7.4    4.609772          0         14
           K |        25        90.6     77.5043         15        320

replace brand = subinstr(brand, " ","_",.)
note the three variables, calories, Na, and K, which have standard deviations that are much higher than the other variables.

The replace ckommand was used to replace spaces with underscores to make the graphs cleaner and easier to interpret.

list brand, clean

  1.                    Cheerios  
  2.                 Cocoa_Puffs  
  3.          Honey_Nut_Cheerios  
  4.                         Kix  
  5.                Lucky_Charms  
  6.        Oatmeal_Raisin_Crisp  
  7.             Raisin_Nut_Bran  
  8.           Total_Corn_Flakes  
  9.           Total_Raisin_Bran  
 10.                        Trix  
 11.         Wheaties_Honey_Gold  
 12.                    All-Bran  
 13.                 Apple_Jacks  
 14.                 Corn_Flakes  
 15.                   Corn_Pops  
 16.        Mueslix_Crispy_Blend  
 17.          Nut_&_Honey_Crunch  
 18.   Nutri_Grain_Almond_Raisin  
 19.           Nutri_Grain_Wheat  
 20.                  Product_19  
 21.                 Raisin_Bran  
 22.               Rice_Krispies  
 23.                   Special_K  
 24.                        Life  
 25.                 Puffed_Rice 

mds calories-K, id(brand) config

Classical metric multidimensional scaling
    dissimilarity: L2, computed on 8 variables

                                              Number of obs        =        25
    Eigenvalues > 0      =         8          Mardia fit measure 1 =    0.9603
    Retained dimensions  =         2          Mardia fit measure 2 =    0.9970

                 |                   abs(eigenvalue)          (eigenvalue)^2
      Dimension  |  Eigenvalue      Percent    Cumul.       Percent    Cumul.
              1  |   158437.92        56.95     56.95         67.78     67.78
              2  |   108728.77        39.08     96.03         31.92     99.70
              3  |   10562.645         3.80     99.83          0.30    100.00
              4  |   382.67849         0.14     99.97          0.00    100.00
              5  |   69.761715         0.03     99.99          0.00    100.00
              6  |   12.520822         0.00    100.00          0.00    100.00
              7  |   5.7559984         0.00    100.00          0.00    100.00
              8  |   2.2243244         0.00    100.00          0.00    100.00

Approximating configuration in 2-dimensional Euclidean space

           brand |         dim1          dim2 
        Cheerios |     -61.8271       72.5534 
     Cocoa_Puffs |      38.5094        5.1037 
    Honey_Nut_~s |     -28.0515       46.0667 
             Kix |       9.1693       81.4942 
    Lucky_Charms |      38.5024        5.1356 
    Oatmeal_Ra~p |     -12.5635      -37.0897 
    Raisin_Nut~n |     -12.0040      -73.7800 
    Total_Corn~s |      44.9827       33.2502 
    Total_Rais~n |    -117.0067      -77.9962 
            Trix |      85.0033      -12.9330 
    Wheaties_H~d |      23.7367       19.7182 
        All-Bran |    -226.1791      -67.6752 
     Apple_Jacks |      88.6199      -28.4323 
     Corn_Flakes |      -1.8069      109.3770 
       Corn_Pops |     115.5366      -52.7072 
    Mueslix_Cr~d |     -37.7449      -74.4727 
    Nut_&_Hone~h |      45.3886       21.9393 
    Nutri_Grai~n |     -47.9441        0.6082 
    Nutri_Grai~t |      15.2261      -21.7290 
      Product_19 |     -26.0875      129.4798 
     Raisin_Bran |    -134.8587      -66.7255 
    Rice_Krisp~s |      -2.3710      109.6115 
       Special_K |      12.1670       47.9540 
            Life |      20.9036      -41.4515 
     Puffed_Rice |     170.6994     -127.2995 

With a little bit of work we can make the graph clearer by making use of the mlabvopos option to move the lable to different clock positions indicated by the new variable place.
generate place = 3

replace place = 9 if inlist(brand, "All_Bran","Corn_Flakes","Honey_Nut_Cheerios", ///
  "Wheaties_Honey_Gold","Nutri_Grain_Wheat","Nutri_Grain_Almond_Raisin",          ///

replace place = 6 if inlist(brand,"Mueslix_Crispy_Blend")

replace place = 12 if inlist(brand, "Raisin_Bran","Special_K")

mdsconfig, autoaspect mlabvpos(place)

This configuration is due in large to the three variables with large standard deviations. An alternative is to analyze the data with standardized variables using the std option. This analysis with standardized Euclidean distances is equivalent to a principal components analysis of the correlation among the variables.
mds calories-K, id(brand) config std noplot

Classical metric multidimensional scaling
    dissimilarity: L2, computed on 8 variables

                                              Number of obs        =        25
    Eigenvalues > 0      =         8          Mardia fit measure 1 =    0.5987
    Retained dimensions  =         2          Mardia fit measure 2 =    0.7697

                 |                   abs(eigenvalue)          (eigenvalue)^2
      Dimension  |  Eigenvalue      Percent    Cumul.       Percent    Cumul.
              1  |   65.645395        34.19     34.19         49.21     49.21
              2  |   49.311416        25.68     59.87         27.77     76.97
              3  |   38.826608        20.22     80.10         17.21     94.19
              4  |   17.727805         9.23     89.33          3.59     97.78
              5  |   11.230087         5.85     95.18          1.44     99.22
              6  |   8.2386231         4.29     99.47          0.78     99.99
              7  |   .77953426         0.41     99.87          0.01    100.00
              8  |   .24053137         0.13    100.00          0.00    100.00

Approximating configuration in 2-dimensional Euclidean space

           brand |         dim1          dim2 
        Cheerios |      -1.3080        2.6638 
     Cocoa_Puffs |       0.6296       -1.7910 
    Honey_Nut_~s |      -0.5050       -0.2227 
             Kix |       1.4003        1.3242 
    Lucky_Charms |       0.4178       -1.3534 
    Oatmeal_Ra~p |      -1.1762       -0.7533 
    Raisin_Nut~n |      -1.3523       -0.9414 
    Total_Corn~s |       1.5175        0.8541 
    Total_Rais~n |      -2.3049       -0.6710 
            Trix |       1.0107       -1.8899 
    Wheaties_H~d |       0.5404       -0.2336 
        All-Bran |      -4.0119        0.8411 
     Apple_Jacks |       0.7712       -2.0103 
     Corn_Flakes |       1.7864        1.8346 
       Corn_Pops |       1.3661       -2.1499 
    Mueslix_Cr~d |      -2.0077       -0.8722 
    Nut_&_Hone~h |       0.7470       -0.6259 
    Nutri_Grai~n |      -1.1706        0.8679 
    Nutri_Grai~t |       0.6929        1.0345 
      Product_19 |       1.3073        2.1645 
     Raisin_Bran |      -2.4414       -0.2820 
    Rice_Krisp~s |       1.9619        1.7543 
       Special_K |       0.2362        1.9531 
            Life |      -0.9843       -0.1881 
     Puffed_Rice |       2.8769       -1.3072 

drop place
generate place = 3

replace place = 9 if inlist(brand, "All_Bran","Corn_Flakes", ///
"Nutri_Grain_Wheat","Apple_Jacks","Life", "Raisin_Bran"     ///

replace place = 6 if inlist(brand,"Mueslix_Crispy_Blend","Nutri_Grain_Almond_Raisin", ///

replace place = 12 if inlist(brand,"Special_K","Honey_Nut_Cheerios")

mdsconfig, autoaspect mlabvpos(place)

Non-Euclidean Dissimilarity Example

This dataset consists of seven variables measuring the number of topic pages in 25 multivariate statistics books.
use, clear


Contains data from
  obs:            25                          
 vars:             8                          15 Mar 2005 16:27
 size:           825 (99.9% of memory free)   (_dta has notes)
              storage  display     value
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
author          str17  %17s                   
math            int    %9.0g                  math other than statistics
                                                (e.g., linear algebra)
corr            int    %9.0g                  correlation and regression,
                                                including linear structural and
                                                functional equations
fact            byte   %9.0g                  factor analysis and principal
                                                component analysis
cano            byte   %9.0g                  canonical correlation analysis
disc            int    %9.0g                  discriminant analysis,
                                                classification, and cluster
stat            int    %9.0g                  statistics, incl. dist. theory,
                                                hypothesis testing & est.;
                                                categorical data
mano            int    %9.0g                  manova and the general linear

list, clean noobs

               author   math   corr   fact   cano   disc   stat   mano  
                Roy57     31      0      0      0      0    164     11  
            Kendall57      0     16     54     18     27     13     14  
            Kendall75      0     40     32     10     42     60      0  
           Anderson58     19      0     35     19     28    163     52  
       CooleyLohnes62     14      7     35     22     17      0     56  
       CooleyLohnes71     20     69     72     33     55      0     32  
           Morrison67     74      0     86     14      0     84     48  
           Morrison76     78      0     80      5     17    105     60  
          VandeGeer67     74     19     33     12     26      0      0  
          VandeGeer71     80     68     67     15     29      0      0  
           Dempster69    108     48      4     10     46    108      0  
            Tasuoka71    109     13      5     17     39     32     46  
             Harris75     16     35     69     24      0     26     41  
           Dagnelie75     26     86     60      6     48     48     28  
        GreenCaroll76    290     10      6      0      8      0      2  
      CailliezPages76    184     48     82     42    134      0      0  
               Giri77     29      0      0      0     41    211     32  
       Gnanadesikan77      0     19     56      0     39     75      0  
         Kshirsagar78      0     22     45     42     60    230     59  
          Thorndike78     30    128     90     28     48      0      0  
    MardiaKentBibby79     34     28     68     19     67    131     55  
              Seber84     16      0     59     13    116    129    101  
            Stevens96     23     87     67     21     30     43    249  
        EverittDunn01      0     54     65      0     56     20     30  
            Rencher02     38      0     71     19    105    135    131  

mds math-mano, id(author) measure(corr) config noplot

Classical metric multidimensional scaling
       similarity: correlation, computed on 7 variables
    dissimilarity: sqrt(2(1-similarity))

                                              Number of obs        =        25
    Eigenvalues > 0      =         6          Mardia fit measure 1 =    0.6680
    Retained dimensions  =         2          Mardia fit measure 2 =    0.8496

                 |                   abs(eigenvalue)          (eigenvalue)^2
      Dimension  |  Eigenvalue      Percent    Cumul.       Percent    Cumul.
              1  |    8.469821        38.92     38.92         56.15     56.15
              2  |   6.0665813        27.88     66.80         28.81     84.96
              3  |   3.8157101        17.53     84.33         11.40     96.35
              4  |   1.6926956         7.78     92.11          2.24     98.60
              5  |   1.2576053         5.78     97.89          1.24     99.83
              6  |   .45929376         2.11    100.00          0.17    100.00

Approximating configuration in 2-dimensional Euclidean space

          author |         dim1          dim2 
           Roy57 |       0.7420       -0.2268 
       Kendall57 |      -0.3794        0.6839 
       Kendall75 |       0.2763        0.4147 
      Anderson58 |       0.8144       -0.0001 
    CooleyLoh~62 |      -0.3466        0.2573 
    CooleyLoh~71 |      -0.9160        0.5594 
      Morrison67 |       0.2397       -0.2910 
      Morrison76 |       0.4088       -0.2976 
     VandeGeer67 |      -0.7041       -0.7320 
     VandeGeer71 |      -0.9173       -0.3062 
      Dempster69 |       0.2363       -0.7154 
       Tasuoka71 |      -0.1549       -0.9563 
        Harris75 |      -0.3220        0.4854 
      Dagnelie75 |      -0.3509        0.4532 
    GreenCaro~76 |      -0.4211       -0.9574 
    CailliezP~76 |      -0.6827       -0.6365 
          Giri77 |       0.7898       -0.1441 
    Gnanadesi~77 |       0.3820        0.3612 
    Kshirsagar78 |       0.8014        0.1435 
     Thorndike78 |      -0.8695        0.3641 
    MardiaKen~79 |       0.6923        0.1491 
         Seber84 |       0.6004        0.2254 
       Stevens96 |      -0.0850        0.3124 
    EverittDu~01 |      -0.4346        0.7139 
       Rencher02 |       0.6007        0.1399 
generate spot = 3

replace spot = 2 if inlist(author,"Seber84","Kshirsagar78","Kendall75")

replace spot = 5 if author == "MardiaKentBibby79"

replace spot = 9 if inlist(author,"Dagnelie75","Rencher02", ///

mdsconfig, mlabvpos(spot)

Multivariate Course Page

Phil Ender, 10may05