Discriminant analysis, also known as linear discriminant function analysis, combines aspects of multivariate analysis of varicance with the ability to classify observations into known categories. It is a useful adjunct in helping to interpret the results of manova. It provides an alternative to multinomial logistic regression that will function adequately with somewhat smaller sample sizes. Like so many multivariate techniques it does require that the dependent variables come from a multivariate normal distribution.
What does discriminant analysis do?
In the beginning...
Let Y be a linear combination of p dependent variables, such that
Total deviation SSCP
Let T be the Total deviation SSCP matrix, which is obtained from
Within Groups deviation SSCP
The within group sums of squares and cross products matrix is expressed as:
Between Groups deviation SSCP
which has n1 rows of means from group 1, n2 rows of means from groups 2, nk rows of means from group k, and where
However, it is easier to obtain B by taking T - W.
The between groups sums of squares for the linear combination is:
Discriminant Analysis
We wish to select the elements of v such that is
a maximum.
This occurs when (B - λW)v = 0. Thus, discriminant analysis reduces to finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of W-1B which is often written E-1H.
Computational Note
W-1B is generally non-symmetric. Most matrix languages cannot compute the eigenvalues and vectors unless the matrix is symmetric. Therefore, you must perform some additional computations to obtain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
mat l = cholesky(W) /* Cholesky decomposition */ mat u = l' /* u equals l transpose */ mat a = inv(l)*B*inv(u) /* a is symmetric */ mat symeigen uv e = a /* e will have the eigenvalues of W-1B */ mat v = inv(u)*uv /* v will have the eigenvectors of W-1B */
The cholesky function performs the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix such that if L = cholesky(A) then L'L = A, where L is lower triangular matrix. The formula could also be be written LU = A where U is upper triangular. Matrix A must be symmetric and nonnegative definite.
Number of Dimensions
Standardized Discriminant Weights
Standardized discriminant weights or coefficients are used when all the variables are in standard score from.
Standardized discriminant coefficients are one of the pieces used in the interpretation of the discriminant analysis.
wii is a diagonal matrix whose elements are the square roots of the diagonal elements of W.
Then let
sv is the vector of standardized discriminant coefficients.
Structure Matrix
The structure matrix gives the correlations between the variables and the discriminant functions.
The structure matrix is another of the pieces used in the interpretation of the discriminant analysis.
Computing the structure matrix.
mat E = V'*W*V mat F = inv(sqrt(diag(E))) mat G = inv(sqet(diag(W))) mat A = G*W*V*F
A is the structure matrix.
Canonical Correlations
Wilks' Lambda
Using Canonical Correlations
Let t = 1 - Rc2
2-Group Case
with degrees of freedom:
let q = k-1 For Chisquare1 = pq For Chisquare2 = (p-1)*(q-1) For Chisquare3 = (p-2)*(q-2)
2-Group Example
There are new discriminant analyse procedures in Stata 10. We will be using the candisc or discrim lda command for these examples. candisc is a wrapper program for discrim lad which includes a number of commonly used options.
use http://www.philender.com/courses/data/honors, clear describe Contains data from http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/courses/data/honors.dta obs: 200 vars: 7 14 Dec 2001 09:19 size: 6,400 (99.9% of memory free) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- id float %9.0g female float %9.0g fl ses float %9.0g sl lang float %9.0g language test score math float %9.0g math score science float %9.0g science score honors float %9.0g candisc female lang, group(honors) Canonical linear discriminant analysis | | Like- | Canon. Eigen- Variance | lihood Fcn | Corr. value Prop. Cumul. | Ratio F df1 df2 Prob>F ----+---------------------------------+------------------------------------ 1 | 0.5166 .364005 1.0000 1.0000 | 0.7331 35.854 2 197 0.0000 e --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ho: this and smaller canon. corr. are zero; e = exact F Standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients | function1 -------------+----------- female | .3706778 lang | .9822288 Canonical structure | function1 -------------+----------- female | .2328554 lang | .9302168 Group means on canonical variables honors | function1 -------------+----------- 0 | -.3604546 1 | .9997513 Resubstitution classification summary +---------+ | Key | |---------| | Number | | Percent | +---------+ | Classified True honors | 0 1 | Total -------------+----------------+------- 0 | 114 33 | 147 | 77.55 22.45 | 100.00 | | 1 | 16 37 | 53 | 30.19 69.81 | 100.00 -------------+----------------+------- Total | 130 70 | 200 | 65.00 35.00 | 100.00 | | Priors | 0.5000 0.5000 | /* display raw discriminant coefficients */ matrix list e(L_unstd) e(L_unstd)[3,1] function1 female .74791853 lang .10957945 _cons -6.1309503 predict pr, pr predict dsc, dsc twoway line pr dsc, sort3-Group Example![]()
use http://www.philender.com/courses/data/hsb2, clear (highschool and beyond (200 cases)) /* equivalent to one-way anova */ candisc write, group(prog) notable nostruct Canonical linear discriminant analysis | | Like- | Canon. Eigen- Variance | lihood Fcn | Corr. value Prop. Cumul. | Ratio F df1 df2 Prob>F ----+---------------------------------+------------------------------------ 1 | 0.4215 .215987 1.0000 1.0000 | 0.8224 21.275 2 197 0.0000 e --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ho: this and smaller canon. corr. are zero; e = exact F Standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients | function1 -------------+----------- write | 1 Group means on canonical variables prog | function1 -------------+----------- general | -.1668754 academic | .4030641 vocation | -.6962467 /* compare with */ anova write prog Number of obs = 200 R-squared = 0.1776 Root MSE = 8.63918 Adj R-squared = 0.1693 Source | Partial SS df MS F Prob > F -----------+---------------------------------------------------- Model | 3175.69786 2 1587.84893 21.27 0.0000 | prog | 3175.69786 2 1587.84893 21.27 0.0000 | Residual | 14703.1771 197 74.635417 -----------+---------------------------------------------------- Total | 17878.875 199 89.843593 display sqrt(e(r2)) .42145333 /* equivalent to one-way manova */ candisc write read math, group(prog) nostruct Canonical linear discriminant analysis | | Like- | Canon. Eigen- Variance | lihood Fcn | Corr. value Prop. Cumul. | Ratio F df1 df2 Prob>F ----+---------------------------------+------------------------------------ 1 | 0.5125 .356283 0.9874 0.9874 | 0.7340 10.87 6 390 0.0000 e 2 | 0.0672 .004543 0.0126 1.0000 | 0.9955 .44518 2 196 0.6414 e --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ho: this and smaller canon. corr. are zero; e = exact F Standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients | function1 function2 -------------+---------------------- write | .3310784 1.183414 read | .2728524 -.4097932 math | .5815538 -.655658 Group means on canonical variables prog | function1 function2 -------------+---------------------- general | -.3120021 .1190423 academic | .5358515 -.0196809 vocation | -.8444861 -.0658081 Resubstitution classification summary +---------+ | Key | |---------| | Number | | Percent | +---------+ | Classified True prog | general academic vocation | Total -------------+------------------------------+--------- general | 11 17 17 | 45 | 24.44 37.78 37.78 | 100.00 | | academic | 18 68 19 | 105 | 17.14 64.76 18.10 | 100.00 | | vocation | 14 7 29 | 50 | 28.00 14.00 58.00 | 100.00 -------------+------------------------------+--------- Total | 43 92 65 | 200 | 21.50 46.00 32.50 | 100.00 | | Priors | 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 | /* display manova table */ estat manova Number of obs = 200 W = Wilks' lambda L = Lawley-Hotelling trace P = Pillai's trace R = Roy's largest root Source | Statistic df F(df1, df2) = F Prob>F -----------+-------------------------------------------------- prog | W 0.7340 2 6.0 390.0 10.87 0.0000 e | P 0.2672 6.0 392.0 10.08 0.0000 a | L 0.3608 6.0 388.0 11.67 0.0000 a | R 0.3563 3.0 196.0 23.28 0.0000 u |-------------------------------------------------- Residual | 197 -----------+-------------------------------------------------- Total | 199 -------------------------------------------------------------- e = exact, a = approximate, u = upper bound on F label define sel 1 "G" 2 "A" 3 "V", modify scoreplot, msymbol(i)Fisher's Iris Data/* compare discriminant analysis with manova */ manova write read math = prog Number of obs = 200 W = Wilks' lambda L = Lawley-Hotelling trace P = Pillai's trace R = Roy's largest root Source | Statistic df F(df1, df2) = F Prob>F -----------+-------------------------------------------------- prog | W 0.7340 2 6.0 390.0 10.87 0.0000 e | P 0.2672 6.0 392.0 10.08 0.0000 a | L 0.3608 6.0 388.0 11.67 0.0000 a | R 0.3563 3.0 196.0 23.28 0.0000 u |-------------------------------------------------- Residual | 197 -----------+-------------------------------------------------- Total | 199 -------------------------------------------------------------- e = exact, a = approximate, u = upper bound on F
This example makes use of the classic Iris data that R. A. Fisher used in developing the linear discriminant function.
use http://www.philender.com/courses/data/iris, clear describe Contains data from http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/courses/data/iris.dta obs: 150 vars: 6 17 Feb 2000 14:30 size: 4,200 (99.9% of memory free) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case float %9.0g type float %10.0g tl type of iris sl float %9.0g sepal length sw float %9.0g sepal width pl float %9.0g petal length pw float %9.0g petal width ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: type tabulate type type of | iris | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- setosa | 50 33.33 33.33 versicolor | 50 33.33 66.67 virginica | 50 33.33 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 150 100.00 candisc sl sw pl pw, group(type) Canonical linear discriminant analysis | | Like- | Canon. Eigen- Variance | lihood Fcn | Corr. value Prop. Cumul. | Ratio F df1 df2 Prob>F ----+---------------------------------+------------------------------------ 1 | 0.9848 32.1919 0.9912 0.9912 | 0.0234 199.15 8 288 0.0000 e 2 | 0.4712 .285391 0.0088 1.0000 | 0.7780 13.794 3 145 0.0000 e --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ho: this and smaller canon. corr. are zero; e = exact F Standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients | function1 function2 -------------+---------------------- sl | -.4269549 -.0124077 sw | -.5212416 -.7352612 pl | .9472573 .4010379 pw | .5751607 -.5810398 Canonical structure | function1 function2 -------------+---------------------- sl | .2225959 -.3108118 sw | -.1190115 -.8636809 pl | .7060654 -.1677014 pw | .6331779 -.7372421 Group means on canonical variables type | function1 function2 -------------+---------------------- setosa | -7.6076 -.215133 versicolor | 1.825049 .7278996 virginica | 5.78255 -.5127666 Resubstitution classification summary +---------+ | Key | |---------| | Number | | Percent | +---------+ | Classified True type | setosa versicolor virginica | Total -------------+------------------------------------+----------- setosa | 50 0 0 | 50 | 100.00 0.00 0.00 | 100.00 | | versicolor | 0 48 2 | 50 | 0.00 96.00 4.00 | 100.00 | | virginica | 0 1 49 | 50 | 0.00 2.00 98.00 | 100.00 -------------+------------------------------------+----------- Total | 50 49 51 | 150 | 33.33 32.67 34.00 | 100.00 | | Priors | 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 | estat manova Number of obs = 150 W = Wilks' lambda L = Lawley-Hotelling trace P = Pillai's trace R = Roy's largest root Source | Statistic df F(df1, df2) = F Prob>F -----------+-------------------------------------------------- type | W 0.0234 2 8.0 288.0 199.15 0.0000 e | P 1.1919 8.0 290.0 53.47 0.0000 a | L 32.4773 8.0 286.0 580.53 0.0000 a | R 32.1919 4.0 145.0 1166.96 0.0000 u |-------------------------------------------------- Residual | 147 -----------+-------------------------------------------------- Total | 149 -------------------------------------------------------------- e = exact, a = approximate, u = upper bound on F label define tl 1 "S" 2 "C" 3 "V", modify scoreplot, msymbol(i)One More Example
use http://www.philender.com/courses/data/hsb2 egen grp = group(prog female) /* findit tablist */ tablist grp prog female, sort(v) nol clean grp prog female Freq 1 1 0 21 2 1 1 24 3 2 0 47 4 2 1 58 5 3 0 23 6 3 1 27 candisc read write math science socst, group(grp) Canonical linear discriminant analysis | | Like- | Canon. Eigen- Variance | lihood Fcn | Corr. value Prop. Cumul. | Ratio F df1 df2 Prob>F ----+---------------------------------+------------------------------------ 1 | 0.5782 .502254 0.6132 0.6132 | 0.4975 5.8498 25 707.3 0.0000 a 2 | 0.4363 .23516 0.2871 0.9003 | 0.7474 3.6511 16 584.2 0.0000 a 3 | 0.2197 .050705 0.0619 0.9622 | 0.9231 1.7353 9 467.4 0.0786 a 4 | 0.1728 .030785 0.0376 0.9997 | 0.9699 1.4843 4 386 0.2062 e 5 | 0.0144 .000207 0.0003 1.0000 | 0.9998 .04025 1 194 0.8412 e --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ho: this and smaller canon. corr. are zero; e = exact F, a = approximate F Standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients | function1 function2 function3 function4 function5 -------------+------------------------------------------------------- read | -.1161169 -.4829687 .1886365 1.321818 .1538771 write | -.6602812 1.128027 -.212974 .1360569 .4061492 math | -.463602 -.5339929 .8257989 -.7658781 .3940945 science | .6107802 -.3927407 -1.125132 -.3845829 .2800101 socst | -.3563766 -.225085 -.2689487 -.3519051 -1.088045 Canonical structure | function1 function2 function3 function4 function5 -------------+------------------------------------------------------- read | -.5809872 -.5235904 -.2656326 .5296293 .1929744 write | -.8095514 .2094842 -.443327 .0312908 .3212865 math | -.6837577 -.5135297 .0156334 -.2991848 .4230919 science | -.2778489 -.4341668 -.7449201 -.1238876 .4050248 socst | -.7035231 -.2935881 -.3890976 -.0536654 -.5143777 Group means on canonical variables grp | function1 function2 function3 function4 function5 -------------+------------------------------------------------------- 1 | .6640051 -.4587528 -.4351828 .2093051 -.0166562 2 | .1637273 .6219646 -.1688396 -.3557218 -.0124101 3 | -.3608076 -.4947248 -.0729075 -.1062484 .0169581 4 | -.7733276 .0895048 .1406045 .0935383 -.0099369 5 | 1.315385 -.3706178 .4039811 -.0541723 -.0050263 6 | .506798 .7885798 -.0307032 .1835678 .020094 Resubstitution classification summary +---------+ | Key | |---------| | Number | | Percent | +---------+ | Classified True grp | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | Total -------------+------------------------------------------------+------- 1 | 5 2 3 1 7 3 | 21 | 23.81 9.52 14.29 4.76 33.33 14.29 | 100.00 | | 2 | 0 10 1 5 4 4 | 24 | 0.00 41.67 4.17 20.83 16.67 16.67 | 100.00 | | 3 | 5 6 17 13 3 3 | 47 | 10.64 12.77 36.17 27.66 6.38 6.38 | 100.00 | | 4 | 1 9 11 25 4 8 | 58 | 1.72 15.52 18.97 43.10 6.90 13.79 | 100.00 | | 5 | 5 4 1 1 12 0 | 23 | 21.74 17.39 4.35 4.35 52.17 0.00 | 100.00 | | 6 | 3 4 2 2 4 12 | 27 | 11.11 14.81 7.41 7.41 14.81 44.44 | 100.00 -------------+------------------------------------------------+------- Total | 19 35 35 47 34 30 | 200 | 9.50 17.50 17.50 23.50 17.00 15.00 | 100.00 | | Priors | 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 | estat manova Number of obs = 200 W = Wilks' lambda L = Lawley-Hotelling trace P = Pillai's trace R = Roy's largest root Source | Statistic df F(df1, df2) = F Prob>F -----------+-------------------------------------------------- grp | W 0.4975 5 25.0 707.3 5.85 0.0000 a | P 0.6031 25.0 970.0 5.32 0.0000 a | L 0.8191 25.0 942.0 6.17 0.0000 a | R 0.5023 5.0 194.0 19.49 0.0000 u |-------------------------------------------------- Residual | 194 -----------+-------------------------------------------------- Total | 199 -------------------------------------------------------------- e = exact, a = approximate, u = upper bound on F
Multivariate Course Page
Phil Ender, 13jul07, 28oct05, 23apr05, 29Jan98