Linear Statistical Models: Regression

Nonlinear Regression

Updated for Stata 11

Check out the scatterplot below showing the relationship between a women's age and the percent of women that have children.

It is immediately obvious that the relationship is nonlinear. Furthermore, it is unlikely that any simple power (polynomial) function of age would make the association linear. This is a case for nonlinear regression.

It is possible to fit arbitrary nonlinear functions using least squares. The fitting process is iterative and the process has many things in common with linear regression. The biggest difference is that you need to specify the specific function to be fitted. Usually, there will be some sound theoretical mechanism which specifies the function, however, it is possible to select the function empirically.

Stata has a nonlinear regression command, nl, that works with any user specified function or one of seven built-in functions (3 exponential functions, 2 logistic functions, and 2 Gompertz functions). The dataset on births will be fit using a 3 parameter Gompertz functions:

Here is what the process looks like.

use, clear


        age  births 
  1.     15       0  
  2.     20       9  
  3.     25      48  
  4.     30      75  
  5.     35      83  
  6.     40      86  
  7.     45      86  
  8.     15       0  
  9.     20      13  
 10.     25      59  
 11.     30      82  
 12.     35      87  
 13.     40      89  
 14.     45      89  
 15.     15       0  
 16.     20      17  
 17.     25      60  
 18.     30      82  
 19.     35      88  
 20.     40      90  

nl gom3 births age
(obs = 20)

Iteration 0:  residual SS =  2100.188
Iteration 1:  residual SS =  1681.729
Iteration 2:  residual SS =  212.8445
Iteration 3:  residual SS =   183.136
Iteration 4:  residual SS =  183.1101

  Source |       SS       df       MS                Number of obs =        20
---------+------------------------------             F(  3,    17) =   2777.47
   Model |  89749.8899     3    29916.63             Prob > F      =    0.0000
Residual |  183.110095    17  10.7711821             R-squared     =    0.9980
---------+------------------------------             Adj R-squared =    0.9976
   Total |       89933    20     4496.65             Root MSE      =  3.281948
                                                     Res. dev.     =  101.0446
3-parameter Gompertz function, births=b1*exp(-exp(-b2*(age-b3)))
  births |      Coef.   Std. Err.       t     P>|t|       [95% Conf. Interval]
      b1 |    88.4125   1.290269     68.523   0.000       85.69026    91.13473
      b2 |   .2872474   .0203612     14.108   0.000       .2442891    .3302058
      b3 |    22.2833   .1979394    112.576   0.000       21.86568    22.70091
 (SE's, P values, CI's, and correlations are asymptotic approximations)

predict p

twoway (scatter births age)(line p age, sort), legend(off) aspect(1)

We can compare these results with a polynomial regression of degree three. The R2 is not quite as high and the graph of the predicted values do not fit the observed values as well as the nonlinear model.
regress births c.age##c.age##c.age

      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =      20
-------------+------------------------------           F(  3,    16) =  142.02
       Model |  23719.7961     3  7906.59871           Prob > F      =  0.0000
    Residual |  890.753877    16  55.6721173           R-squared     =  0.9638
-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.9570
       Total |    24610.55    19  1295.29211           Root MSE      =  7.4614

      births |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         age |   1.161826   6.171481     0.19   0.853    -11.92113    14.24478
 c.age#c.age |   .2399854   .2183397     1.10   0.288    -.2228741    .7028449
       c.age |  -.0043201   .0024374    -1.77   0.095    -.0094872    .0008469
       _cons |  -60.90203   54.39825    -1.12   0.279    -176.2212    54.41711

predict p2
label variable p2 "poly fitted"
label variable p  "nl fitted"

twoway (scatter births age)(line p age,sort)(line p2 age,sort)

Linear Statistical Models Course

Phil Ender, 22dec00