F-test Comparing Two Models
R2y.12...k1 has all of the same variables as R2y.12...k2 plus more additional variables. Thus, R2y.12...k1 can be said to be nested in R2y.12...k2. The denominator always contains (1 - R2y.12...k1) for the model with more variables.
An Example Using hsbdemo
First model includes read math science socst female & ses.
use http://www.philender.com/courses/data/hsbdemo, clear regress write read math science socst i.female i.ses Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 200 -------------+------------------------------ F( 7, 192) = 41.70 Model | 10784.7713 7 1540.68161 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 7094.10375 192 36.948457 R-squared = 0.6032 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.5887 Total | 17878.875 199 89.843593 Root MSE = 6.0785 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ write | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- read | .1237858 .0652878 1.90 0.059 -.0049876 .2525593 math | .2383564 .0673903 3.54 0.001 .105436 .3712768 science | .2453025 .0610984 4.01 0.000 .1247923 .3658127 socst | .2348613 .0540357 4.35 0.000 .1282815 .341441 1.female | 5.386751 .888778 6.06 0.000 3.633728 7.139774 | ses | 2 | -.9670662 1.119495 -0.86 0.389 -3.175154 1.241022 3 | -.6221902 1.292749 -0.48 0.631 -3.172004 1.927623 | _cons | 6.438565 2.883858 2.23 0.027 .7504525 12.12668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Second model includes all of the above variables except for read female & ses.
regress write math science socst Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 200 -------------+------------------------------ F( 3, 196) = 69.36 Model | 9206.56411 3 3068.8547 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 8672.31089 196 44.2464841 R-squared = 0.5149 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.5075 Total | 17878.875 199 89.843593 Root MSE = 6.6518 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ write | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- math | .2887075 .0696839 4.14 0.000 .151281 .4261339 science | .221637 .0624744 3.55 0.000 .0984286 .3448454 socst | .3017268 .0533039 5.66 0.000 .1966039 .4068496 _cons | 10.27213 3.002846 3.42 0.001 4.35009 16.19416 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Manual Arithmetic
(R2y.12...k1 - R2y.12...k2)/(k1 - k2) F = ----------------------------------- (1 - R2y.12...k1)/(N - k1 - 1) (.6032 - .5149)/(7-3) .0883/4 .022075 = ------------------------ = --------- = ---------- = 10.681452 (1 - .6032)/(200 - 7 -1) .3968/192 .00206667 with df = (k1 -k2) & (N - k1 -1) = 3 & 193
Using Stata
regress write read math science socst i.female i.ses Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 200 -------------+------------------------------ F( 7, 192) = 41.70 Model | 10784.7713 7 1540.68161 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 7094.10375 192 36.948457 R-squared = 0.6032 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.5887 Total | 17878.875 199 89.843593 Root MSE = 6.0785 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ write | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- read | .1237858 .0652878 1.90 0.059 -.0049876 .2525593 math | .2383564 .0673903 3.54 0.001 .105436 .3712768 science | .2453025 .0610984 4.01 0.000 .1247923 .3658127 socst | .2348613 .0540357 4.35 0.000 .1282815 .341441 1.female | 5.386751 .888778 6.06 0.000 3.633728 7.139774 | ses | 2 | -.9670662 1.119495 -0.86 0.389 -3.175154 1.241022 3 | -.6221902 1.292749 -0.48 0.631 -3.172004 1.927623 | _cons | 6.438565 2.883858 2.23 0.027 .7504525 12.12668 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testparm read i.female i.ses ( 1) read = 0 ( 2) 1.female = 0 ( 3) 2.ses = 0 ( 4) 3.ses = 0 F( 4, 192) = 10.68 Prob > F = 0.0000
Linear Statistical Models Course
Phil Ender, 24sep10, 14jan00