Linear Statistical Models: Regression

Variance, Covariance & Correlation

Variance/Standard Deviation

Standard Deviation


Another Look at Covariance

Consider the variance as being the covariance of a variable with itself.

Plotting Two Variables Simultaneously

The more tightly the points are clustered together the higher the correlation between the two variables and the higher the ability to predict one variable from another.

Selected Scatter Plots

Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient

Also known as, the Pearson correlation coefficient, or just the correlation coefficient.

Correlation coefficients can take on any value between -1 and +1, with + and - 1 representing perfect correlations between the variables. And a correlation of zero representing no relationship between the variables.

A rule of thumb for interpreting correlation coefficients:

 Corr     Interpretation
 0 to .1  trivial
.1 to .3  small
.3 to .5  moderate
.5 to .7  large
.7 to .9  very large

Correlations are interpreted by squaring the value of the correlation coefficient. The squared value represents the proportion of variance of one variace that is shared with the other variable, in other words, the proportion of the variance of one variable that can be predicted from the other variable.

Percent of Variance Accounted For

Correlation and Sample Size

The computation of correlation coefficients do not lend themselves to small sample sizes. The following table gives the recommended sample size for detecting various correlations with a power = 0.8 with an alpha = 0.05.
corr   n
.10   617              
.20   153              
.30    68             
.40    37             
.50    22             
.60    15              
.70    10              
.80     7              
.90     5 

Population Correlation Coefficient

Sample Correlation Coefficient

Sources of Misleading Correlation Coefficients

  • Restriction of Range
  • Extreme Groups
  • Combining Groups
  • Outliers
  • Curvilinearity

    Restriction of Range

    Extreme Groups

    Combining Groups



    Discuss Correlation & Causation

    Of course, just because two variables are correlated it does not mean that they are causally related. Often a third variable, a lurking variable, that is not included in the analysis is responsible (causes) for the first two variables. A lurking variable is a variable that loiters in the background and affects both of the original variables

    Other Correlation Coefficients

  • Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient -- Spearman ρ

  • Eta coefficient -- η

  • Eta-squared coefficient -- η2

  • Biserial correlation coefficient -- rbi

  • Point biserial coefficient -- rpb

  • Phi coefficient -- φ

  • Tetrachoric correlation coefficient -- rtet

  • Multiple correlation coefficient -- Ra.bcd

  • Squared multiple correlation coefficient - Coefficient of Determination -- R2a.bcd

  • Partial correlation coefficient -- rab.c Spearman's Rank Order Correlation

  • A bivariate correlation for use when data are ranked data for both variables.
  • Ranked data are scaled as ordinal data.
  • Use Spearman's correlation, rs (ρ).

    Spearman Example

    b440 0

    Stata Example

    input xrank yrank
     1  3
     4  4
     5  8
    10  5
     8  2
    14 15
     7  9
     2  6
    12 14
     9  7
    15 13
     3  1
    13 12
    11 10
     6 11
             |    xrank    yrank
       xrank |   1.0000
       yrank |   0.7536   1.0000

    Another Stata Example

  • Now, let's use Stata to create rank data and compare the Pearson correlation with the Spearman correlation.
    input y x
    100 135
    120 105
    160 155
    220 175 
    110 105 
    140 145 
    200 185 
    260 195
    130 145 
    110 105 
    180 175 
    210 165 
    200 175 
    170 145
    120 145
    egen xrank = rank(x)
    egen yrank = rank(y)
                 y          x      xrank      yrank 
      1.       100        135          4          1  
      2.       110        105          2        2.5  
      3.       110        105          2        2.5  
      4.       120        145        6.5        4.5  
      5.       120        105          2        4.5  
      6.       130        145        6.5          6  
      7.       140        145        6.5          7  
      8.       160        155          9          8  
      9.       170        145        6.5          9  
     10.       180        175         12         10  
     11.       200        185         14       11.5  
     12.       200        175         12       11.5  
     13.       210        165         10         13  
     14.       220        175         12         14  
     15.       260        195         15         15 
    corr x y xrank yrank
             |        y        x    xrank    yrank
           y |   1.0000
           x |   0.8768   1.0000
       xrank |   0.9118   0.9853   1.0000
       yrank |   0.9821   0.8753   0.9073   1.0000                                    
    spearman x y
     Number of obs =      15
    Spearman's rho =       0.9073
    Test of Ho: x and y independent
          Pr > |t| =       0.0000

    Point Biserial Correlation

  • A bivariate correlation for use when one variable is continuous and the other variable is a "true" dichotomous variable.

    Point Biserial Example

    input y x
    100 0
    120 1 
    160 0 
    220 1 
    110 0 
    140 0 
    200 1 
    260 1 
    130 0 
    110 1 
    180 0 
    210 1 
    200 1 
    170 1
    120 0
    corr x y
             |        x        y
           x |   1.0000
           y |   0.5541   1.0000       

    Fourfold Correlation - Phi Coefficient

  • A bivariate correlation for use when both variables are dichotomous.

    X1(a) 12(b) 16
    0(c) 14(d) 9

    Stata Example

  • Use the dichotomous data with any Pearson correlation program and obtain the same correlation.
    input x y w
    0 0 9
    0 1 14
    1 0 16
    1 1 12
    corr x y [fw=w]
             |        x        y
           x |   1.0000
           y |  -0.1793   1.0000

  • Or, use the tabulate command.
    tab x y [fw=w], all
               |           y
             x |         0          1 |     Total
             0 |         9         14 |        23 
             1 |        16         12 |        28 
         Total |        25         26 |        51 
              Pearson chi2(1) =   1.6394   Pr = 0.200
     likelihood-ratio chi2(1) =   1.6495   Pr = 0.199
                   Cramer's V =  -0.1793
                        gamma =  -0.3494  ASE = 0.252
              Kendall's tau-b =  -0.1793  ASE = 0.138

    When analyzing two-by-two tables, the value of Cramer's V is actually phi. Cramer's V is a generalization of the phi coefficient that can be used in tables larger than two-by-two.

    Linear Statistical Models Course

    Phil Ender, 15Jan98