Title 'Agresti9.4.MULTIPLE.SPS -- analysis of Agresti data Table 9.4'.
COMMENT multiple regression 2 predictors.
          /1 P 1-5 S 8-12 Be 16 Ba 20 New 24.
 48.5   1.10   3   1   0
 55.0   1.01   3   2   0
 68.0   1.45   3   2   0
137.0   2.40   3   3   0
309.4   3.30   4   3   1
 17.5    .40   1   1   0
 19.6   1.28   3   1   0
 24.5    .74   3   1   0
 34.8    .78   2   1   0
 32.0    .97   3   1   0
 28.0    .84   3   1   0
 49.9   1.08   2   2   0
 59.9    .99   2   1   0
 61.5   1.01   3   2   0
 60.0   1.34   3   2   0
 65.9   1.22   3   1   0
 67.9   1.28   3   2   0
 68.9   1.29   3   2   0
 69.9   1.52   3   2   0
 70.5   1.25   3   2   0
 72.9   1.28   3   2   0
 72.5   1.28   3   1   0
 72.0   1.36   3   2   0
 71.0   1.20   3   2   0
 76.0   1.46   3   2   0
 72.9   1.56   4   2   0
 73.0   1.22   3   2   0
 70.0   1.40   2   2   0
 76.0   1.15   2   2   0
 69.0   1.74   3   2   0
 75.5   1.62   3   2   0
 76.0   1.66   3   2   0
 81.8   1.33   3   2   0
 84.5   1.34   3   2   0
 83.5   1.40   3   2   0
 86.0   1.15   2   2   1
 86.9   1.58   3   2   1
 86.9   1.58   3   2   1
 86.9   1.58   3   2   1
 87.9   1.71   3   2   0
 88.1   2.10   3   2   0
 85.9   1.27   3   2   0
 89.5   1.34   3   2   0
 87.4   1.25   3   2   0
 87.9   1.68   3   2   0
 88.0   1.55   3   2   0
 90.0   1.55   3   2   0
 96.0   1.36   3   2   1
 99.9   1.51   3   2   1
 95.5   1.54   3   2   1
 98.5   1.51   3   2   0
100.1   1.85   3   2   0
 99.9   1.62   4   2   1
101.9   1.40   3   2   1
101.9   1.92   4   2   0
102.3   1.42   3   2   1
110.8   1.56   3   2   1
105.0   1.43   3   2   1
 97.9   2.00   3   2   0
106.3   1.45   3   2   1
106.5   1.65   3   2   0
116.0   1.72   4   2   1
108.0   1.79   4   2   1
107.5   1.85   3   2   0
109.9   2.06   4   2   1
110.0   1.76   4   2   0
120.0   1.62   3   2   1
115.0   1.80   4   2   1
113.4   1.98   3   2   0
114.9   1.57   3   2   0
115.0   2.19   3   2   0
115.0   2.07   4   2   0
117.9   1.99   4   2   0
110.0   1.55   3   2   0
115.0   1.67   3   2   0
124.0   2.40   4   2   0
129.9   1.79   4   2   1
124.0   1.89   3   2   0
128.0   1.88   3   2   1
132.4   2.00   4   2   1
139.3   2.05   4   2   1
139.3   2.00   4   2   1
139.7   2.03   3   2   1
142.0   2.12   3   3   0
141.3   2.08   4   2   1
147.5   2.19   4   2   0
142.5   2.40   4   2   0
148.0   2.40   5   2   0
149.0   3.05   4   2   0
150.0   2.04   3   3   0
172.9   2.25   4   2   1
190.0   2.57   4   3   1
280.0   3.85   4   3   0
COMMENT start here.
VARIABLE LABELS P 'selling price in thousands' S 'size in thousands'
   Be 'number bedrooms' Ba 'number bathrooms' New 'new-1 or old-0'.
pearson corr S,Ba,P.
stat 1.
frequencies gen=S,Ba,P/format=notable/histogram.
regression  descriptives=mean,stddev,corr,n/
   scatterplot=(P,S) (P,Ba) (*resid,P) (*resid,Ba) (*resid,*pred)/
   dep=P/enter S/ enter Ba/
   dep=P/enter Ba/ enter S.

-> Title 'Agresti9.4.MULTIPLE.SPS -- analysis of Agresti data Table 9.4'.

>Warning # 2003.  Command name: TITLE
>The title given exceeds 60 characters in length.  The first 60 characters
>will be used.

-> COMMENT multiple regression 2 predictors.
->           /1 P 1-5 S 8-12 Be 16 Ba 20 New 24.

This command will read 1 records from the command file

Variable   Rec   Start     End         Format

P            1       1       5         F5.0
S            1       8      12         F5.0
BE           1      16      16         F1.0
BA           1      20      20         F1.0
NEW          1      24      24         F1.0



Preceding task required .05 seconds CPU time;  .36 seconds elapsed.

-> COMMENT start here.
-> VARIABLE LABELS P 'selling price in thousands' S 'size in thousands'
->    Be 'number bedrooms' Ba 'number bathrooms' New 'new-1 or old-0'.
-> SET WIDTH=80.
-> pearson corr S,Ba,P.

PEARSON CORR problem requires 192 bytes of workspace.

                      - -  Correlation Coefficients  - -

             S          BA         P

S            1.0000      .6625      .8988
            (   93)    (   93)    (   93)
            P= .       P= .000    P= .000

BA            .6625     1.0000      .7137
            (   93)    (   93)    (   93)
            P= .000    P= .       P= .000

P             .8988      .7137     1.0000
            (   93)    (   93)    (   93)
            P= .000    P= .000    P= .

(Coefficient / (Cases) / 2-tailed Significance)

" . " is printed if a coefficient cannot be computed

Preceding task required .06 seconds CPU time;  .07 seconds elapsed.

-> stat 1.

>Error # 1.  Command name: STAT
>The first word in the line is not recognized as a SPSS command.
>This command not executed.

-> frequencies gen=S,Ba,P/format=notable/histogram.

Memory allows a total of 18,724 values accumulated across all variables.
There may be up to 2,340 value labels for each variable.

S         size in thousands

    Count   Midpoint    One symbol equals approximately  1.00 occurrence

        2          1 |**
       13          1 |*************
       45          2 |*********************************************
       24          2 |************************
        6          3 |******
        1          3 |*
        1          4 |*
        1          4 |*
                     0        10        20        30        40        50
                               Histogram frequency

Valid cases      93      Missing cases      0

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BA        number bathrooms

    Count   Midpoint    One symbol equals approximately  2.00 occurrences

       10          1 |*****
       77          2 |***************************************
        6          3 |***
                     0        20        40        60        80       100
                               Histogram frequency

Valid cases      93      Missing cases      0

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

P         selling price in thousands

    Count   Midpoint    One symbol equals approximately   .60 occurrences

        4         20 |*******
        4         40 |*******
       10         60 |*****************
       26         80 |*******************************************
       17        100 |****************************
       16        120 |***************************
       11        140 |******************
        1        160 |**
        1        180 |**
        1        200 |**
        0        220 |
        0        240 |
        0        260 |
        1        280 |**
        1        300 |**
                     0         6        12        18        24        30
                               Histogram frequency

Valid cases      93      Missing cases      0

Preceding task required .03 seconds CPU time;  .04 seconds elapsed.

-> regression  descriptives=mean,stddev,corr,n/
->    variables=S,Ba,P/
->    statistics=r,anova,cha,coeff,outs,zpp,ci,tol,label,history/
->    dependent=P/
->    method=enter/
->    residuals=default/
->    casewise=default/
->    scatterplot=(P,S) (P,Ba) (*resid,P) (*resid,Ba) (*resid,*pred)/
->    dep=P/enter/
->    dep=P/enter S/ enter Ba/
->    dep=P/enter Ba/ enter S.

     1792 bytes of memory required for REGRESSION procedure.
    84888 more bytes may be needed for Residuals plots.

           * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Listwise Deletion of Missing Data

             Mean  Std Dev  Label

S           1.650     .525  size in thousands
BA          1.957     .415  number bathrooms
P          99.533   44.184  selling price in thousands

N of Cases =    93


                  S         BA          P

S             1.000       .662       .899
BA             .662      1.000       .714
P              .899       .714      1.000

           * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Equation Number 1    Dependent Variable..   P   selling price in thousands

  Descriptive Statistics are printed on Page    8

Block Number  1.  Method:  Enter

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number
   1..    BA        number bathrooms
   2..    S         size in thousands

Multiple R           .91257
R Square             .83278          R Square Change    .83278
Adjusted R Square    .82907          F Change        224.11449
Standard Error     18.26740          Signif F Change    .0000

Analysis of Variance
                    DF      Sum of Squares      Mean Square
Regression           2        149573.05812      74786.52906
Residual            90         30032.80854        333.69787

F =     224.11449       Signif F =  .0000

---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable              B        SE B     95% Confdnce Intrvl B       Beta

S             63.863149    4.840401    54.246847    73.479451    .759205
BA            22.448451    6.129679    10.270773    34.626129    .210736
(Constant)   -49.751639    9.183284   -67.995836   -31.507442

------------------------ Variables in the Equation -------------------------

Variable     Correl Part Cor  Partial  Tolerance        VIF         T  Sig T

S           .898814  .568703  .811904    .561117      1.782    13.194  .0000
BA          .713696  .157857  .360133    .561117      1.782     3.662  .0004
(Constant)                                                     -5.418  .0000

End Block Number   1   All requested variables entered.

           * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Equation Number 1    Dependent Variable..   P   selling price in thousands

                       Summary table

Step   MultR     Rsq    F(Eqn)  SigF       Variable  BetaIn
   1                                  In:  BA         .7137
   2   .9126   .8328   224.114  .000  In:  S          .7592

           * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Equation Number 1    Dependent Variable..   P   selling price in thousands

Casewise Plot of Standardized Residual

Outliers = 3.    *: Selected   M: Missing

          -6.     -3.  3.     6.
  Case #   O:.......:  :.......:O       P       *PRED      *RESID
       5   .         ..    *    .     309    228.3421     81.0579

       1 Outliers found.

           * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Residuals Statistics:

              Min      Max     Mean  Std Dev   N

*PRED     -1.7579 263.4668  99.5333  40.3211  93
*RESID   -41.1579  81.0579    .0000  18.0677  93
*ZPRED    -2.5121   4.0657    .0000   1.0000  93
*ZRESID   -2.2531   4.4373    .0000    .9891  93

Total Cases =       93

Durbin-Watson Test =   2.01514

Outliers - Standardized Residual

  Case #       *ZRESID

       5       4.43730
      41      -2.25308
      89      -2.24049
      30      -2.04009
       7      -1.90731
      91       1.86467
       4      -1.85386
      32      -1.37721
      59      -1.36700
      76      -1.33663

           * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Histogram - Standardized Residual

 N Exp N      (* = 1 Cases,    . : = Normal Curve)
 1   .07   Out *
 0   .14  3.00
 0   .36  2.67
 0   .83  2.33 .
 1  1.70  2.00 *.
 0  3.11  1.67   .
 2  5.10  1.33 **  .
14  7.50  1.00 *******:******
12  9.88   .67 *********:**
11 11.65   .33 ***********.
13 12.31   .00 ***********:*
11 11.65  -.33 ***********.
11  9.88  -.67 *********:*
 6  7.50 -1.00 ****** .
 6  5.10 -1.33 ****:*
 0  3.11 -1.67   .
 3  1.70 -2.00 *:*
 2   .83 -2.33 :*
 0   .36 -2.67
 0   .14 -3.00
 0   .07   Out

Normal Probability (P-P) Plot
Standardized Residual
  1.0  +---------+---------+---------+---------*
       |                                     .*|
       |                                   . **|
       |                                 .**** |
       |                               ****    |
   .75 +                           ****        +
       |                         ***           |
 E     |                       ***             |
 x     |                      **               |
 p     |                   ***                 |
 e .5  +                 **.                   +
 c     |                *.                     |
 t     |             ****                      |
 e     |            **                         |
 d     |          ***                          |
   .25 +        **                             +
       |     ***                               |
       |    **                                 |
       | ****                                  |
       | *                                     |
       **--------+---------+---------+---------+ Observed
               .25        .5       .75       1.0

Standardized Scatterplot
Across - S          Down - P
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----- :
  3 +                                         Symbols:
    |                                     |
    |                                     |      Max N
  2 +                             .       +
    |                         .           |   .      1.0
    |                                     |   :      2.0
  1 +                      **.  *      .  +   *      5.0
    |                    .:.    .         |
    |                 *::* ::.            |
  0 +               **.: ...              +
    |            ..*. *..   .             |
    |            .**::::.                 |
 -1 +          .*. .                      +
    |        .                            |
    |        ...   .                      |
 -2 +    .                                +
    |                                     |
    |                                     |
 -3 +                                     +
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
    -3    -2    -1     0     1     2     3 Out

Standardized Scatterplot
Across - BA         Down - P
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+- . -++
  3 +                                     +   Symbols:
    |                                     |
    |                                     |      Max N
  2 +                                 .   +
    |                   .                 |   .      4.0
    |                                     |   :      8.0
  1 +                   :             .   +   *     16.0
    |                   :                 |
    |                   *                 |
  0 +                   *                 +
    |                   *                 |
    |    .              *                 |
 -1 +    .              .                 +
    |    .                                |
    |    .                                |
 -2 +    .                                +
    |                                     |
    |                                     |
 -3 +                                     +
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
    -3    -2    -1     0     1     2     3 Out

Standardized Scatterplot
Across - P          Down - *RESID
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----- .
  3 +                                         Symbols:
    |                                     |
    |                                     |      Max N
  2 +                            .        +
    |                                     |   .      1.0
    |             .       .                   :      2.0
  1 +       .     .. . :*: ..             .   *      4.0
    |         .      : . : ::..
    |        .  .   ...:...        .      |
  0 +        ..   .: :..:     :           +
    |            . * .. .:   .            |
    |           .  :.* . .   .            |
 -1 +             .. . ...                +
    |              ::  .  .               |
    |                                     |
 -2 +       .      .        .             +
    |                .        .           |
    |                                     |
 -3 +                                     +
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
    -3    -2    -1     0     1     2     3 Out

Standardized Scatterplot
Across - BA         Down - *RESID
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+- . -++
  3 +                                     +   Symbols:
    |                                     |
    |                                     |      Max N
  2 +                   .                 +
    |                                     |   .      2.0
    |    .              .                 |   :      4.0
  1 +    :              *             .   +   *     11.0
    |    .              *                 |
    |    .              *             .   |
  0 +    .              *             .   +
    |                   *                 |
    |                   *             .   |
 -1 +                   *                 +
    |                   *                 |
    |                                     |
 -2 +    .              .             .   +
    |                   .                 |
    |                                     |
 -3 +                                     +
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
    -3    -2    -1     0     1     2     3 Out

Standardized Scatterplot
Across - *PRED      Down - *RESID
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----- .
  3 +                                         Symbols:
    |                                     |
    |                                     |      Max N
  2 +                        .            +
    |                                     |   .      1.0
    |         .        .                      :      2.0
  1 +   .       : .  ** . .               .   *      4.0
    |       .      .:  ....*.
    |      .   .  . : :. :         .      |
  0 +       ..   . :....:     :           +
    |            . .* :  .:   .           |
    |             . .:*. . .   .          |
 -1 +               ..  . ...             +
    |                 ::  .   .           |
    |                                     |
 -2 +           .       .         .       +
    |                      .        .     |
    |                                     |
 -3 +                                     +
Out ++-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----++
    -3    -2    -1     0     1     2     3 Out

           * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Equation Number 2    Dependent Variable..   P   selling price in thousands

  Descriptive Statistics are printed on Page    8

Block Number  1.  Method:  Enter

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number
   1..    BA        number bathrooms
   2..    S         size in thousands

Multiple R           .91257
R Square             .83278          R Square Change    .83278
Adjusted R Square    .82907          F Change        224.11449
Standard Error     18.26740          Signif F Change    .0000

Analysis of Variance
                    DF      Sum of Squares      Mean Square
Regression           2        149573.05812      74786.52906
Residual            90         30032.80854        333.69787

F =     224.11449       Signif F =  .0000

---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable              B        SE B     95% Confdnce Intrvl B       Beta

S             63.863149    4.840401    54.246847    73.479451    .759205
BA            22.448451    6.129679    10.270773    34.626129    .210736
(Constant)   -49.751639    9.183284   -67.995836   -31.507442

------------------------ Variables in the Equation -------------------------

Variable     Correl Part Cor  Partial  Tolerance        VIF         T  Sig T

S           .898814  .568703  .811904    .561117      1.782    13.194  .0000
BA          .713696  .157857  .360133    .561117      1.782     3.662  .0004
(Constant)                                                     -5.418  .0000

End Block Number   1   All requested variables entered.

           * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Equation Number 2    Dependent Variable..   P   selling price in thousands

                       Summary table

Step   MultR     Rsq    F(Eqn)  SigF       Variable  BetaIn
   1                                  In:  BA         .7137
   2   .9126   .8328   224.114  .000  In:  S          .7592

           * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Equation Number 3    Dependent Variable..   P   selling price in thousands

  Descriptive Statistics are printed on Page    8

Block Number  1.  Method:  Enter      S

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number
   1..    S         size in thousands

Multiple R           .89881
R Square             .80787          R Square Change    .80787
Adjusted R Square    .80575          F Change        382.62766
Standard Error     19.47340          Signif F Change    .0000

Analysis of Variance
                    DF      Sum of Squares      Mean Square
Regression           1        145097.46423     145097.46423
Residual            91         34508.40244        379.21321

F =     382.62766       Signif F =  .0000

---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable              B        SE B     95% Confdnce Intrvl B       Beta

S             75.606840    3.865208    67.929078    83.284601    .898814
(Constant)   -25.193563    6.688450   -38.479347   -11.907779

------------------------ Variables in the Equation -------------------------

Variable     Correl Part Cor  Partial  Tolerance        VIF         T  Sig T

S           .898814  .898814  .898814   1.000000      1.000    19.561  .0000
(Constant)                                                     -3.767  .0003

------------------------ Variables not in the Equation ------------------------

Variable     Beta In  Partial  Tolerance        VIF  Min Toler         T  Sig T

BA           .210736  .360133    .561117      1.782    .561117     3.662  .0004

End Block Number   1   All requested variables entered.

           * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Equation Number 3    Dependent Variable..   P   selling price in thousands

Block Number  2.  Method:  Enter      BA

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number
   2..    BA        number bathrooms

Multiple R           .91257
R Square             .83278          R Square Change    .02492
Adjusted R Square    .82907          F Change         13.41211
Standard Error     18.26740          Signif F Change    .0004

Analysis of Variance
                    DF      Sum of Squares      Mean Square
Regression           2        149573.05812      74786.52906
Residual            90         30032.80854        333.69787

F =     224.11449       Signif F =  .0000

---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable              B        SE B     95% Confdnce Intrvl B       Beta

S             63.863149    4.840401    54.246847    73.479451    .759205
BA            22.448451    6.129679    10.270773    34.626129    .210736
(Constant)   -49.751639    9.183284   -67.995836   -31.507442

------------------------ Variables in the Equation -------------------------

Variable     Correl Part Cor  Partial  Tolerance        VIF         T  Sig T

S           .898814  .568703  .811904    .561117      1.782    13.194  .0000
BA          .713696  .157857  .360133    .561117      1.782     3.662  .0004
(Constant)                                                     -5.418  .0000

End Block Number   2   All requested variables entered.

           * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Equation Number 3    Dependent Variable..   P   selling price in thousands

                       Summary table

Step   MultR     Rsq    F(Eqn)  SigF       Variable  BetaIn
   1   .8988   .8079   382.628  .000  In:  S          .8988
   2   .9126   .8328   224.114  .000  In:  BA         .2107

           * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Equation Number 4    Dependent Variable..   P   selling price in thousands

  Descriptive Statistics are printed on Page    8

Block Number  1.  Method:  Enter      BA

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number
   1..    BA        number bathrooms

Multiple R           .71370
R Square             .50936          R Square Change    .50936
Adjusted R Square    .50397          F Change         94.47278
Standard Error     31.11861          Signif F Change    .0000

Analysis of Variance
                    DF      Sum of Squares      Mean Square
Regression           1         91484.39764      91484.39764
Residual            91         88121.46902        968.36779

F =      94.47278       Signif F =  .0000

---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable              B        SE B     95% Confdnce Intrvl B       Beta

BA            76.025815    7.821819    60.488733    91.562897    .713696
(Constant)   -49.248370   15.643637   -80.322533   -18.174206

------------------------ Variables in the Equation -------------------------

Variable     Correl Part Cor  Partial  Tolerance        VIF         T  Sig T

BA          .713696  .713696  .713696   1.000000      1.000     9.720  .0000
(Constant)                                                     -3.148  .0022

------------------------ Variables not in the Equation ------------------------

Variable     Beta In  Partial  Tolerance        VIF  Min Toler         T  Sig T

S            .759205  .811904    .561117      1.782    .561117    13.194  .0000

End Block Number   1   All requested variables entered.

           * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Equation Number 4    Dependent Variable..   P   selling price in thousands

Block Number  2.  Method:  Enter      S

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number
   2..    S         size in thousands

Multiple R           .91257
R Square             .83278          R Square Change    .32342
Adjusted R Square    .82907          F Change        174.07561
Standard Error     18.26740          Signif F Change    .0000

Analysis of Variance
                    DF      Sum of Squares      Mean Square
Regression           2        149573.05812      74786.52906
Residual            90         30032.80854        333.69787

F =     224.11449       Signif F =  .0000

---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable              B        SE B     95% Confdnce Intrvl B       Beta

S             63.863149    4.840401    54.246847    73.479451    .759205
BA            22.448451    6.129679    10.270773    34.626129    .210736
(Constant)   -49.751639    9.183284   -67.995836   -31.507442

------------------------ Variables in the Equation -------------------------

Variable     Correl Part Cor  Partial  Tolerance        VIF         T  Sig T

S           .898814  .568703  .811904    .561117      1.782    13.194  .0000
BA          .713696  .157857  .360133    .561117      1.782     3.662  .0004
(Constant)                                                     -5.418  .0000

End Block Number   2   All requested variables entered.

           * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Equation Number 4    Dependent Variable..   P   selling price in thousands

                       Summary table

Step   MultR     Rsq    F(Eqn)  SigF       Variable  BetaIn
   1   .7137   .5094    94.473  .000  In:  BA         .7137
   2   .9126   .8328   224.114  .000  In:  S          .7592

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