
Linear Statistical Models

Split-Plot Factorial Designs

Updated for Stata 11


  • For use with one or more between-subjects factors and one or more within-subjects factors.

    Schematic of SPF-2.4 with Example Data

    LevelSb1 b2b3b4

    Or in abbreviated form.
    Levelb1 b2b3b4
    a1  S1
    n = 4
    n = 4
    n = 4
    n = 4
    a2  S2
    n = 4
    n = 4
    n = 4
    n = 4

    Linear Model

    Yijk = μ + αj + πi(j) + βk + αβjk + βπki(j) + εijk

    μ = overall poulation mean
    αj = the effect of treatment level j
    πi = the effect of block i
    βk = the effect of treatment level k
    αβjk = the joint effects of treatment levels j & k
    βπki(j) = the effect of treatment level k & block i nested in j of A
    εijk = experimental error


  • A Main Effect

  • B Main Effect

  • A#B Interaction


  • Between Blocks Assumptions
  • Within-Blocks Assumptions

    ANOVA Summary Table

    SourceSS    dfMSFp-valueError
    Between Blocks
    1A3.12513.1252.00    .2070[2]
    Within Blocks
    3B194.5003    64.833127.88.0000[5]

    Table of the F-distribution

    Expected Mean Squares

    E(MS a)          = σ2ε + qσ2π + nqσ2α
    E(MS blks(a))    = σ2ε + qσ2π
    E(MS b)          = σ2ε + σ2βπ + npσ2β
    E(MS a#b)        = σ2ε + σ2βπ + nσ2αβ
    E(MS b#blks(a))  = σ2ε + σ2βπ

    Strength of Association

    F-ratio is not significant, do not compute omega2 for A.

    Using Stata

    input y a b s x1 x2 x3 x4 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6
     3 1 1 1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  0  0  0 
     6 1 1 2  1  1  1  1 -1  1  1  0  0  0 
     3 1 1 3  1  1  1  1  0 -2  1  0  0  0 
     3 1 1 4  1  1  1  1  0  0 -3  0  0  0 
     1 2 1 5 -1  1  1  1  0  0  0  1  1  1 
     2 2 1 6 -1  1  1  1  0  0  0 -1  1  1 
     2 2 1 7 -1  1  1  1  0  0  0  0 -2  1
     2 2 1 8 -1  1  1  1  0  0  0  0  0 -3 
     4 1 2 1  1 -1  1  1  1  1  1  0  0  0  
     5 1 2 2  1 -1  1  1 -1  1  1  0  0  0   
     4 1 2 3  1 -1  1  1  0 -2  1  0  0  0  
     3 1 2 4  1 -1  1  1  0  0 -3  0  0  0 
     2 2 2 5 -1 -1  1  1  0  0  0  1  1  1 
     3 2 2 6 -1 -1  1  1  0  0  0 -1  1  1 
     4 2 2 7 -1 -1  1  1  0  0  0  0 -2  1 
     3 2 2 8 -1 -1  1  1  0  0  0  0  0 -3 
     7 1 3 1  1  0 -2  1  1  1  1  0  0  0  
     8 1 3 2  1  0 -2  1 -1  1  1  0  0  0 
     7 1 3 3  1  0 -2  1  0 -2  1  0  0  0  
     6 1 3 4  1  0 -2  1  0  0 -3  0  0  0  
     5 2 3 5 -1  0 -2  1  0  0  0  1  1  1 
     6 2 3 6 -1  0 -2  1  0  0  0 -1  1  1 
     5 2 3 7 -1  0 -2  1  0  0  0  0 -2  1 
     6 2 3 8 -1  0 -2  1  0  0  0  0  0 -3 
     7 1 4 1  1  0  0 -3  1  1  1  0  0  0 
     8 1 4 2  1  0  0 -3 -1  1  1  0  0  0  
     9 1 4 3  1  0  0 -3  0 -2  1  0  0  0  
     8 1 4 4  1  0  0 -3  0  0 -3  0  0  0  
    10 2 4 5 -1  0  0 -3  0  0  0  1  1  1 
    10 2 4 6 -1  0  0 -3  0  0  0 -1  1  1 
     9 2 4 7 -1  0  0 -3  0  0  0  0 -2  1 
    11 2 4 8 -1  0  0 -3  0  0  0  0  0 -3 
    tabulate a, summ(y)
                |            Summary of y
              a |        Mean   Std. Dev.       Freq.
              1 |      5.6875    2.120338          16
              2 |      5.0625   3.3159966          16
          Total |       5.375   2.7562246          32
    tabulate b, summ(y)
                |            Summary of y
              b |        Mean   Std. Dev.       Freq.
              1 |        2.75   1.4880476           8
              2 |         3.5    .9258201           8
              3 |        6.25   1.0350983           8
              4 |           9   1.3093073           8
          Total |       5.375   2.7562246          32
    table a, cont(freq mean y sd y) by(b)
      b and a |      Freq.     mean(y)       sd(y)
    1         |
            1 |          4        3.75         1.5
            2 |          4        1.75          .5
    2         |
            1 |          4           4    .8164966
            2 |          4           3    .8164966
    3         |
            1 |          4           7    .8164966
            2 |          4         5.5    .5773503
    4         |
            1 |          4           8    .8164966
            2 |          4          10    .8164966
    histogram y, by(a) normal
    histogram y, by(b) normal
    histogram y, by(a b) normal
    anova y a / s|a b a#b / , repeated(b)
                               Number of obs =      32     R-squared     =  0.9613
                               Root MSE      =    .712     Adj R-squared =  0.9333
                      Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                       Model |     226.375    13  17.4134615      34.35     0.0000
                           a |       3.125     1       3.125       2.00     0.2070
                         s|a |       9.375     6      1.5625   
                           b |       194.5     3  64.8333333     127.89     0.0000
                         a#b |      19.375     3  6.45833333      12.74     0.0001
                    Residual |       9.125    18  .506944444   
                       Total |       235.5    31  7.59677419   
    Between-subjects error term:  s|a
                         Levels:  8         (6 df)
         Lowest b.s.e. variable:  s
         Covariance pooled over:  a         (for repeated variable)
    Repeated variable: b
                                              Huynh-Feldt epsilon        =  0.9432
                                              Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon =  0.5841
                                              Box's conservative epsilon =  0.3333
                                                ------------ Prob > F ------------
                      Source |     df      F    Regular    H-F      G-G      Box
                           b |      3   127.89   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
                         a#b |      3    12.74   0.0001   0.0002   0.0019   0.0118
                    Residual |     18
    quietly anova y a b a#b  /* needed to obtain graphs */
    anovaplot b a, scatter(msym(none))
    anovaplot a b, scatter(msym(none))
    Using Stata: Regression with Orthogonal Coding

    generate x5=x1*x2
    generate x6=x1*x3
    generate x7=x1*x4
    regress y x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6
          Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =      32
    -------------+------------------------------           F( 13,    18) =   34.35
           Model |     226.375    13  17.4134615           Prob > F      =  0.0000
        Residual |       9.125    18  .506944444           R-squared     =  0.9613
    -------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.9333
           Total |       235.5    31  7.59677419           Root MSE      =    .712
               y |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
              x1 |      .3125   .1258651     2.48   0.023     .0480673    .5769327
              x2 |      -.375   .1780001    -2.11   0.049    -.7489643   -.0010357
              x3 |  -1.041667   .1027684   -10.14   0.000    -1.257575   -.8257583
              x4 |  -1.208333   .0726682   -16.63   0.000    -1.361004   -1.055663
              x5 |        .25   .1780001     1.40   0.177    -.1239643    .6239643
              x6 |          0   .1027684     0.00   1.000    -.2159084    .2159084
              x7 |      .4375   .0726682     6.02   0.000     .2848297    .5901703
              s1 |       -.75   .2517301    -2.98   0.008    -1.278865   -.2211346
              s2 |   .0833333   .1453365     0.57   0.573    -.2220072    .3886739
              s3 |   .2291667   .1027684     2.23   0.039     .0132583     .445075
              s4 |      -.375   .2517301    -1.49   0.154    -.9038654    .1538654
              s5 |  -.0416667   .1453365    -0.29   0.778    -.3470072    .2636739
              s6 |  -.1458333   .1027684    -1.42   0.173    -.3617417     .070075
           _cons |      5.375   .1258651    42.70   0.000     5.110567    5.639433
    test2 x1 / s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6
    Testing: x1 
    Error term: s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6
         F(  1,   6)  =     2.00
             Prob > F =     0.2070
    test x2 x3 x4
     ( 1)  x2 = 0
     ( 2)  x3 = 0
     ( 3)  x4 = 0
           F(  3,    18) =  127.89
                Prob > F =    0.0000
    test x5 x6 x7
     ( 1)  x5 = 0
     ( 2)  x6 = 0
     ( 3)  x7 = 0
           F(  3,    18) =   12.74
                Prob > F =    0.0001
    Using Stata: Data in Wide Form

    input s a y1 y2 y3 y4 1 1 3 4 7 7 2 1 6 5 8 8 3 1 3 4 7 9 4 1 3 3 6 8 5 2 1 2 5 10 6 2 2 3 6 10 7 2 2 4 5 9 8 2 2 3 6 11

    The Multivariate Approach

    Using the manova command.

    manova y1 y2 y3 y4 = a
                               Number of obs =       8
                               W = Wilks' lambda      L = Lawley-Hotelling trace
                               P = Pillai's trace     R = Roy's largest root
                      Source |  Statistic     df   F(df1,    df2) =   F   Prob>F
                           a | W   0.1374      1     4.0     3.0     4.71 0.1169 e
                             | P   0.8626            4.0     3.0     4.71 0.1169 e
                             | L   6.2764            4.0     3.0     4.71 0.1169 e
                             | R   6.2764            4.0     3.0     4.71 0.1169 e
                    Residual |                 6
                       Total |                 7
                               e = exact, a = approximate, u = upper bound on 
    mat ymat = (1,0,0,-1\0,1,0,-1\0,0,1,-1)
    mat list ymat
        c1  c2  c3  c4
    r1   1   0   0  -1
    r2   0   1   0  -1
    r3   0   0   1  -1
    /* test of the y#a interaction */
    manovatest a, ytransform(ymat)
     Transformations of the dependent variables
     (1)    y1 - y4
     (2)    y2 - y4
     (3)    y3 - y4
                               W = Wilks' lambda      L = Lawley-Hotelling trace
                               P = Pillai's trace     R = Roy's largest root
                      Source |  Statistic     df   F(df1,    df2) =   F   Prob>F
                           a | W   0.1443      1     3.0     4.0     7.91 0.0371 e
                             | P   0.8557            3.0     4.0     7.91 0.0371 e
                             | L   5.9296            3.0     4.0     7.91 0.0371 e
                             | R   5.9296            3.0     4.0     7.91 0.0371 e
                    Residual |                 6
                               e = exact, a = approximate, u = upper bound on F
    /* test of y */
    mat xmat = (1, .5, .5)
    mat list xmat
        c1  c2  c3
    r1   1  .5  .5
    manovatest, test(xmat) ytransform(ymat)
     Transformations of the dependent variables
     (1)    y1 - y4
     (2)    y2 - y4
     (3)    y3 - y4
     Test constraint
     (1)    _cons + .5 a[1] + .5 a[2] = 0
                               W = Wilks' lambda      L = Lawley-Hotelling trace
                               P = Pillai's trace     R = Roy's largest root
                      Source |  Statistic     df   F(df1,    df2) =   F   Prob>F
                  manovatest | W   0.0275      1     3.0     4.0    47.19 0.0014 e
                             | P   0.9725            3.0     4.0    47.19 0.0014 e
                             | L  35.3944            3.0     4.0    47.19 0.0014 e
                             | R  35.3944            3.0     4.0    47.19 0.0014 e
                    Residual |                 6

    Wide to Long

    reshape long y, i(s) j(b)
    (note:  j = 1 2 3 4)
    Data                               wide   ->   long
    Number of obs.                        8   ->      32
    Number of variables                   6   ->       4
    j variable (4 values)                     ->   b
    xij variables:
                               y1 y2 ... y4   ->   y
    Contains data
      obs:            32                          
     vars:             4                          
     size:           544 (96.8% of memory free)
       1. s         float  %9.0g                  
       2. b         byte   %9.0g                  
       3. a         float  %9.0g                  
       4. y         float  %9.0g                  
    Sorted by:  s  b  
         Note:  dataset has changed since last saved
    tab1 a b s
    -> tabulation of a  
              a |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
              1 |         16       50.00       50.00
              2 |         16       50.00      100.00
          Total |         32      100.00
    -> tabulation of b  
              b |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
              1 |          8       25.00       25.00
              2 |          8       25.00       50.00
              3 |          8       25.00       75.00
              4 |          8       25.00      100.00
          Total |         32      100.00
    -> tabulation of s  
              s |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
              1 |          4       12.50       12.50
              2 |          4       12.50       25.00
              3 |          4       12.50       37.50
              4 |          4       12.50       50.00
              5 |          4       12.50       62.50
              6 |          4       12.50       75.00
              7 |          4       12.50       87.50
              8 |          4       12.50      100.00
          Total |         32      100.00

    The Univariate Anova Approach

    The univariate anova approach would uses the anova command like this.

    anova y a / s|a b a#b /, repeat(b)
                               Number of obs =      32     R-squared     =  0.9613
                               Root MSE      =    .712     Adj R-squared =  0.9333
                      Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                       Model |     226.375    13  17.4134615      34.35     0.0000
                           a |       3.125     1       3.125       2.00     0.2070
                         s|a |       9.375     6      1.5625   
                           b |       194.5     3  64.8333333     127.89     0.0000
                         a#b |      19.375     3  6.45833333      12.74     0.0001
                    Residual |       9.125    18  .506944444   
                       Total |       235.5    31  7.59677419   
    Between-subjects error term:  s|a
                         Levels:  8         (6 df)
         Lowest b.s.e. variable:  s
         Covariance pooled over:  a         (for repeated variable)
    Repeated variable: b
                                              Huynh-Feldt epsilon        =  0.9432
                                              Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon =  0.5841
                                              Box's conservative epsilon =  0.3333
                                                ------------ Prob > F ------------
                      Source |     df      F    Regular    H-F      G-G      Box
                           b |      3   127.89   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
                         a#b |      3    12.74   0.0001   0.0002   0.0019   0.0118
                    Residual |     18

    Generalized Expected Mean Squares with Sampling Fractions

    Sampling Fractions

    When A is fixed P' = 0, when A is random P' = 1
    When B is fixed Q' = 0, when B is random Q' = 1
    When Blocks are fixed N' = 0, when Blocks are random N' = 1

    Where P' is a short way of writing 1 - p/P. p/P is the sampling fraction.
    P' = 1 - p/P
    Q' = 1 - q/Q
    N' = 1 - n/N

    The Variance-Covariance Matrices

  • There will be a variance-covariance matrix for each level of the between blocks factor.
  • For the split-plot factorial analysis to be valid the pooled variance-covariance matrix should have compound symmetry.
  • If the pooled variance-covariance matrix does not have compound symmetry use the p-values associated with either the Huynh-Feldt, Greenhouse-Geisser, or Box's conservative F-ratio.

    Computing the Variance-Covariance Matrices from Wide Data

    input s a y1 y2 y3 y4
    1 1 3 4 7  7
    2 1 6 5 8  8
    3 1 3 4 7  9
    4 1 3 3 6  8
    5 2 1 2 5 10
    6 2 2 3 6 10
    7 2 2 4 5  9
    8 2 2 3 6 11
    corr y1 y2 y3 y4 if a==1, cov
             |       y1       y2       y3       y4
          y1 |     2.25
          y2 |        1  .666667
          y3 |        1  .666667  .666667
          y4 |        0        0        0  .666667
    corr y1 y2 y3 y4 if a==2, cov
             |       y1       y2       y3       y4
          y1 |      .25
          y2 |  .333333  .666667
          y3 |  .166667        0  .333333
          y4 |        0 -.333333  .333333  .666667

    Pooling the Variance-Covariance Matrices

  • Compute the weighted average of the sample covariance matrices.
          b1     b2     b3     b4
    b1  1.2500  .6667  .5834      0
    b2   .6667  .6667  .3334 -.1667
    b3   .5834  .3334  .5000  .1667
    b4       0 -.1667  .1667  .6667

    Obtaining the Pooled Variance-Covariance Matrice in Stata

  • It is very easy to obtain the pooled variance-covariance matrix in Stata. After the anova command enter the command matrix list e(Srep). Remember that for the anova command the data must be in long form.
    anova y a / s|a b a#b /, repeated(b)
    [output omitted]
    mat lis e(Srep)
    symmetric e(Srep)[4,4]
                c1          c2          c3          c4
    r1        1.25
    r2   .66666667   .66666667
    r3   .58333333   .33333333          .5
    r4           0  -.16666667   .16666667   .66666667

    Conservative F-ratios

  • Conventional F Test. Use the conventional or regular p-value if the pooled variance-covariance matrix has compound symmetry.

  • Conservative F test. Use one of the conservative p-values if the pooled variance-covariance matrix does not have compound symmetry.

    Here are the results from the anova command displaying the conventional and conservative p-values.

                                        Huynh-Feldt epsilon        =  0.9432
                                        Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon =  0.5841
                                        Box's conservative epsilon =  0.3333
                                          ------------ Prob > F ------------
                Source |     df      F    Regular    H-F      G-G      Box
                     b |      3   127.89   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
                   a*b |      3    12.74   0.0001   0.0002   0.0019   0.0118
              Residual |     18

    Tests of Simple Main Effects

  • In an SPF-a.b design there will be two different kinds of simple main effects.

    ANOVA Summary Table

    SourceSS   dfMSFError Term
    Between Blocks
    1A at b18.00018.00010.38[5]
    2A at b22.00012.000 2.59[5]
    3A at b34.50014.500 5.84[5]
    4A at b48.00018.00010.38[5]
    5Within cell18.50024.771
    Within Blocks
    6B at a154.687318.22935.95[9]
    7B at a2159.187353.062104.66[9]

    SS Within cell = SS Blks(A) + SS B*Blks(A) 9.375 + 9.125 = 18.5
    df Within cell = df Blks(A) + df B*Blks(A) = 6 + 18 = 24

    Using Stata

    anova y a / s|a b a#b /, repeated(b)
                               Number of obs =      32     R-squared     =  0.9613
                               Root MSE      =    .712     Adj R-squared =  0.9333
                      Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                       Model |     226.375    13  17.4134615      34.35     0.0000
                           a |       3.125     1       3.125       2.00     0.2070
                         s|a |       9.375     6      1.5625   
                           b |      194.50     3  64.8333333     127.89     0.0000
                         a*b |      19.375     3  6.45833333      12.74     0.0001
                    Residual |       9.125    18  .506944444   
                       Total |      235.50    31  7.59677419   
    Between-subjects error term:  s|a
                         Levels:  8         (6 df)
         Lowest b.s.e. variable:  s
         Covariance pooled over:  a         (for repeated variable)
    Repeated variable: b
                                              Huynh-Feldt epsilon        =  0.9432
                                              Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon =  0.5841
                                              Box's conservative epsilon =  0.3333
                                                ------------ Prob > F ------------
                      Source |     df      F    Regular    H-F      G-G      Box
                           b |      3   127.89   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
                         a*b |      3    12.74   0.0001   0.0002   0.0019   0.0118
                    Residual |     18
    sme a b, sse(18.5) dfe(24)    /* combines df & ss for s|a and residual */
    Test of a at b(1): F(1/24)  = 10.378378
    Test of a at b(2): F(1/24)  = 2.5945946
    Test of a at b(3): F(1/24)  = 5.8378378
    Test of a at b(4): F(1/24)  = 10.378378
    Critical value of F for alpha = .05 using ...
    Dunn's procedure              = 5.7165623
    Marascuilo & Levin            = 6.623745
    per family error rate         = 7.291317
    simultaneous test procedure   = 20.978425
    sme b a
    Test of b at a(1): F(3/18)  = 35.958904
    Test of b at a(2): F(3/18)  = 104.67123
    Critical value of F for alpha = .05 using ...
    Dunn's procedure              = 3.9538741
    Marascuilo & Levin            = 4.4443607
    per family error rate         = 3.9538741
    simultaneous test procedure   = 7.3122283
    tkcomp b if a==1
    Tukey-Kramer pairwise comparisons for variable b
    studentized range critical value(.05, 4, 18) = 3.9970087
    grp vs grp       group means          dif     TK-test
      1 vs   2     3.7500     4.0000      0.2500   0.7022 
      1 vs   3     3.7500     7.0000      3.2500   9.1292*
      1 vs   4     3.7500     8.0000      4.2500  11.9382*
      2 vs   3     4.0000     7.0000      3.0000   8.4270*
      2 vs   4     4.0000     8.0000      4.0000  11.2360*
      3 vs   4     7.0000     8.0000      1.0000   2.8090 
    tkcomp b if a==2
    Tukey-Kramer pairwise comparisons for variable b
    studentized range critical value(.05, 4, 18) = 3.9970087
    grp vs grp       group means          dif     TK-test
      1 vs   2     1.7500     3.0000      1.2500   3.5112 
      1 vs   3     1.7500     5.5000      3.7500  10.5337*
      1 vs   4     1.7500    10.0000      8.2500  23.1741*
      2 vs   3     3.0000     5.5000      2.5000   7.0225*
      2 vs   4     3.0000    10.0000      7.0000  19.6629*
      3 vs   4     5.5000    10.0000      4.5000  12.6404*
    Linear Mixed Models Approach

    xtmixed y a##b || s:, var
    Performing EM optimization: 
    Performing gradient-based optimization: 
    Iteration 0:   log restricted-likelihood = -34.824381  
    Iteration 1:   log restricted-likelihood = -34.824379  
    Computing standard errors:
    Mixed-effects REML regression                   Number of obs      =        32
    Group variable: s                               Number of groups   =         8
                                                    Obs per group: min =         4
                                                                   avg =       4.0
                                                                   max =         4
                                                    Wald chi2(7)       =    423.89
    Log restricted-likelihood = -34.824379          Prob > chi2        =    0.0000
               y |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
             2.a |         -2   .6208193    -3.22   0.001    -3.216783   -.7832165
               b |
              2  |        .25   .5034603     0.50   0.619     -.736764    1.236764
              3  |       3.25   .5034603     6.46   0.000     2.263236    4.236764
              4  |       4.25   .5034603     8.44   0.000     3.263236    5.236764
             a#b |
            2 2  |          1   .7120004     1.40   0.160    -.3954951    2.395495
            2 3  |         .5   .7120004     0.70   0.483    -.8954951    1.895495
            2 4  |          4   .7120004     5.62   0.000     2.604505    5.395495
           _cons |       3.75   .4389855     8.54   0.000     2.889604    4.610396
      Random-effects Parameters  |   Estimate   Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]
    s: Identity                  |
                      var(_cons) |   .2638887   .2294499      .0480071    1.450562
                   var(Residual) |   .5069445   .1689815      .2637707    .9743036
    LR test vs. linear regression: chibar2(01) =     3.30 Prob >= chibar2 = 0.0346
    anovalator a b, main 2way fratio
    anovalator main-effect for a  
    chi2(1) = 2.000001   p-value = .1572991
    scaled as F-ratio = 2.000001
    anovalator main-effect for b  
    chi2(3) = 383.67117   p-value = 7.619e-83
    scaled as F-ratio = 127.89039
    anovalator two-way interaction for a#b  
    chi2(3) = 38.219172   p-value = 2.540e-08
    scaled as F-ratio = 12.739724
    anovalator a b, simple fratio
    anovalator test of simple main effects for a at(b=1) 
    chi2(1) = 10.37838   p-value = .001275
    scaled as F-ratio = 10.37838
    anovalator test of simple main effects for a at(b=2) 
    chi2(1) = 2.594595   p-value = .10722884
    scaled as F-ratio = 2.594595
    anovalator test of simple main effects for a at(b=3) 
    chi2(1) = 5.8378388   p-value = .01568508
    scaled as F-ratio = 5.8378388
    anovalator test of simple main effects for a at(b=4) 
    chi2(1) = 10.37838   p-value = .001275
    scaled as F-ratio = 10.37838
    anovalator b a, simple fratio
    anovalator test of simple main effects for b at(a=1) 
    chi2(3) = 107.87669   p-value = 3.142e-23
    scaled as F-ratio = 35.958898
    anovalator test of simple main effects for b at(a=2) 
    chi2(3) = 314.01365   p-value = 9.217e-68
    scaled as F-ratio = 104.67122
    anovalator b , pair at(a=1) quietly
    anovalator pairwise comparisons for b at(a=1)
    Comparison          Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
    1 vs 2               -.25     .50346    -.497   0.619    -1.236782    .7367822
    1 vs 3              -3.25     .50346    -6.46   0.000    -4.236782   -2.263218
    1 vs 4              -4.25     .50346    -8.44   0.000    -5.236782   -3.263218
    2 vs 3                 -3     .50346    -5.96   0.000    -3.986782   -2.013218
    2 vs 4                 -4     .50346    -7.95   0.000    -4.986782   -3.013218
    3 vs 4                 -1     .50346    -1.99   0.047    -1.986782  -.01321783
    anovalator b , pair at(a=2) quietly
    anovalator pairwise comparisons for b at(a=2) 
    Comparison          Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
    1 vs 2              -1.25     .50346    -2.48   0.013    -2.236782   -.2632178
    1 vs 3              -3.75     .50346    -7.45   0.000    -4.736782   -2.763218
    1 vs 4              -8.25     .50346    -16.4   0.000    -9.236782   -7.263218
    2 vs 3               -2.5     .50346    -4.97   0.000    -3.486782   -1.513218
    2 vs 4                 -7     .50346    -13.9   0.000    -7.986782   -6.013218
    3 vs 4               -4.5     .50346    -8.94   0.000    -5.486782   -3.513218

    Linear Statistical Models Course

    Phil Ender, 17sep10, 9may06, 25apr06, 5may00, 12Feb98