One-way analysis of variance, more so, than other designs follows a very predictable pattern of analysis. Thus, it is possible to write a program that does, just about, everything you would want to do for any particular one-way anova.
The program needs to be copied, pasted into the do-file editor and saved to your data directory. To run the program type
Try the findit method first following the
instructions on the screen:
findit effectsize findit tukeyhsd findit tkcomp findit qsturngIf you arre having problems with findit try these commands:
net from net install effectsize net install tukeyhsd net install tkcomp net install qsturngHere is an example of how to run anova1:
use, clear do anova1 y grp
Here is the program. You will need to copy it, psate it into your do-file editor, and save in your data directory.
Here is the Stata 11 version.
/* -------- begin Stata 11 version --------------------- */ args dv iv window manage forward results summarize `dv', detail more hist `dv', normal window manage forward graph more kdensity `dv', normal window manage forward graph more window manage forward results tabulate `iv', summ(`dv') more tabstat `dv', by(`iv') stat(n mean sd var) more sort `iv' graph box `dv', over(`iv') window manage forward graph more histogram `dv', by(`iv') normal window manage forward graph more window manage forward results anova `dv' `iv' more effectsize `iv' more tkcomp `iv' more tukeyhsd `iv' more oneway `dv' `iv', noanova bonferroni sidak scheffe /* -------- end Stata 11 version ----------------------- */
Linear Statistical Models Course
Phil Ender, 17sep10, 10apr06, 25May00