Introduction to Research Design and Statistics

Agresti & Finlay -- Chapter 3

use, clear
/* raw frequency distribution */
tabulate murder

murder rate |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
        1.6 |          1        2.00        2.00
        1.7 |          1        2.00        4.00
          2 |          1        2.00        6.00
        2.3 |          1        2.00        8.00
        2.9 |          1        2.00       10.00
          3 |          1        2.00       12.00
        3.1 |          1        2.00       14.00
        3.4 |          3        6.00       20.00
        3.6 |          1        2.00       22.00
        3.8 |          1        2.00       24.00
        3.9 |          3        6.00       30.00
        4.4 |          1        2.00       32.00
        4.6 |          1        2.00       34.00
          5 |          1        2.00       36.00
        5.2 |          1        2.00       38.00
        5.3 |          1        2.00       40.00
        5.8 |          1        2.00       42.00
          6 |          1        2.00       44.00
        6.3 |          1        2.00       46.00
        6.4 |          1        2.00       48.00
        6.6 |          1        2.00       50.00
        6.8 |          1        2.00       52.00
        6.9 |          1        2.00       54.00
        7.5 |          1        2.00       56.00
          8 |          1        2.00       58.00
        8.3 |          1        2.00       60.00
        8.4 |          1        2.00       62.00
        8.6 |          1        2.00       64.00
        8.9 |          1        2.00       66.00
          9 |          1        2.00       68.00
        9.8 |          1        2.00       70.00
       10.2 |          2        4.00       74.00
       10.3 |          1        2.00       76.00
       10.4 |          1        2.00       78.00
       11.3 |          2        4.00       82.00
       11.4 |          2        4.00       86.00
       11.6 |          1        2.00       88.00
       11.9 |          1        2.00       90.00
       12.7 |          1        2.00       92.00
       13.1 |          1        2.00       94.00
       13.3 |          1        2.00       96.00
       13.5 |          1        2.00       98.00
       20.3 |          1        2.00      100.00
      Total |         50      100.00
/* grouped frequency distribution */
chist murder, table  /* available from ATS */

     murder |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
        0 2 |          5       10.00       10.00
        3 5 |         16       32.00       42.00
        6 8 |         12       24.00       66.00
       9 11 |         12       24.00       90.00
      12 14 |          4        8.00       98.00
      18 20 |          1        2.00      100.00
      Total |         50      100.00
stem murder
Stem-and-leaf plot for murder (murder rate)
murder rounded to nearest multiple of .1
plot in units of .1
   1* | 67
   2* | 039
   3* | 0144468999
   4* | 46
   5* | 0238
   6* | 034689
   7* | 5
   8* | 03469
   9* | 08
  10* | 2234
  11* | 334469
  12* | 7
  13* | 135
  14* | 
  15* | 
  16* | 
  17* | 
  18* | 
  19* | 
  20* | 3
use, clear

stem murder if country==2, lines(1)
Stem-and-leaf plot for murder (murder rate)

murder rounded to nearest multiple of .1
plot in units of .1

  0* | 7
  1* | 123
  2* | 023679
dotplot murder, by(country) ylab nx(30) ny(20)

use, clear

            country  activity       region
  1.        austria        60  west europe
  2.        belgium        47  west europe
  3.        denmark        77  west europe
  4.         france        64  west europe
  5.        ireland        41  west europe
  6.          italy        44  west europe
  7.    netherlands        42  west europe
  8.         norway        68  west europe
  9.       portugal        51  west europe
 10.          spain        31  west europe
 11.         sweden        77  west europe
 12.    switzerland        60  west europe
 13. united kingdom        60  west europe
 14.       bulgaria        88  east europe
 15. czech republic        84  east europe
 16.        hungary        70  east europe
 17.         poland        77  east europe
 18.        romania        77  east europe
 19.       slovakia        81  east europe
summarize activity if region==2
    Variable |     Obs        Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max
    activity |       6        79.5   6.284903         70         88
summarize activity if region==1
    Variable |     Obs        Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max
    activity |      13    55.53846   14.23385         31         77
/* alternative method */
tabstat activity, by(region) stat(n mean sd min max)
Summary for variables: activity
     by categories of: region 

     region |         N      mean        sd       min       max
west europe |        13  55.53846  14.23385        31        77
east europe |         6      79.5  6.284903        70        88
      Total |        19  63.10526  16.64297        31        88
/* mean for all of europe, page 48 */
/* manual computation */
display (13*55.5+6*79.5)/(13+6)
/* using the summarize command */
summarize activity

    Variable |     Obs        Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max
    activity |      19    63.10526   16.64297         31         88
input income
save mnincome
  1.     10200
  2.     10400
  3.     10700
  4.     11200
  5.     11300
  6.     11500
  7.    200000
summarize income

    Variable |     Obs        Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max
      income |       7       37900      71481      10200     200000
summarize income in 1/6
    Variable |     Obs        Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max
      income |       6    10883.33   526.9409      10200      11500

use, clear
summarize income, detail
      Percentiles      Smallest
 1%        10200          10200
 5%        10200          10400
10%        10200          10700       Obs                   7
25%        10400          11200       Sum of Wgt.           7

50%        11200                      Mean              37900
                        Largest       Std. Dev.         71481
75%        11500          11200
90%       200000          11300       Variance       5.11e+09
95%       200000          11500       Skewness       2.041047
99%       200000         200000       Kurtosis       5.166244
use, clear
tabstat activity, by(region) stat(n mean median)
Summary for variables: activity
     by categories of: region 

     region |         N      mean       p50
west europe |        13  55.53846        60
east europe |         6      79.5        79
      Total |        19  63.10526        64
use, clear
tabulate degree [fw=freq]

     degree |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
      no hs |      38012       21.40       21.40
    hs only |      65291       36.76       58.16
  some coll |      33191       18.69       76.85
  associate |       7570        4.26       81.11
  bachelors |      22845       12.86       93.97
    masters |       7599        4.28       98.25
  doctorate |       3110        1.75      100.00
      Total |     177618      100.00
summarize degree [fw=freq], detail

      Percentiles      Smallest
 1%            1              1
 5%            1              2
10%            1              3       Obs              177618
25%            2              4       Sum of Wgt.      177618

50%            2                      Mean           2.702631
                        Largest       Std. Dev.      1.535418
75%            3              4
90%            5              5       Variance       2.357509
95%            6              6       Skewness       .9384876
99%            7              7       Kurtosis       2.990797
use, clear
set obs 51
replace sid=51 in 51
replace state="wash dc" in 51
replace murder=78.5 in 51
summarize murder, detail
                         murder rate
      Percentiles      Smallest
 1%          1.6            1.6
 5%            2            1.7
10%            3              2       Obs                  51
25%          3.9            2.3       Sum of Wgt.          51

50%          6.8                      Mean           8.727451
                        Largest       Std. Dev.      10.71758
75%         10.4           13.3
90%         12.7           13.5       Variance       114.8664
95%         13.5           20.3       Skewness       5.552901
99%         78.5           78.5       Kurtosis       36.70193
use, clear
summarize murder, detail

                         murder rate
      Percentiles      Smallest
 1%          1.6            1.6
 5%            2            1.7
10%         2.95              2       Obs                  50
25%          3.9            2.3       Sum of Wgt.          50

50%          6.7                      Mean              7.332
                        Largest       Std. Dev.      3.984021
75%         10.3           13.1
90%         12.3           13.3       Variance       15.87242
95%         13.3           13.5       Skewness       .7050897
99%         20.3           20.3       Kurtosis       3.420989
/* interquartile range */
display 10.3-3.9
/* alternative method */
tabstat murder, stat(iqr)

    variable |       iqr
      murder |       6.4
input score sample
 0 1
 4 1
 4 1
 5 1
 7 1
10 1
 0 2
 0 2
 1 2
 9 2
10 2
10 2
         score     sample
  1.         0          1
  2.         4          1
  3.         4          1
  4.         5          1
  5.         7          1
  6.        10          1
  7.         0          2
  8.         0          2
  9.         1          2
 10.         9          2
 11.        10          2
 12.        10          2
tabstat score, by(sample) stat(n mean sd var)

Summary for variables: score
     by categories of: sample 

  sample |         N      mean        sd  variance
       1 |         6         5   3.34664      11.2
       2 |         6         5  5.138093      26.4
   Total |        12         5  4.134115  17.09091
use, clear
tabulate aids [fw=freq]

       aids |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          0 |       1214       75.97       75.97
          1 |        204       12.77       88.74
          2 |         85        5.32       94.06
          3 |         49        3.07       97.12
          4 |         19        1.19       98.31
          5 |         13        0.81       99.12
          6 |          5        0.31       99.44
          7 |          8        0.50       99.94
          8 |          1        0.06      100.00
      Total |       1598      100.00
sum aids [fw=freq], detail

      Percentiles      Smallest
 1%            0              0
 5%            0              1
10%            0              2       Obs                1598
25%            0              3       Sum of Wgt.        1598

50%            0                      Mean           .4730914
                        Largest       Std. Dev.      1.088548
75%            0              5
90%            2              6       Variance       1.184936
95%            3              7       Skewness       3.170576
99%            5              8       Kurtosis       14.87321
use, clear
sort country
graph murder, box by(country)

/* enhanced version using sq -- findit sq */
sq graph murder, box by(country)

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Phil Ender, 1aug02