univar mt2005 mt2004 mt2003 mt2002 mt2001 mt2000 mt1999 -------------- Quantiles -------------- Variable n Mean S.D. Min .25 Mdn .75 Max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mt2005 35 94.11 5.36 73.00 92.00 96.00 98.00 100.00 mt2004 31 92.26 7.17 72.00 88.00 94.00 98.00 100.00 mt2003 26 93.38 7.37 76.00 90.00 95.00 100.00 100.00 mt2002 32 97.34 2.51 89.00 96.00 98.00 100.00 100.00 mt2001 22 97.16 2.97 91.00 94.50 98.50 99.50 100.00 mt2000 34 94.94 4.35 83.00 93.00 96.50 98.00 100.00 mt1999 19 92.68 5.97 77.00 88.00 94.00 98.00 100.00 mt99-05 199 94.15 6.10 72.00 91.00 96.00 98.00 100.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
summarize mt2005, detail mt2005 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% 73 73 5% 85 85 10% 89 86 Obs 35 25% 92 89 Sum of Wgt. 35 50% 96 Mean 94.11429 Largest Std. Dev. 5.36202 75% 98 100 90% 100 100 Variance 28.75126 95% 100 100 Skewness -1.925834 99% 100 100 Kurtosis 8.005897 stem mt2005, lines(2) round(1) mt2005 rounded to integers 7* | 3 7. | 8* | 8. | 56999 9* | 11222344 9. | 55666666777788888 10* | 0000 kdensity mt2005, width(5) normal legend(off)
summarize mt2004, detail mt2004 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% 72 72 5% 79 79 10% 84 80 Obs 31 25% 88 84 Sum of Wgt. 31 50% 94 Mean 92.25806 Largest Std. Dev. 7.169229 75% 98 100 90% 100 100 Variance 51.39785 95% 100 100 Skewness -.929521 99% 100 100 Kurtosis 3.410234 stem mt2004, lines(2) round(1) Stem-and-leaf plot for mt2003 mt2004 rounded to integers 7* | 2 7. | 9 8* | 044 8. | 7888 9* | 00002444 9. | 5666788 10* | 0000000 kdensity mt2004, width(5) normal legend(off)![]()
summarize mt2003, detail mt2003 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% 76 76 5% 82 82 10% 83 83 Obs 26 25% 90 84 Sum of Wgt. 26 50% 95 Mean 93.38462 Largest Std. Dev. 7.370628 75% 100 94 90% 100 96 Variance 54.32615 95% 100 98 Skewness -.8036409 99% 100 100 Kurtosis 2.412561 stem mt2003, lines(2) round(1) Stem-and-leaf plot for mt2003 mt2003 rounded to integers 7. | 6 8* | 13334 8. | 9* | 0022344 9. | 688 10* | 0000000000 kdensity mt2003, width(5) normal legend(off)![]()
summarize mt2002, detail mt2002 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% 89 89 5% 94 94 10% 94 94 Obs 32 25% 96 94 Sum of Wgt. 32 50% 98 Mean 97.34375 Largest Std. Dev. 2.509458 75% 100 100 90% 100 100 Variance 6.297379 95% 100 100 Skewness -1.156459 99% 100 100 Kurtosis 4.835533 stem mt2002, lines(2) round(1) Stem-and-leaf plot for mt2002 mt2002 rounded to integers 8. | 9 9* | 444 9. | 5566666678888888889 10* | 000000000 kdensity mt2002, xlabel ylabel normal![]()
summarize mt2001, detail mt2001 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% 91 91 5% 91.5 91.5 10% 93 93 Obs 22 25% 94.5 94 Sum of Wgt. 22 50% 98.5 Mean 97.15909 Largest Std. Dev. 2.965622 75% 99.5 100 90% 100 100 Variance 8.794913 95% 100 100 Skewness -.7673038 99% 100 100 Kurtosis 2.219118 stem mt2001, lines(2) round(1) Stem-and-leaf plot for mt2001 mt2001 rounded to integers 9* | 1234 9. | 55577899999 10* | 0000000 kdensity mt2001, xlabel ylabel normal
summarize mt2001, detail mt2000 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% 83 83 5% 86 86 10% 89 87 Obs 34 25% 93 89 Sum of Wgt. 34 50% 96.5 Mean 94.94118 Largest Std. Dev. 4.348049 75% 98 99 90% 99 100 Variance 18.90553 95% 100 100 Skewness -1.068631 99% 100 100 Kurtosis 3.323842 stem mt2000, lines(2) Stem-and-leaf plot for mt2000 8* | 3 8. | 67999 9* | 12344 9. | 55555677778888888899 10* | 000 kdensity mt2000, xlabel ylabel normal
summarize mt1999, detail mt1999 ----------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% 77 77 5% 77 84 10% 84 86 Obs 19 25% 88 88 Sum of Wgt. 19 50% 94 Mean 92.68421 Largest Std. Dev. 5.972647 75% 98 98 90% 98 98 Variance 35.67251 95% 100 98 Skewness -1.019907 99% 100 100 Kurtosis 3.518102 stem mt1999 Stem-and-leaf plot for mt1999 7. | 7 8* | 4 8. | 688 9* | 02234 9. | 56688888 10* | 0 kdensity mt1999, xlabel ylabelsummarize final, detail final ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% 73 73 5% 73 74 10% 74 77 Obs 19 25% 85 80 Sum of Wgt. 19 50% 88 Mean 87.89474 Largest Std. Dev. 7.519565 75% 94 94 90% 98 95 Variance 56.54386 95% 99 98 Skewness -.5837628 99% 99 99 Kurtosis 2.505307 stem final, lines(2) Stem-and-leaf plot for final 7* | 34 7. | 7 8* | 0 8. | 567778 9* | 012344 9. | 589
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Phil Ender, 16nov04