With appologies to Fredrick Lord* here is my take on football numbers.
*Lord, F. (1953) On the statistical treatment of football numbers. American Psychologist, 8, 750-751.
I have entered the following data from the 2002 UCLA football team roster: jersey number, last name, height (in inches), weight (in pounds), position.
Weight and height are both ratio scaled variables while jersey number is nominally scaled. That is, the numbers on the football jerseys are used for identification, they do not indicate an amount or quantity of something. Or do they?
Let's analyze these data.
use http://www.philender.com/courses/data/football, clear summarize wt ht jnum Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+----------------------------------------------------- wt | 92 231.1957 42.48859 155 330 ht | 92 74.20652 2.703429 67 81 jnum | 92 44.45652 29.37795 1 99 tabstat wt ht jnum, stat(mean p25 median p75) col(stat) variable | mean p25 p50 p75 -------------+---------------------------------------- wt | 231.1957 196.5 226 269.5 ht | 74.20652 72.5 74 76 jnum | 44.45652 19 41.5 71.5 ------------------------------------------------------ histogram wt, bin(10) normalhistogram ht, bin(10) normal
histogram jnum, bin(10) normal
kdensity wt, normal legend(off)
kdensity ht, normal legend(off)
kdensity jnum, normal legend(off)
twoway (scatter jnum wt, jitter(2))(lfit jnum wt), legend(off)
twoway (scatter jnum ht, jitter(2))(lfit jnum ht), legend(off)
twoway (scatter wt ht, jitter(2))(lfit wt ht), legend(off)
corr jnum wt ht (obs=92) | jnum wt ht -------------+--------------------------- jnum | 1.0000 wt | 0.7119 1.0000 ht | 0.5330 0.6716 1.0000
Now, as a comparison, let's create a data set that has each of the numbers from 1 to 99, remember no two players can have the same number.
clear set obs 99 gen x=_n summarize x Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+----------------------------------------------------- x | 99 50 28.72281 1 99 tabstat x, stat(mean p25 median p75) variable | mean p25 p50 p75 -------------+---------------------------------------- x | 50 25 50 75 ------------------------------------------------------
In a uniform or rectangular distribution the mean is (max+min)/2 = (1+99)/2 = 50 and the variance is (max-min)^2/12 = (99-1)^2/12 = 800.33333. The standard deviation is the square root of the variance = sqrt(800.33333) = 28.290163. This value is slightly different from the 28.72281 above. The value computed by Stata is the unbiased estimate of the population standard deviation while the 28.290163 is the population standard deviation.
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Phil Ender, 30Jun98