Introduction to Research Design and Statistics

Where do we go next?

Ed230B: Linear Statistical Models: Regression

Covers multiple linear regression and associated techniques.

Ed230C: Linear Statistical Models: Analysis of Variance

In depth coverage of analysis of variance.

Ed231A: Multivariate Analysis

Multivariate statistical techniques includingmultivariate analysis of variance, discriminant analysis, canonical correlation analysis, principal components analysis and factor analysis. Requires Ed230B/C as a prerequisite.

Ed231B: Factor Analysis

Exploratory factor analysis, rotations, confirmatory factor analysis, multiple group analysis. Requires Ed231A and Ed211B as a prerequisites.

Ed231C: Applied Categorical & Nonnormal Data Analysis

Regression analysis with dichotomous and polytomous dependent variables, loglinear modeling, and generalized linear models. Requires Ed230B/C as a prerequisite.

Ed231D: Hierarchical Linear Models

Analysis of multilevel data to include hierarchical linear models and linear and quadratic growth modeling. Requires Ed230B/C and consent of instructor.

Ed231E: Statistical Analysis with Latent Variables

Extends path analysis (causal modeling) by considering models with measurement errors and multiple indicators of latent variables. Confirmatory factor analysis, covariance structure modeling, and multiple-group analysis. Identification, estimation, testing, and model building considerations. Requires Ed231A and Ed231B as a prerequisites.

Ed218: The Measurement of Educational Achievement and Aptitude

Prerequisite: course 230A. A Critical study of tests of achievement and aptitude, with emphasis on group tests; the relation of achievement to aptitude, social implications of the measurement of intelligence, elements of validity and reliability.

Ed211A: Measurement in Education: Underlying Theory

Measurement theory as applied to testing, focusing primarily on classical test theory and generalizability theory; implications of theories for test construction and selection; current status of validity and reliability theory. Ed230B/C is a very useful course to take before Ed211B, but Ed230A is the official prerequisite.

Ed222A: Naturalistic Observations: Developing Skills and Techniques

The skill of observing and recording behavior in natural settings, with emphasis on field training and practice of observing behavior. Discussion of some of the uses of observations and their implications for research in the social sciences. Students are expected to integrate observational work into their current research interests.

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Phil Ender, 30Jun98