Introduction to Research Design and Statistics

More Correlations

More Correlation Coefficients

  • Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient -- Spearman ρ Stata Example

    use, clear
    corr write ses prog
             |    write      ses     prog
       write |   1.0000
         ses |   0.2075   1.0000
        prog |  -0.1811   0.0173   1.0000
    Do these correlations make sense? What kind of variable
    is ses?  prog?
    tab1 ses prog
    -> tabulation of ses  
            ses |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
            low |         47       23.50       23.50
         middle |         95       47.50       71.00
           high |         58       29.00      100.00
          Total |        200      100.00
    -> tabulation of prog  
        type of |
        program |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
        general |         45       22.50       22.50
       academic |        105       52.50       75.00
       vocation |         50       25.00      100.00
          Total |        200      100.00 
    spearman write ses
     Number of obs =     200
    Spearman's rho =       0.2224
    Test of Ho: write and ses independent
          Pr > |t| =       0.0016
  • Eta coefficient -- η

  • Eta-squared coefficient -- η2

  • Biserial correlation coefficient -- rbi

  • Point biserial coefficient -- rpb

  • Phi coefficient -- φ

  • Tetrachoric correlation coefficient -- rtet

  • Multiple correlation coefficient -- Ra.bcd

  • Squared multiple correlation coefficient - Coefficient of Determination -- R2a.bcd
    regress write read
      Source |       SS       df       MS                  Number of obs =     200
    ---------+------------------------------               F(  1,   198) =  109.52
       Model |  6367.42127     1  6367.42127               Prob > F      =  0.0000
    Residual |  11511.4537   198  58.1386552               R-squared     =  0.3561
    ---------+------------------------------               Adj R-squared =  0.3529
       Total |   17878.875   199   89.843593               Root MSE      =  7.6249
       write |      Coef.   Std. Err.       t     P>|t|       [95% Conf. Interval]
        read |   .5517051   .0527178     10.465   0.000       .4477446    .6556656
       _cons |   23.95944   2.805744      8.539   0.000       18.42647    29.49242
    regress write read female
      Source |       SS       df       MS                  Number of obs =     200
    ---------+------------------------------               F(  2,   197) =   77.21
       Model |  7856.32118     2  3928.16059               Prob > F      =  0.0000
    Residual |  10022.5538   197  50.8759077               R-squared     =  0.4394
    ---------+------------------------------               Adj R-squared =  0.4337
       Total |   17878.875   199   89.843593               Root MSE      =  7.1327
       write |      Coef.   Std. Err.       t     P>|t|       [95% Conf. Interval]
        read |   .5658869   .0493849     11.459   0.000        .468496    .6632778
      female |   5.486894   1.014261      5.410   0.000        3.48669    7.487098
       _cons |   20.22837   2.713756      7.454   0.000       14.87663    25.58011

  • Partial correlation coefficient -- rab.c
    corr write female read
             |    write   female     read
       write |   1.0000
      female |   0.2565   1.0000
        read |   0.5968  -0.0531   1.0000
    pcorr write female read
    Partial correlation of write with
    Variable |    Corr.     Sig.
      female |   0.3596    0.000
        read |   0.6324    0.000

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    Phil Ender, 15Jan98