Introduction to Research Design and Statistics

Measures of Central Tendency

Measures of Central Tendency

A statistical term used for describing the typical, middle or central score of a distribution of scores. Measures of central tendency are used when a researcher wants to describe a group with a value that is considered to be "most representiative" of the group as a whole.


The mean is the arithmetic average of a set of score. It is found by adding up all of the values and dividing by the number of scores. The symbol for the sample mean is xbar and it is use as the estimate of the population mean.

Mean Formula

The mean is the 'center of gravity' of a distribution of scores. It is the point on which the distribution would balance.

The Greek letter μ (mu) is used to indicate the population mean. In general, Greek letters are used to represent parameters (population values), although there are exceptions to this convention.

The sum of squared deviations about the sample mean is a minimum, i.e., &Sigma(X-)2 is a minimum (see proof).


The middle of a distribution. The point where 50% of the scores fall below and 50% fall above. The median is also considered to be Q2, the second quartile. To compute the median, first arrange the scores in order from highest to lowest (or vice versa), and then find the midpoint.

If a distribution has an odd number of values, then the midpoint or median is the point where ther are an equal number of values above and below.

If a distribution has an even number of values, then the median is the point half way between to two middle-most values, i.e., just average the two middle-most values.

The most important point about finding the median is that the values must be sorted before you can determine the median.

When to use the median.

  • When the values represent an ordinal scale.
  • When the distribution of scores is highly skewed, either positive or negative.

  • Demo of the meanpt program.


    The most frequently occurring value or class interval. Compute by counting.

    Stata Example

    use, clear
    summarize read write math science socst
    Variable |     Obs        Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max
        read |     200       52.23   10.25294         28         76  
       write |     200      52.775   9.478586         31         67  
        math |     200      52.645   9.368448         33         75  
     science |     200       51.85   9.900891         26         74  
       socst |     200      52.405   10.73579         26         71  
    summarize write, detail
                            writing score
          Percentiles      Smallest
     1%           31             31
     5%         35.5             31
    10%           39             31       Obs                 200
    25%         45.5             31       Sum of Wgt.         200
    50%           54                      Mean             52.775
                            Largest       Std. Dev.      9.478586
    75%           60             67
    90%           65             67       Variance       89.84359
    95%           65             67       Skewness      -.4784158
    99%           67             67       Kurtosis       2.238527
    sort female
    by female: summ write, detail
    -> female=     male  
                            writing score
          Percentiles      Smallest
     1%           31             31
     5%           33             31
    10%           37             31       Obs                  91
    25%           41             31       Sum of Wgt.          91
    50%           52                      Mean           50.12088
                            Largest       Std. Dev.      10.30516
    75%           59             65
    90%           63             65       Variance       106.1963
    95%           65             67       Skewness       -.179898
    99%           67             67       Kurtosis       1.872877
    -> female=   female  
                            writing score
          Percentiles      Smallest
     1%           35             35
     5%           41             35
    10%           44             36       Obs                 109
    25%           50             37       Sum of Wgt.         109
    50%           57                      Mean           54.99083
                            Largest       Std. Dev.      8.133715
    75%           62             67
    90%           65             67       Variance       66.15732
    95%           65             67       Skewness      -.5899993
    99%           67             67       Kurtosis       2.544105
    table female, contents(freq mean write median write sd write)
       female |       Freq.  mean(write)   med(write)    sd(write)
         male |          91     50.12088           52     10.30516
       female |         109     54.99083           57     8.133716
    tabstat write, by(female) stat(n mean median sd)
    Summary for variables: write
         by categories of: female 
    female |         N      mean       p50        sd  
      male |        91  50.12088        52  10.30516  
    female |       109  54.99083        57  8.133715  
     Total |       200    52.775        54  9.478586  
    univar read write math science socst 
    /* univar is not built into Stata */ 
    /* findit univar */
                                            -------------- Quantiles --------------
    Variable       n     Mean     S.D.      Min      .25      Mdn      .75      Max
        read     200    52.23    10.25    28.00    44.00    50.00    60.00    76.00
       write     200    52.77     9.48    31.00    45.50    54.00    60.00    67.00
        math     200    52.65     9.37    33.00    45.00    52.00    59.00    75.00
     science     200    51.85     9.90    26.00    44.00    53.00    58.00    74.00
       socst     200    52.41    10.74    26.00    46.00    52.00    61.00    71.00
    univar write, by(female)
    -> female=male 
                                            -------------- Quantiles --------------
    Variable       n     Mean     S.D.      Min      .25      Mdn      .75      Max
       write      91    50.12    10.31    31.00    41.00    52.00    59.00    67.00
    -> female=female 
                                            -------------- Quantiles --------------
    Variable       n     Mean     S.D.      Min      .25      Mdn      .75      Max
       write     109    54.99     8.13    35.00    50.00    57.00    62.00    67.00

    Intro Home Page

    Phil Ender, 30Jun98