Introduction to Research Design and Statistics

Assignment #1

For this assignment, you will be analyzing some of the student characteristics and performance data using the Los Angeles School dataset. You will need to use the the codebook for the Los Angeles School dataset as well as the description of the Los Angeles School Dataset and variables in the study.

Part I:

1. Indicate the Level of Measurement for each of the variables listed in the dataset.
      Example:  id        Nominal
                gender    _______
                eth       _______  and so on.
2. Using the dataset, describe student #1012 who received an "A" in first semester algebra.

3. Describe student #1138 who was absent 45 days. What areas of inquiry are suggested by this information?

4. What percentage is classified as being proficient in their native language?

Part II:

1. Construct a frequency table for daysabs -- number of days absent for School Alpha.

2. Based on the frequency table, what might you conclude about daysabs for School Alpha?

3. Construct a frequency table for Bilingual Status for School Alpha. What percent of the sample were classified as RFEP (formerly LEP but transition to English)?

4. How does the percent LEP for School Alpha compare with School Beta?

Part III:

Just use data from School Alpha in this Part.

1. Construct a stem-and-leaf plot for the daysabs data.

2. What are the minimum and maximum values recorded?

3. Briefly describe the shape of the distribution (e.g., is it very skewed? Is it roughly symmetric?)

4. Graph a histogram for the daysabs data. What does a stem-and-leaf display contain or provide us with that a histogram does not? Are there certain situations where a histogram is more useful than a stem-and-leaf display?

5. For the mathnce data, what are each of the following statistics: Minimum, maximum, mean, median, standard deviation, and IQR?

6. Are the mean and median fairly similar to one another? Why or why not?

7. Graph a box plot for the mathnce data. What is the five number summary for these data?

Part IV:

Sixty-five percent of the students at School Alpha and fifty percent of the students at School Beta received a "D" or a "Fail" in first semester Algebra. When we combine the data for both schools we find that approximately fifty-eight percent of the students received a "D" or a "Fail" in first semester Algebra.

Given this information, briefly describe one or two areas of inquiry that would be of interest to you. Explain why you believe these areas should be explored.

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Phil Ender, 21Sep00