Some School districts that may be of interest to you:
District Name | District Number |
Beverly Hills | 62 |
Compton Unified | 153 |
Culver City Unified | 165 |
Inglewood Unified | 315 |
Los Angeles Unified | 401 |
Oceanside Unified | 510 |
Palos Verdes Penin. Unified | 536 |
Santa Monica - Malibu Unified | 661 |
Vista Unified | 780 |
Contains data from obs: 6,194 vars: 100 2 Nov 2000 11:04 size: 1,585,664 (67.0% of memory free) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. cds str14 %14s county/dist/school code 2. stype byte %4.0g stype 3. name str15 %15s short school name 4. sname str40 %40s school name 5. snum float %9.0g school number 6. dname str30 %30s district name 7. dnum int %7.0g dname district number 8. cname str15 %15s county name 9. cnum byte %4.0g cname county number 10. flag byte %4.0g 11. pcttest byte %4.0g percent tested 12. api00 int %6.0g 13. api99 int %6.0g 14. target byte %4.0g 15. growth int %6.0g 16. sch_wide byte %4.0g sch_wide met school target 17. comp_imp byte %4.0g comp_imp met comparable improve target 18. both byte %4.0g both met both targets 19. awards byte %4.0g awards eligible for awards 20. aa_num int %10.0g 21. aa_sig byte %4.0g aa_sig 22. aa_api00 int %10.0g 23. aa_api99 int %10.0g 24. aa_targ byte %4.0g 25. aa_grow int %10.0g 26. aa_met byte %8.0g aa_met 27. ai_num int %10.0g 28. ai_sig byte %4.0g ai_sig 29. ai_api00 int %10.0g 30. ai_api99 int %10.0g 31. ai_targ byte %4.0g 32. ai_grow byte %4.0g 33. ai_met byte %4.0g ai_met 34. as_num int %10.0g 35. as_sig byte %4.0g as_sig 36. as_api00 int %10.0g 37. as_api99 int %10.0g 38. as_targ byte %4.0g 39. as_grow int %10.0g 40. as_met byte %4.0g as_met 41. fi_num int %10.0g 42. fi_sig byte %8.0g fi_sig 43. fi_api00 int %10.0g 44. fi_api99 int %10.0g 45. fi_targ byte %9.0g 46. fi_grow int %10.0g 47. fi_met byte %8.0g fi_met 48. hi_num int %10.0g 49. hi_sig byte %4.0g hi_sig 50. hi_api00 int %10.0g 51. hi_api99 int %10.0g 52. hi_targ byte %4.0g 53. hi_grow int %10.0g 54. hi_met byte %4.0g hi_met 55. pi_num int %10.0g 56. pi_sig byte %4.0g pi_sig 57. pi_api00 int %10.0g 58. pi_api99 int %10.0g 59. pi_targ byte %4.0g 60. pi_grow int %10.0g 61. pi_met byte %4.0g pi_met 62. wh_num int %10.0g 63. wh_sig byte %4.0g wh_sig 64. wh_api00 int %10.0g 65. wh_api99 int %10.0g 66. wh_targ byte %4.0g 67. wh_grow int %10.0g 68. wh_met byte %4.0g wh_met 69. sd_num int %10.0g 70. sd_sig byte %4.0g sd_sig 71. sd_api00 int %10.0g 72. sd_api99 int %10.0g 73. sd_targ byte %4.0g 74. sd_grow int %10.0g 75. sd_met byte %4.0f sd_met 76. pct_aa byte %4.0f 77. pct_ai byte %4.0f 78. pct_as byte %4.0f 79. pct_fi byte %4.0f 80. pct_hi byte %4.0f 81. pct_pi byte %4.0f 82. pct_wh byte %4.0f 83. meals byte %4.0f pct free meals 84. ell byte %4.0f english language learners 85. yr_rnd byte %4.0f yr_rnd 86. mobility byte %4.0f pct 1st year in school 87. acs_k3 byte %4.0f avg class size k-3 88. acs_46 byte %4.0f avg class size 4-6 89. acs_core byte %4.0f avg class size core 90. pct_resp byte %4.0f 91. not_hsg byte %4.0f parent not hsg 92. hsg byte %4.0f parent hsg 93. some_col byte %4.0f parent some college 94. col_grad byte %4.0f parent college grad 95. grad_sch byte %4.0f parent grad school 96. avg_ed float %9.0g avg parent ed 97. full byte %4.0f pct full credential 98. emer byte %4.0f pct emer credential 99. enroll int %9.0g number of students 100. api_stu int %10.0g number in api 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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Phil Ender, 6Oct00