Introduction to Research Design and Statistics

Los Angeles County Academic Performance Index (laapi.dta)

Contains data from
  obs:         1,547                          
 vars:            76                          26 Jan 2000 22:34
 size:       267,631 (94.5% of memory free)
   1. dist_cod  long   %12.0g                 district code
   2. sch_code  long   %12.0g                 school code
   3. sch_type  byte   %8.0g       schtype    school type
   4. school    str30  %30s                   school name
   5. district  str30  %30s                   district name
   6. api99     int    %8.0g                  api 1999 score
   7. perc_tes  byte   %8.0g                  percent tested
   8. num_test  int    %8.0g                  number tested
   9. st_rank   byte   %8.0g                  state rank
  10. sim_rank  byte   %9.0g                  similar schools rank
  11. gr_targe  byte   %9.0g                  growth target
  12. api_targ  int    %9.0g                  api target
  13. af_am_nu  int    %8.0g                  af_am_num
  14. af_am_si  byte   %8.0g       yn         af_am_sig
  15. af_am_ap  int    %8.0g                  af_am_api
  16. af_am_gt  byte   %9.0g                  
  17. af_am_ta  int    %9.0g                  af_am_targ
  18. am_ind_n  byte   %8.0g                  am_ind_num
  19. am_ind_s  byte   %8.0g       yn         am_ind_sig
  20. am_ind_a  int    %8.0g                  am_ind_api
  21. am_ind_g  byte   %9.0g                  am_ind_gt
  22. am_ind_t  int    %9.0g                  am_ind_target
  23. asian_nu  int    %8.0g                  asian_num
  24. asian_si  byte   %8.0g       yn         asian_sig
  25. asian_ap  int    %8.0g                  asian_api
  26. asian_gt  byte   %9.0g                  
  27. asian_ta  int    %9.0g                  asian_target
  28. fil_num   int    %8.0g                  
  29. fil_sig   byte   %8.0g       yn         
  30. fil_api   int    %8.0g                  
  31. fil_gt    byte   %9.0g                  
  32. fil_targ  int    %9.0g                  fil_target
  33. hisp_num  int    %8.0g                  
  34. hisp_sig  byte   %8.0g       yn         
  35. hisp_api  int    %8.0g                  
  36. hisp_gt   byte   %9.0g                  
  37. hisp_tar  int    %9.0g                  hisp_target
  38. pac_num   int    %8.0g                  
  39. pac_sig   byte   %8.0g       yn         
  40. pac_api   int    %8.0g                  
  41. pac_gt    byte   %9.0g                  
  42. pac_targ  int    %9.0g                  pac_target
  43. wh_num    int    %8.0g                  
  44. wh_sig    byte   %8.0g       yn         
  45. wh_api    int    %8.0g                  
  46. wh_gt     byte   %9.0g                  
  47. wh_targe  int    %9.0g                  wh_target
  48. sd_num    int    %8.0g                  number socioeconomically disadvantaged 
  49. sd_sig    byte   %8.0g       yn         
  50. sd_api    int    %8.0g                  
  51. sd_gt     byte   %9.0g                  
  52. sd_targe  int    %9.0g                  sd_target
  53. pct_af_a  byte   %9.0g                  percent af amer
  54. pct_am_i  byte   %9.0g                  percent amer ind
  55. pct_asia  byte   %9.0g                  percent asian
  56. pct_fil   byte   %9.0g                  percent fil
  57. pct_hisp  byte   %9.0g                  percent hisp
  58. pct_pac   byte   %9.0g                  percent pac
  59. pct_whit  byte   %9.0g                  percent white
  60. pct_sd    byte   %9.0g                  percent sd
  61. pct_meal  byte   %8.0g                  percent free or reduced lunch
  62. pct_el    byte   %9.0g                  percent english language
  63. yr_rnd    byte   %8.0g       yn         year round school
  64. mobility  byte   %9.0g                  school mobility rate
  65. acs_k3    byte   %9.0g                  k-3 class size
  66. acs_46    byte   %9.0g                  4-6 class size
  67. core      byte   %9.0g                  core class size
  68. pct_resp  byte   %8.0g                  parent percent responding
  69. not_high  byte   %9.0g                  parent percent not hs
  70. high_gra  byte   %9.0g                  parent percent hs grad
  71. some_col  byte   %9.0g                  parent percent some coll
  72. coll_gra  byte   %9.0g                  parent percent coll grad
  73. grad_sch  byte   %9.0g                  parent percent grad sch
  74. avg_ed    float  %9.0g                  average parent educ level
  75. pct_cred  byte   %9.0g                  percent credentialed
  76. pct_emer  byte   %9.0g                  percent emer cred

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Phil Ender, 6Oct99
