Education 231C

Applied Categorical & Nonnormal Data Analysis

Generalized Estimating Equations

Generalized estimating equations are used in cross-sectional time-series models. In particular, GEE models estimate generalized linear models and allow for the specification of the within-group correlation structure for the panels, which are also known as population-averaged panel-data models.

As in GLM models, users specify a distribution family for the random component and a link function to transform the expected values. In addition, GEE models allow for repeated or dependent observations and the ability to specify the correlation structure.

When an independent correlation structure is specified, the analysis is the same as OLS regression, ignoring the lack of independence among the observations. A correlational structure of exchangeable is equivalent to the compound symmetry assumptions found in randomized-block type anova designs. Unstructured correlations are equivalent to a multivariate analysis of the observations. GEE models can also allow for other structures, such as, autoregressive or stationary.

Example with Interval Response Variable

These data are adapted from a 1996 study (Gregoire, Kumar Everitt, Henderson & Studd) on the efficacy of estrogen patches in treating postnatal depression. Women were randomly assigned to either a placebo control group (group=0, n=27) or estrogen patch group (group=1, n=34). Prior to the first treatment all patients took the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). EPDS data was collected monthly for six months once the treatment began. Higher scores on the EDPS are indicative of higher levels of depression.

Before reading in the data we will need to change the size of the largest matrix that Stata can use. We need to do this because one of the analyses requires a large number of coded variables:

set matsize 160


Note that the data are in the wide format, we will collect some information and perform a couple of analyses while the data are in this format.

sort group

by group: summarize pre dep1 dep2 dep3 dep4 dep5 dep6

-> group=        0  
Variable |     Obs        Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max
     pre |      27    20.77778   3.954874         15         28  
    dep1 |      27    16.48148   5.279644          7         26  
    dep2 |      22    15.88818   6.124177          4         27  
    dep3 |      17    14.12882   4.974648       4.19         22  
    dep4 |      17    12.27471   5.848791          2         23  
    dep5 |      17    11.40294   4.438702       3.03         18  
    dep6 |      17    10.89588    4.68157       3.45         20  

-> group=        1  
Variable |     Obs        Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max
     pre |      34    21.24882   3.574432         15         28  
    dep1 |      34    13.36794   5.556373          1         27  
    dep2 |      31    11.73677   6.575079          1         27  
    dep3 |      29    9.134138   5.475564          1         24  
    dep4 |      28    8.827857   4.666653          0         22  
    dep5 |      28    7.309286   5.740988          0         24  
    dep6 |      28    6.590714   4.730158          1         23 

corr pre dep1 dep2 dep3 dep4 dep5 dep6


         |      pre     dep1     dep2     dep3     dep4     dep5     dep6
     pre |   1.0000
    dep1 |   0.1922   1.0000
    dep2 |   0.3904   0.4982   1.0000
    dep3 |   0.3958   0.5258   0.8672   1.0000
    dep4 |   0.1658   0.3933   0.7357   0.7831   1.0000
    dep5 |   0.2848   0.3674   0.7500   0.8520   0.8449   1.0000
    dep6 |   0.2688   0.2795   0.6900   0.7967   0.7894   0.9014   1.0000

graph dep1 dep2 dep3 dep4 dep5 dep6, matrix half

Let's check to see if the groups differ on the pretest depression score:

ttest pre, by(group)

Two-sample t test with equal variances

   Group |     Obs        Mean    Std. Err.   Std. Dev.   [95% Conf. Interval]
       0 |      27    20.77778    .7611158    3.954874    19.21328    22.34227
       1 |      34    21.24882      .61301    3.574432    20.00165      22.496
combined |      61    21.04033     .476678    3.722975    20.08683    21.99383
    diff |           -.4710457    .9658499               -2.403707    1.461615
Degrees of freedom: 59

                      Ho: mean(0) - mean(1) = diff = 0

     Ha: diff < 0               Ha: diff ~= 0              Ha: diff > 0
       t =  -0.4877                t =  -0.4877              t =  -0.4877
   P < t =   0.3138          P > |t| =   0.6276          P > t =   0.6862

There isn't much of a difference between groups on the pretest so let's try a Hotelling's T2

hotel dep1 dep2 dep3 dep4 dep5 dep6, by(group)

-> group=        0  
Variable |     Obs        Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max
    dep1 |      17    16.58824   5.657504          7         26  
    dep2 |      17    14.97294   6.077413          4         24  
    dep3 |      17    14.12882   4.974648       4.19         22  
    dep4 |      17    12.27471   5.848791          2         23  
    dep5 |      17    11.40294   4.438702       3.03         18  
    dep6 |      17    10.89588    4.68157       3.45         20  

-> group=        1  
Variable |     Obs        Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max
    dep1 |      28     12.9825   5.565811          1         27  
    dep2 |      28    11.17286   6.333161          1         27  
    dep3 |      28    8.924643   5.456403          1         24  
    dep4 |      28    8.827857   4.666653          0         22  
    dep5 |      28    7.309286   5.740988          0         24  
    dep6 |      28    6.590714   4.730158          1         23  

2-group Hotelling's T-squared = 16.373757
F test statistic: ((45-6-1)/(45-2)(6)) x 16.373757 = 2.4116387

H0: Vectors of means are equal for the two groups
              F(6,38) =    2.4116
         Pr > F(6,38) =    0.0450

Using Hotelling's T2 we find a significant difference between the two groups. The T2 did not make use of any of the information concerning the pretest but that's okay for the moment especially since we know that the pretest differences were not significant.

Using manova we can try the exact same analysis

manova dep1 dep2 dep3 dep4 dep5 dep6 = group

                           Number of obs =      45

                           W = Wilks' lambda      L = Lawley-Hotelling trace
                           P = Pillai's trace     R = Roy's largest root

                  Source |  Statistic     df   F(df1,    df2) =   F   Prob>F
                   group | W   0.7242      1     6.0    38.0     2.41 0.0450 e
                         | P   0.2758            6.0    38.0     2.41 0.0450 e
                         | L   0.3808            6.0    38.0     2.41 0.0450 e
                         | R   0.3808            6.0    38.0     2.41 0.0450 e
                Residual |                43
                   Total |                44
                           e = exact, a = approximate, u = upper bound on F

Now it is time to reshape the data and try some other analyses:

reshape long dep, i(subj) j(visit)

(note:  j = 1 2 3 4 5 6)

Data                               wide   ->   long
Number of obs.                       61   ->     366
Number of variables                   9   ->       5
j variable (6 values)                     ->   visit
xij variables:
                     dep1 dep2 ... dep6   ->   dep

Let's plot the means by group and visit by making use of the cmeans procedure. cmeans is not part of Stata and needs to be downloded onto your system in order to make use of it.

cmeans dep group visit  /* Available from ATS */

Let's try an analysis of variance. This is the analysis that requires the larger matrix size.

anova dep group / subj|group visit group*visit /, repeated(visit)

                           Number of obs =     295     R-squared     =  0.7699
                           Root MSE      = 3.39594     Adj R-squared =  0.6980

                  Source |  Partial SS    df       MS           F     Prob > F
                   Model |  8643.81572    70  123.483082      10.71     0.0000
                   group |  548.494938     1  548.494938       5.60     0.0212
              subj|group |  5775.54143    59  97.8905328   
                   visit |  1050.05444     5  210.010889      18.21     0.0000
             group*visit |  19.3028953     5  3.86057906       0.33     0.8916
                Residual |  2583.26536   224  11.5324346   
                   Total |  11227.0811   294  38.1873506   

Between-subjects error term:  subj|group
                     Levels:  61        (59 df)
     Lowest b.s.e. variable:  subj
     Covariance pooled over:  group     (for repeated variable)

Repeated variable: visit
                                          Huynh-Feldt epsilon        =  0.5930
                                          Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon =  0.5532
                                          Box's conservative epsilon =  0.2000

                                            ------------ Prob > F ------------
                  Source |     df      F    Regular    H-F      G-G      Box
                   visit |      5    18.21   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0001
             group*visit |      5     0.33   0.8916   0.7979   0.7840   0.5658
                Residual |    224
matrix list e(Srep)

symmetric e(Srep)[6,6]
           c1         c2         c3         c4         c5         c6
r1  31.361171
r2   15.71989  38.927914
r3  13.555927  28.365674   27.90249
r4  9.4625252   22.74371  20.519069  26.403025
r5  8.6149335  23.887935  23.161248   22.47211  28.026157
r6  4.6830378  19.242424  18.721233   18.46616  22.103924  22.204237

This analysis indicates that both group and visit are significant while the group*visit interaction is not. Some researchers are critical of this type of analysis since it is based on fixed-effects adjusted for the repeated factor. Also, this repeated measures analysis assumes compound symmetry in the covariance matrix (which seems to be a stretch in this case). However, we can do worse. The next several analyses are not meant to answer the research question but to show relationships among several different commands in Stata.

regress dep pre group visit

  Source |       SS       df       MS                  Number of obs =     295
---------+------------------------------               F(  3,   291) =   48.05
   Model |  3719.12931     3  1239.70977               Prob > F      =  0.0000
Residual |  7507.95176   291  25.8005215               R-squared     =  0.3313
---------+------------------------------               Adj R-squared =  0.3244
   Total |  11227.0811   294  38.1873506               Root MSE      =  5.0794

     dep |      Coef.   Std. Err.       t     P>|t|       [95% Conf. Interval]
     pre |   .4769071   .0798565      5.972   0.000       .3197376    .6340767
   group |  -4.290664   .6072954     -7.065   0.000      -5.485912   -3.095416
   visit |  -1.307841    .169842     -7.700   0.000      -1.642116   -.9735667
   _cons |   8.233577   1.803945      4.564   0.000       4.683143    11.78401

regress dep pre group visit, cluster(subj)

Regression with robust standard errors                 Number of obs =     295
                                                       F(  3,    60) =   32.19
                                                       Prob > F      =  0.0000
                                                       R-squared     =  0.3313
Number of clusters (subj) = 61                         Root MSE      =  5.0794

             |               Robust
         dep |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         pre |   .4769071   .1749723     2.73   0.008     .1269105    .8269038
       group |  -4.290664   1.085895    -3.95   0.000    -6.462777   -2.118551
       visit |  -1.307841   .1721679    -7.60   0.000    -1.652228   -.9634542
       _cons |   8.233577   3.863708     2.13   0.037     .5050103    15.96214

glm dep pre group visit, fam(gaus) link(iden)

Iteration 1 : deviance = 7507.9518

Residual df  =       291                                No. of obs =       295
Pearson X2   =  7507.952                                Deviance   =  7507.952
Dispersion   =  25.80052                                Dispersion =  25.80052

Gaussian (normal) distribution, identity link
     dep |      Coef.   Std. Err.       t     P>|t|       [95% Conf. Interval]
     pre |   .4769071   .0798565      5.972   0.000       .3197376    .6340767
   group |  -4.290664   .6072954     -7.065   0.000      -5.485912   -3.095416
   visit |  -1.307841    .169842     -7.700   0.000      -1.642116   -.9735667
   _cons |   8.233577   1.803945      4.564   0.000       4.683143    11.78401
(Model is ordinary regression, use regress instead)

xtgee dep pre group visit, fam(gaus) link(iden) i(subj) t(visit) corr(ind)

Iteration 1: tolerance = 3.270e-15

GEE population-averaged model                   Number of obs      =       295
Group variable:                       subj      Number of groups   =        61
Link:                             identity      Obs per group: min =         1
Family:                           Gaussian                     avg =       4.8
Correlation:                   independent                     max =         6
                                                Wald chi2(3)       =    146.13
Scale parameter:                  25.45068      Prob > chi2        =    0.0000

Pearson chi2(295):                 7507.95      Deviance           =   7507.95
Dispersion (Pearson):             25.45068      Dispersion         =  25.45068

     dep |      Coef.   Std. Err.       z     P>|z|       [95% Conf. Interval]
     pre |   .4769071   .0793133      6.013   0.000        .321456    .6323582
   group |  -4.290664   .6031641     -7.114   0.000      -5.472844   -3.108484
   visit |  -1.307841   .1686866     -7.753   0.000      -1.638461   -.9772215
   _cons |   8.233577   1.791673      4.595   0.000       4.721962    11.74519


Estimated within-subj correlation matrix R:

        c1      c2      c3      c4      c5      c6
r1  1.0000
r2  0.0000  1.0000
r3  0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
r4  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
r5  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  1.0000
r6  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  1.0000

The three previous analyses provide identical incorrect results. The common thread among them is that they all assume that the observations within the subjects are independent. This seems, on the face of it, to be highly unlikely. Scores on the depression scale are not likely to be independent from one visit to the next. Of the three, only xtgee makes the assumption concerning the correlations explicit. The xtcorr command shows structure of the correlation matrix.

xt commands are used with cross-sectional time-series data. These data are also referred to as panel data. Here is a descriptive command we can use to look at the data.


Variable         |      Mean   Std. Dev.       Min        Max |    Observations
subj     overall |        31   17.63092          1         61 |     N =     366
         between |             17.75293          1         61 |     n =      61
         within  |                    0         31         31 |     T =       6
                 |                                            |
visit    overall |       3.5   1.710163          1          6 |     N =     366
         between |                    0        3.5        3.5 |     n =      61
         within  |             1.710163          1          6 |     T =       6
                 |                                            |
dep      overall |  11.32915   6.179591          0         27 |     N =     295
         between |             5.407777          2       26.5 |     n =      61
         within  |             3.566633   1.662486   27.32915 |     T = 4.83607
                 |                                            |
group    overall |   .557377   .4973769          0          1 |     N =     366
         between |              .500819          0          1 |     n =      61
         within  |                    0    .557377    .557377 |     T =       6
                 |                                            |
pre      overall |  21.04033   3.697387         15         28 |     N =     366
         between |             3.722975         15         28 |     n =      61
         within  |                    0   21.04033   21.04033 |     T =       6

We can analyze these data using compound symmetry for the correlational structure. This approach can be tried using exchangeable for the correlation matrix in xtgee.

xtgee dep pre group visit, fam(gaus) link(iden) i(subj) t(visit) corr(exc)

GEE population-averaged model                   Number of obs      =       295
Group variable:                       subj      Number of groups   =        61
Link:                             identity      Obs per group: min =         1
Family:                           Gaussian                     avg =       4.8
Correlation:                  exchangeable                     max =         6
                                                Wald chi2(3)       =    135.08
Scale parameter:                  25.56569      Prob > chi2        =    0.0000

     dep |      Coef.   Std. Err.       z     P>|z|       [95% Conf. Interval]
     pre |   .4599018   .1441533      3.190   0.001       .1773666     .742437
   group |  -4.024676   1.081131     -3.723   0.000      -6.143654   -1.905698
   visit |  -1.226764   .1175009    -10.440   0.000      -1.457062   -.9964666
   _cons |   8.432806   3.120987      2.702   0.007       2.315783    14.54983


Estimated within-subj correlation matrix R:

        c1      c2      c3      c4      c5      c6
r1  1.0000
r2  0.5554  1.0000
r3  0.5554  0.5554  1.0000
r4  0.5554  0.5554  0.5554  1.0000
r5  0.5554  0.5554  0.5554  0.5554  1.0000
r6  0.5554  0.5554  0.5554  0.5554  0.5554  1.0000

Note in particular the change in the standard errors between this analysis and the previous one. Now let's try a different correlation structure, auto regressive with lag one.

xtgee dep pre group visit, fam(gaus) link(iden) i(subj) t(visit) corr(ar1)

GEE population-averaged model                   Number of obs      =       287
Group and time vars:            subj visit      Number of groups   =        53
Link:                             identity      Obs per group: min =         2
Family:                           Gaussian                     avg =       5.4
Correlation:                         AR(1)                     max =         6
                                                Wald chi2(3)       =     64.55
Scale parameter:                  25.82413      Prob > chi2        =    0.0000

     dep |      Coef.   Std. Err.       z     P>|z|       [95% Conf. Interval]
     pre |   .4268002   .1376156      3.101   0.002       .1570785    .6965219
   group |  -4.218194   1.053504     -4.004   0.000      -6.283023   -2.153364
   visit |  -1.181975   .1907298     -6.197   0.000      -1.555799   -.8081517
   _cons |   9.037864   3.036076      2.977   0.003       3.087264    14.98846


Estimated within-subj correlation matrix R:

        c1      c2      c3      c4      c5      c6
r1  1.0000
r2  0.6812  1.0000
r3  0.4641  0.6812  1.0000
r4  0.3161  0.4641  0.6812  1.0000
r5  0.2154  0.3161  0.4641  0.6812  1.0000
r6  0.1467  0.2154  0.3161  0.4641  0.6812  1.000

This analysis probably more closely reflects the correlations among the depression scores over six visits that we observed in our descriptive analysis. However, we can carry our study of correlation structure one step further. What if we impose no preconceived notions about the correlations. In this instance, we will request an unstructured correlation matrix.

xtgee dep pre group visit, fam(gaus) link(iden) i(subj) t(visit) corr(unstr)

GEE population-averaged model                   Number of obs      =       295
Group and time vars:            subj visit      Number of groups   =        61
Link:                             identity      Obs per group: min =         1
Family:                           Gaussian                     avg =       4.8
Correlation:                  unstructured                     max =         6
                                                Wald chi2(3)       =     94.13
Scale parameter:                  25.87029      Prob > chi2        =    0.0000

     dep |      Coef.   Std. Err.       z     P>|z|       [95% Conf. Interval]
     pre |   .3399185   .1326684      2.562   0.010       .0798932    .5999437
   group |  -4.134413   .9986306     -4.140   0.000      -6.091693   -2.177133
   visit |  -1.228327   .1492831     -8.228   0.000      -1.520916   -.9357372
   _cons |   11.13045   2.892903      3.848   0.000       5.460464    16.80044


Estimated within-subj correlation matrix R:

        c1      c2      c3      c4      c5      c6
r1  1.0000
r2  0.4955  1.0000
r3  0.3477  0.8622  1.0000
r4  0.3012  0.7359  0.6677  1.0000
r5  0.2328  0.7431  0.7394  0.7701  1.0000
r6  0.0943  0.5671  0.5625  0.6166  0.7179  1.0000
/* compare with SAS proc mixed */

proc mixed data=temp;
  class group visit2;
  model dep = pre group visit / s;
  repeated visit2 / subject=subj type=ar(1);

( some output omitted )

                   Solution for Fixed Effects

Effect          Estimate      Error      DF    t Value    Pr > |t|
pre              0.4284      0.1365      58      3.14      0.0027
group           -4.0255      1.0267      58     -3.92      0.0002
visit           -1.2189      0.1866     233     -6.53      <.0001
Intercept        5.1198      3.0428      58      1.68      0.0978

It not that there is anything particularly wrong with this analysis but it does require that we estimate many more parameters than in the ar1 model. It is actually quite easy to run out of degrees of freedom when using unstructured correlations.

Now, let's back up and reconsider the group by visit interaction. We will try a model with the interaction using the ar1 correlations.

generate gxv = group*visit

xtgee dep pre group visit gxv, fam(gaus) link(iden) i(subj) t(visit) corr(ar1)

GEE population-averaged model                   Number of obs      =       287
Group and time vars:            subj visit      Number of groups   =        53
Link:                             identity      Obs per group: min =         2
Family:                           Gaussian                     avg =       5.4
Correlation:                         AR(1)                     max =         6
                                                Wald chi2(4)       =     64.83
Scale parameter:                  25.81682      Prob > chi2        =    0.0000

     dep |      Coef.   Std. Err.       z     P>|z|       [95% Conf. Interval]
     pre |   .4284649   .1377094      3.111   0.002       .1585595    .6983703
   group |   -3.55197   1.654127     -2.147   0.032         -6.794   -.3099395
   visit |  -1.057824   .3044115     -3.475   0.001      -1.654459   -.4611881
     gxv |  -.2040059   .3905217     -0.522   0.601      -.9694144    .5614026
   _cons |   8.606923   3.147897      2.734   0.006       2.437158    14.77669

The group by visit interaction still is not significant even though this may be a better approach for testing it. So far we have been treating visit as a continuous variable. Is it possible that our analysis might change if we were to treat visit as a categorical variable, the way that the anova did? Let's try one last analysis using xi to create dummy variables on-the-fly.

xi: xtgee dep pre group i.visit, fam(gaus) link(iden) i(subj) corr(ar1)

GEE population-averaged model                   Number of obs      =       287
Group and time vars:            subj visit      Number of groups   =        53
Link:                             identity      Obs per group: min =         2
Family:                           Gaussian                     avg =       5.4
Correlation:                         AR(1)                     max =         6
                                                Wald chi2(7)       =     66.85
Scale parameter:                  25.67071      Prob > chi2        =    0.0000

     dep |      Coef.   Std. Err.       z     P>|z|       [95% Conf. Interval]
     pre |   .4264589   .1372194      3.108   0.002       .1575137    .6954041
   group |  -4.197096   1.050645     -3.995   0.000      -6.256323   -2.137869
Ivisit_2 |   -.964717   .5556079     -1.736   0.083      -2.053689    .1242546
Ivisit_3 |  -2.790063   .7474989     -3.733   0.000      -4.255134   -1.324992
Ivisit_4 |  -3.730425   .8528421     -4.374   0.000      -5.401964   -2.058885
Ivisit_5 |  -5.127078   .9147959     -5.605   0.000      -6.920045   -3.334111
Ivisit_6 |   -5.84916   .9534054     -6.135   0.000        -7.7178    -3.98052
   _cons |   7.896145   2.998003      2.634   0.008       2.020168    13.77212
test Ivisit_2 Ivisit_3 Ivisit_4 Ivisit_5 Ivisit_6 

 ( 1)  Ivisit_2 = 0.0
 ( 2)  Ivisit_3 = 0.0
 ( 3)  Ivisit_4 = 0.0
 ( 4)  Ivisit_5 = 0.0
 ( 5)  Ivisit_6 = 0.0

           chi2(  5) =   40.56
         Prob > chi2 =    0.0000

The results are not very different from our previous analyses. In the final analysis, I think that I prefer the xtgee dep pre group visit, fam(gaus) link(iden) i(subj) t(visit) corr(ar1) analysis of all the analyses run so far.

Women with higher pretest scores on depression remained higher after treatment. Each point increase on the pretest was associated with about a .43 point increase on the predicted posttest depression score.

The results indicate that there was a significant effect for the estrogen patch when controlling for pretest depression and visit with estrogen path group being about 4 points lower on the depression scale.

There was also a significant visit effect when controlling for pretest depression and group membership.

Categorical Data Analysis Course

Phil Ender