Correspondence analysis represents yet one more method for analyzing data in contingency tables. Correspondence analysis was developed in France and is more commonly used in Europe than in North America. Correspondence analysis is a descriptive/exploratory technique designed to analyze two-way and multi-way tables containing measures of correspondence between the row and column variables. The results produced by correspondence analysis provide information which is similar to that produced by principal components or factor analysis. They allow one to explore the structure of the categorical variables included in the table.
Correspondence analysis seeks to represent the relationships among the categories of row and column variables with a smaller number of latent dimensions. It produces a graphical representation of the relationships between the row and column categories in the same space.
We will illustrate correspondence analysis using the ca command (new in Stata 9) with the hsb2 dataset. In looking at the relationship between race and ses there can be at most two dimensions. The maximum number of dimensions is the minimum(R-1, C-1). Since ses has three categories, C-1 = 2. In this example, as you will see, the first dimension accounts for about 98% of the variability, so there is really only one dimension.
Some terminology: Mass is just the relative frequencies for each of the marginal categorites. The total inertia is the chi-square value divided by N. It is partioned into parts for each of the dimensions. We can write inertia as the weighted sum of the chi-square distance between each profile and the mean profile.
Example 1
use,clear tabulate race ses, chi2 | ses race | low middle high | Total -------------+---------------------------------+---------- hispanic | 9 11 4 | 24 asian | 3 5 3 | 11 african-amer | 11 6 3 | 20 white | 24 73 48 | 145 -------------+---------------------------------+---------- Total | 47 95 58 | 200 Pearson chi2(6) = 18.5160 Pr = 0.005 /* row profile */ tabulate race ses, row nofreq | ses race | low middle high | Total -------------+---------------------------------+---------- hispanic | 37.50 45.83 16.67 | 100.00 asian | 27.27 45.45 27.27 | 100.00 african-amer | 55.00 30.00 15.00 | 100.00 white | 16.55 50.34 33.10 | 100.00 -------------+---------------------------------+---------- Total | 23.50 47.50 29.00 | 100.00 /* code to plot row profiles */ preserve contract race ses sort race by race: gen rsum = sum(_freq) by race: gen rpro = _freq/rsum[_N] drop _freq rsum reshape wide rpro, i(race) j(ses) /* findit triplot */ triplot rpro1 rpro2 rpro3Since both race and ses reflect socioeconomic factors, it is not surprising that they fall primarily onto a single dimension. Looking at the first graph shows that White and Asian are close to one another on Dimension 1, followed by Hispanic and further away African-American. The second graph indicates that high and middle ses are close to one another with low ses much further away. There is nothing in this analysis to contradict ones common sense interpretation of these variables.restore ca race ses, Correspondence analysis Number of obs = 200 Pearson chi2(6) = 18.52 Prob > chi2 = 0.0051 Total inertia = 0.0926 4 active rows Number of dim. = 2 3 active columns Expl. inertia (%) = 100.00 | singular principal cumul Dimensions | values inertia chi2 percent percent -------------+----------------------------------------------------------- dim 1 | .3009322 .0905602 18.11 97.82 97.82 dim 2 | .0449396 .0020196 0.40 2.18 100.00 -------------+----------------------------------------------------------- total | .0925798 18.52 100 Statistics for row and column categories in symmetric normalization | overall | dimension_1 | dimension_2 Categories | mass quality inertia | coord sqcorr contrib | coord sqcorr contrib -------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------- race | | | hispanic | 0.120 1.000 0.016 | 0.643 0.913 0.165 | 0.515 0.087 0.709 asian | 0.055 1.000 0.000 | 0.162 0.993 0.005 | -0.036 0.007 0.002 african-amer | 0.100 1.000 0.055 | 1.350 0.990 0.606 | -0.349 0.010 0.270 white | 0.725 1.000 0.020 | -0.305 0.998 0.224 | -0.034 0.002 0.019 -------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------- ses | | | low | 0.235 1.000 0.067 | 0.976 0.999 0.744 | -0.063 0.001 0.021 middle | 0.475 1.000 0.008 | -0.220 0.884 0.076 | 0.206 0.116 0.449 high | 0.290 1.000 0.017 | -0.431 0.938 0.179 | -0.287 0.062 0.531 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* for ethnic */ cabiplot , nocolumn yline(0) xline(0)
/* for ses */ cabiplot , norow yline(0) xline(0)
Example 2
Next, we will try the same correspondence analysis separately by gender with numeric results suppressed.
quietly ca race ses if ~female cabiplot , yline(0) xline(0)Example 3quietly ca race ses if female cabiplot , yline(0) xline(0)
This is an example from the Stata manual using the matrix version of the command, camat. The data are from a 5x4 table giving the amount an individual smokes along with their job rank in a corporation.
level of smoking job rank none light medium heavy sen_mngr 4 2 3 2 jun_mngr 4 3 7 4 sen_empl 25 10 12 4 jun_employ 18 24 33 13 secr 10 6 7 2
matrix F = ( 4,2,3,2 \ 4,3,7,4 \ 25,10,12,4 \ 18,24,33,13 \ 10,6,7,2 ) matrix colnames F = none light medium heavy matrix rownames F = sen_mngr jun_mngr sen_empl jun_employ secr camat F, rowname(rank) colname(smoking) plot Correspondence analysis Number of obs = 193 Pearson chi2(12) = 16.44 Prob > chi2 = 0.1718 Total inertia = 0.0852 5 active rows Number of dim. = 2 4 active columns Expl. inertia (%) = 99.51 | singular principal cumul Dimensions | values inertia chi2 percent percent -------------+----------------------------------------------------------- dim 1 | .2734211 .0747591 14.43 87.76 87.76 dim 2 | .1000859 .0100172 1.93 11.76 99.51 dim 3 | .0203365 .0004136 0.08 0.49 100.00 -------------+----------------------------------------------------------- total | .0851899 16.44 100 Statistics for row and column categories in symmetric normalization | overall | dimension_1 Categories | mass quality inertia | coord sqcorr contrib -------------+---------------------------+--------------------------- rank | | sen mngr | 0.057 0.893 0.003 | 0.126 0.092 0.003 jun mngr | 0.093 0.991 0.012 | -0.495 0.526 0.084 sen empl | 0.264 1.000 0.038 | 0.728 0.999 0.512 jun employ | 0.456 1.000 0.026 | -0.446 0.942 0.331 secr | 0.130 0.999 0.006 | 0.385 0.865 0.070 -------------+---------------------------+--------------------------- smoking | | none | 0.316 1.000 0.049 | 0.752 0.994 0.654 light | 0.233 0.984 0.007 | -0.190 0.327 0.031 medium | 0.321 0.983 0.013 | -0.375 0.982 0.166 heavy | 0.130 0.995 0.016 | -0.562 0.684 0.150 --------------------------------------------------------------------- | dimension_2 Categories | coord sqcorr contrib -------------+--------------------------- rank | sen mngr | 0.612 0.800 0.214 jun mngr | 0.769 0.465 0.551 sen empl | 0.034 0.001 0.003 jun employ | -0.183 0.058 0.152 secr | -0.249 0.133 0.081 -------------+--------------------------- smoking | none | 0.096 0.006 0.029 light | -0.446 0.657 0.463 medium | -0.023 0.001 0.002 heavy | 0.625 0.310 0.506 -----------------------------------------As with the previous example, there is only one significant dimension although dimension 2 does account for nearly 12%. The smoking categories are reasonably ordered along dimension 1 from "heavy" to "none." The job rank categories might be order by seniority, especially if secretaries tend to be with the company longer than junior employees and junior managers.cabiplot , nocolumn yline(0) xline(0)
cabiplot , norow yline(0) xline(0)
Multiple Correspondence Analysis Example
Using the user written command mca (findit mca) we will demonstrate a multiple correspondence analysis.
mca race ses prog, d(2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MULTIPLE CORRESPONDENCE ANALYSIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Inertia : 0.053 Principal Inertia Components : Inertia Share Cumul Dim1 0.040 0.751 0.751 Dim2 0.012 0.225 0.976 Coordinates : Mass Inertia Dim1 Dim2 race_1 0.040 0.004 -0.273 -0.120 race_2 0.018 0.001 -0.023 0.245 race_3 0.033 0.008 -0.447 0.173 race_4 0.242 0.003 0.109 -0.023 ses_1 0.078 0.011 -0.357 0.128 ses_2 0.158 0.003 0.002 -0.123 ses_3 0.097 0.009 0.286 0.098 prog_1 0.075 0.003 -0.169 0.113 prog_2 0.175 0.005 0.161 0.046 prog_3 0.083 0.006 -0.185 -0.197 Explained inertia of axes : Dim1 Dim2 race_1 0.0749 0.0483 race_2 0.0002 0.0921 race_3 0.1665 0.0832 race_4 0.0714 0.0103 ses_1 0.2505 0.1077 ses_2 0.0000 0.2003 ses_3 0.1984 0.0769 prog_1 0.0538 0.0800 prog_2 0.1130 0.0303 prog_3 0.0713 0.2709 Contributions of principal axes : Dim1 Dim2 race_1 0.8161 0.1578 race_2 0.0067 0.7550 race_3 0.8554 0.1282 race_4 0.9557 0.0412 ses_1 0.8833 0.1138 ses_2 0.0002 0.9497 ses_3 0.8873 0.1031 prog_1 0.6244 0.2782 prog_2 0.9081 0.0730 prog_3 0.4666 0.5316![]()