Advanced Statistics

The hsb2 Dataset

The hsb2 dataset is taken from a national survey of high school seniors. Two hundred observation were randomly sampled from the High School and Beyond survey. Descriptive statistics and exploratory data analysis are shown below.

Here is the list of variables in the file.

  obs:           200    highschool and beyond (200 cases)
 vars:            12    28 Feb 2005 09:25
variable name   type   about the variable 
id              scale  student id                  
female        nominal  (0/1)        
race          nominal  ethnicity (1=hispanic 2=asian 3=african-amer 4=white)        
ses           ordinal  (1=low 2=middle 3=high)           
schtyp        nominal  type of school (1=public 2=private)
prog          nominal  type of program (1=general 2=academic 3=vocational)
read            scale  standardized reading score
write           scale  standardized writing score
math            scale  standardized math score
science         scale  standardized science score
socst           scale  standardized social studies score
hon           nominal  honors english (0/1)
Note: There may be issues in viewing the SPSS output pdf file in Internet Explorer. If you are having difficulty, try using Firefox.

Further note: Some SPSS output may be deleted to keep the file from being too long.

SPSS syntax file

get file='/Users/ender2/data/spss/hsb2.sav'.
frequencies variables=female race ses schtyp prog hon .

  /tables=prog BY female
  /tables ses by female .

descriptives variables=read write math science socst
  /statistics=mean stddev variance min max kurtosis skewness .

examine variables=read write math science socst
  /plot=stemleaf histogram
  /statistics=none .

examine variables=write by prog
  /statistics=none .

SPSS output

Advance Statistics

Phil Ender, 5Jan98